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Just an observation

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Not to rant or anything, but I wish being a "conservative Christian" had not taken such divisive overtones as it has around here lately. sigh


To be clear, I am a Christian and I hold certain things to be true. If you really would like to know, the Apostles Creed pretty much covers it. If you want to label it, I have done it for you, I am an Irish Baptist. Make of that what you will. ;)


That having been said, the greatest commandment is to "Love One Another".

Which, in my opinion, leaves absolutely zero room for judging anyone else.

Not their reading, not their viewing, not their curricula choices, not their parenting, not how they dress or if they indulge in alcohol or tobacco.

Nada. Zip, zero, zilch. :chillpill:


I adore Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia and The Lightning Thief.

I am pretty fond of a beer or a glass of wine in the evening. Some days, I am pretty sure it is mandatory. :cheers2:


I read my kids mythology and they are exposed to great works of art even if there is nudity. Especially if our tour guide is a little bucktoothed nun fond of making salacious comments, most of which go over their heads.


While I don't allow my kids to watch them yet, Joss Whedon's series are my very favorites and I can't wait to share them with the kids when they are older.


I hate Disney, Nickelodeon, PBS kids shows and don't allow any of them. (except Hannah Montana and Cyber Chase and I don't intend to defend my position :D)


My children will fail miserably at any Trivial Pursuit games from their generation unless it involves current events or geography. I am ok with this.


I think you all have something wonderful to offer and I love being a part of this community.


Flame on if you like, I will be covering my ears and chanting la la la la.:lol:

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I am a conservative Christian also, and while I've seen some posts that haven't totally thrilled me, I basically ignore them. But I'm not sure what you mean about the things "lately". Maybe I don't want to know.


Anyway, I definitely wasn't always either conservative, or a Christian, so unless someone is spewing hate, I'm not bothered. Because that could have, and probably was me at one time!:001_smile:

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Do what you want. We are all accountable to the Lord only. But sometimes someone will add additional information about what is acceptable in their household simply in order to narrow the search parameters, so to speak. In that case, simply indulge their request for non-fantasy books (or whatever). It irks me when someone makes a simple request like that and people jump in to tell them how "off" their parameters are.


BTW - I'm not disagreeing with you but am providing what I think is balance.

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Do what you want. We are all accountable to the Lord only. But sometimes someone will add additional information about what is acceptable in their household simply in order to narrow the search parameters, so to speak. In that case, simply indulge their request for non-fantasy books (or whatever). It irks me when someone makes a simple request like that and people jump in to tell them how "off" their parameters are.


BTW - I'm not disagreeing with you but am providing what I think is balance.


I don't mind additional information nor am I "dogging" some of the really well done threads in these areas. I agree about the "irk" and that was one of the things on my mind when I was pondering and writing.

Balance is a good thing. :)

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Oh great, my thread pissed someone off.


Please don't think that, b/c I asked for help discerning what is right for my family I was REALLY asking what is right, period. I don't ask that here.


I get so tired having to tread carefully and not offend--I hate offending people. I hate being seen as judgemental (which is seen as a bad thing) because I've chosen to believe in a way that necessarily excludes other beliefs. It's connected to my wanting to be accepted, but it's also connected to not wanting anyone to be turned off to what I believe because of the way I am or the way I present those beliefs.


Ok, that was my little ranty contribution.

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I guess I just don't see a need to justify all the details of my conservatism or Christianity or whatever. LOL We like Harry Potter (etc.) and lots of others don't. Sometimes it's the other way around. Big whoop. :D


I've been coming here long enough to know that this place doesn't serve any need to fit into a specific group, IF that were a need. This board doesn't really cater to any subgroup (anymore? ever?) and realizing that will make you a much happier participant. lol

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Oh great, my thread pissed someone off.


Please don't think that, b/c I asked for help discerning what is right for my family I was REALLY asking what is right, period. I don't ask that here.


I get so tired having to tread carefully and not offend--I hate offending people. I hate being seen as judgemental (which is seen as a bad thing) because I've chosen to believe in a way that necessarily excludes other beliefs. It's connected to my wanting to be accepted, but it's also connected to not wanting anyone to be turned off to what I believe because of the way I am or the way I present those beliefs.


Ok, that was my little ranty contribution.



Okay, now I get where you're coming from!


I've just been reading the threads, but not really saying anything much if it's a semi-controversal subject. You, are a brave woman that doesn't mind voicing her opinions, but it's getting you in trouble, right?


I do feel for you there, because I've seen a lot of posts where people have taken offense, even thought the poster didn't seem to be trying to get anything negative going.


I guess I still feel it's important to state your opinion, especially if you're answering someone's question, and actually trying to help. And if someone takes offense, so be it. I don't know if I would respond back, because I've done that once or twice and have regretted it.

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Oh great, my thread pissed someone off.


Please don't think that, b/c I asked for help discerning what is right for my family I was REALLY asking what is right, period. I don't ask that here.


I get so tired having to tread carefully and not offend--I hate offending people. I hate being seen as judgemental (which is seen as a bad thing) because I've chosen to believe in a way that necessarily excludes other beliefs. It's connected to my wanting to be accepted, but it's also connected to not wanting anyone to be turned off to what I believe because of the way I am or the way I present those beliefs.


Ok, that was my little ranty contribution.


Dear Chris,

It wasn't you specifically, more of a trend and I had time to write. I think everyone needs to do what is right for their family and I wasn't picking on you so much as poking fun of myself.

So many times I post a thought or two to try to help someone who has asked and then someone smarter, wiser and more grace than I posts and then I wish I had not.

I posted under my own thread and not your question so as to separate the two. I really wasn't picking on you. Not judging see? :D

I carried over a bit of a chip from FB where I am constantly being judged for being a "right wing, Christian, homeschooling" freak when I am really just me.

Your question was totally legit and forgive me if I hurt your feelings.

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I carried over a bit of a chip from FB where I am constantly being judged for being a "right wing, Christian, homeschooling" freak when I am really just me.



It is really funny to me how one can be a raging conservative in one crowd and a crazy, bleeding heart liberal in another crowd. Nobody fits in the neat boxes people want to stick them in.

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It is really funny to me how one can be a raging conservative in one crowd and a crazy, bleeding heart liberal in another crowd. Nobody fits in the neat boxes people want to stick them in.


:iagree: I couldn't have said it better myself. It seems that in some groups I am conservative yet in others I am way too liberal. :glare:


And I agree with the OP's original thoughts. Especially the part of loving your neighbor and that including zip, zero, zilch judgement on them whether you "agree" with them or not.


Oh, BTW... We do watch Disney and Nick. My kids love I Carly, Drake and Josh, The Suite Life of Zack and Cody and gasp.... Spongebob!! :D We also love Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and Narnia.


All that rubbish and guess what, we're Christian too!! :svengo:


Now please, I kindly request that there be no judging or tomato throwing my way. Zip, zero, zilch and all that. ;)

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It is really funny to me how one can be a raging conservative in one crowd and a crazy, bleeding heart liberal in another crowd. Nobody fits in the neat boxes people want to stick them in.





...and we let ours watch PBS Kids, our FIVE year old has seen LOTR, and she LOVED it (oh, I wish you could've heard the audible gasp some of my friends made), sometimes let them go to McDonald's (today for example) and when the time comes, I'm sure they'll read HP, and that Lightning Kid Son of Zeus book.


I have many friends who wouldn't do ANY of these, and we all confess Christ as our common bond! We are able to fellowship together on Sunday morning because of this.


BUT I don't go around bragging that "I let MY girls do XYZ" because of Romans 14 and I Cor. 8:13...

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I stuck that quote on our school room door and now I only need to glance at my dd 9 when she gets her s wrong and she'll tell me that she DOES like kittens, that they DO NOT DIE,.... she's getting her s sorted!;)



Too funny!:lol::rofl::smilielol5:


In addition to opinions on yoga, cuisenaire rods, etc we need to know your thoughts on crockpots.

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I'm a total outsider here' date=' but I am a conservative Christian and did not join the forum discussions sooner because of hostility that I saw when I first happened upon this board. I am happy to report that, at least to this outsider, this forum board seems a lot friendlier than before. ;)[/quote']


Glad you joined! I'm a newbie too, and have learned that mostly everyone plays nice, but no one is ever afraid to share their opinions. Sometimes that leads to bluntness, but I don't think it crosses into mean spiritedness.

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