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Planning for 4th grade. HELP, Please


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I'm starting to plan for 4th grade and am feeling a little overwhelmed. We are currently doing math, grammar, problem solving, & vocabulary. I'm still struggling with Science. We're slowly reading through SOTWI and we tried The Big Book of Latin, but that's way too much. Conjugating verbs is just way too much for all of us! We're going to just do the basic vocabulary. I think that's the important thing. But what else. Is something missing? What worked for you guys in 4th grade?



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What we are using or going to use:


Saxon 6/5

Rod and Staff Grammar 3 (she went to public school last year and I didn't want to skip 3)--contains writing, too


Positive Action For Christ Bible series, 4th grade

McHenry's The Elements (Haven't started this, but it is GREAT--science is always my nemisis--check it out)--I can also recommend Home Science Adventures--birds and microscope are good, and would get you thru the rest of the year painlessly

Prima Latina (restarting this after doing about 11 lessons in second grade--it's a great introduction, and we like the prayers, too)

Geography by doing some of the Geography Songs and learning about Africa

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I have started planning for 4th grade (wow...that is scary!) and here is what I have so far:


Math...Right Start and possibly some Math Mammoth



Spelling...Phonetic Zoo

History...American History piecing together my own using the Time Traveler CDs as a starting point

Science...NOEO Physics I or piecing together my own thing and following our interests

Latin...Latin for Children

Art Instruction...Atelier and Artistic Pursuits

Picture/Artist Study

Composer Study

Nature Study

Also Mind Benders, Keyboarding, ETC (he doesn't need these, but he likes doing them)


I know I am forgetting something...:tongue_smilie:

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This is what I am planning for 4th grade (blows me away too that I'm going to have a 4th grader!):

-WWE 4

-MCT Island level


-finishing Miquon/starting Singapore/supplementing Life of Fred

-SOTW 3/4 (we're kind of on the half-year here)

-Singapore MPH 3/4 science

-Latin for Children A

-Meet the Masters

-Spanish (I think we're going to get Discovery Streaming and do Elementary Spanish)

-P.E. class (plus baseball and swimming)

-hopefully continue nature study and picture/artist study

-I have no idea what to do for music


I think that's it. I like the feel of the Singapore MPH for science as I'm very bad at making sure I plan science. There's experiments in it, but it is also already written and I don't have to create anything. ;) Art is easier now, too, because we do MtM once a month with friends. I try, once a week during non-MtM weeks to do an artist/picture study where I try and teach them small techniques for recreating the artist's work (with my limited art knowledge :)). Oh, and I have Mavis Beacon to start him on keyboarding skills.

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This is what we have been or are starting to use for our 4th grade year.


Simply Spelling

Intermediate Langauge Lessons

We are picking Writing Tales back up...we took a break to concentrate on spelling for a bit.

I have Latin 4 Children sitting on the shelf but somehow it never gets done!

MUS + Math Mammoth

Just started Biblioplan Ancients and I'm having her read Kingfisher and give me narrations.

She's an avid reader, but I'm working on an assigned reading list for the rest of the year!


We also use Home Educator's Tutor for our nature study, hymn, poetry, folk song, composer and artist study.

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We are in the throes of fourth grade. Here's what we've used this year :)


Spelling - All About Spelling

Grammar - Editor in Chief & Junior Analytical Grammar, then switched to MCT

Vocab - Vocab from Classical Roots 4, switched to MCT

Writing - Writing Tales 2, Classical Writing Homer A, then, well - you guessed it - switched to MCT. Plus cross-curricular writing a la WTM.

Reading - books I pulled together from various lists

Math - Life of Fred & Key to... books

Science - various physics kits (Science in a Nutshell, Thames & Kosmos) plus various living books (see my signature)

History - SOTW 4 + AG mapwork + summaries + LOTS of extra reading - overview books, history books, and biographies

Latin - Lively Latin


I farm out the fine arts. :)

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This is what I will be using:

TOG year 2 (my oldest will be in 8th grade next year. TOG allows me to teach my three kids with the same curriculum)---History/ Bible/ Writing

More Language Arts:

Easy Grammar 3 / 4 (I have an old book, they separate them now)

Write and Draw Through History for Cursive

Zaner-Bloser Writing Program

SpellingCity.com for Spelling

Readers from the library (I use Sonlight, Winter Promise, Vertia Press for lists)

Read Alouds (TOG, Sonlight, etc..)

Typing--she started this year in the 3rd grade with JumpStart Typing


Math Advantage by HartCourt

Mammoth Math

TimezAttack and other computer based programs


Chemistry--not decided yet on what to use


SOS Spanish


Piano Lessons (with practice every day)

Art and P.E

Our enrichment group provide these


American Heritage Girls--Christian Scouts Program

Children’s Church Choir :tongue_smilie:

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My younger dd's doing 4th this year:


Math: Singapore 4a/b, Math Detective, Math Mosaics, Code Breakers, Venn Perplexors, will do LOF Fractions this summer

LA: WWE3, Outside writing class, some Island level MCT, Getty-Dubay Penmanship, Sequential Spelling 2, Outlining book, Editor in Chief, Word Roots, Typing Instructor for Kids

Science: Mr Q. Life Science, Science Detective

History: Tagging along with older sisters with homemade history curric.

Geography: Map Skills book

Spanish: Entre Amigos, El Español con juegos y actividades

German: German Sat. School

Music: Piano, chorus

Art: Outside class

Logic: Grid Perplexors

PE: Ballet, skating

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You can click on the link in my sig to see what my 4th grader is doing this year.


We've also added Italian and typing.

For extracurricular, she does homeschool swim & gym once a week, Catechesis of the Good Shepherd at church, and a couple of enrichment classes at another homeschool program.

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Are you doing any handwriting, composition, spelling, and literature? How about art, music, and P.E. or a sport?


We are doing WWE, so we are doing some of that stuff. We do piano & violin, gymnastics and dance, but art is just like science, next to impossible for me.

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We are doing WWE, so we are doing some of that stuff. We do piano & violin, gymnastics and dance, but art is just like science, next to impossible for me.


I can identify with the sentiments about art. Do you have any art museums nearby that offer classes? We have a couple within 30 to 60 minutes that offer homeschool classes. Right now we're doing one that introduces the kids to the basics and exposes them to art done by great artists who have used the techniques they are learning.


Also, for science have you looked at R.E.A.L. science Odyssey by Pandia Press? We're doing the Chemistry right now (in third grade) and it's been pretty good. After getting familiar with some terms and concepts, we are now learning about different groups from the Periodic Table. With each group we learn about two or three different elements (their symbols, important facts, etc.), do an experiment related to one of the elements, and make a page for our Table of Elements lapbook.

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Do you have a homeschool group or coop nearby that could work for that? I have found that art and science (especially the experiment portions) rarely get done here without outside help. I've tried so many different science curriculum it's scary! The one that worked best for us was Christian Kids Explore Biology. Short lessons, and you can always add more library books to it if you have time, but you still get plenty without adding anything.


I will have one in 4th next year, and here is what we have planned so far:

Horizons Math 4

JAG (he will finish FLL 4 this year, but I would highly recommend it if you haven't done it yet) May add Daily Grams

Spelling Workout

Wordly Wise

Abeka Read & Think Skills

copywork, dictation, and either IEW or Writing Trails

new Latin program by LOGOS (can't remember the name)


age-appropriate, time-period Classic Literature with summaries

trying to decide between Easy Classical & BiblioPlan for history, geo, & Bible--we also study Catechism and will do family Bible study


clueless about science, as usual:0) May just do unit studies as older ones will be getting science at coop


hopefully, art at coop, music appreciation via classical composers books and cds I may splurge on Meet the Masters, but don't know when I would fit it in.

plays golf, soccer, and daily exercises

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I have somewhat of a plan in place for next year but knowing me, it will change several times before then. Here is what I have so far

LA: WWE & imitation in writing, spelling power, ILL

Literature: Ambleside year 3

Math: Saxon 54

History: SOTW 2

Science: Unit & nature studies also looking at REAL science odyssey

French: N'allenart l'art de lire

Ambleside art/composer study


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We are in the midst of planning 4th grade, and we are a little off cycle with the WTM, but here's my plan for ds thus far...


Handwriting: Happy Scribe copybooks

Grammar & Writing: Intermediate Language Lessons combined with Wordsmith Apprentice

Reading: I am putting together a list of "to be read" books for ds

Spelling: The Natural Speller

Vocabulary: English From the Roots Up (maybe, haven't quite decided on this one)

Math: Saxon Math 54

History: SOTW 2 with activity book and extra read-alouds

Science: Earth and Space, using the Kingfisher Young People's Book(s) of Planet Earth and Space as spines, with hands-on activities & supplementary reading

Music & Art Appreciation: Study of an artist and a composer every month. I might have ds thoroughly analyze a painting a month in Art Fraud Detective, and then we could view other works by the same artists.

Language: We may do Spanish (or another language) with Rosetta Stone.

Other: Homeschool 4H, which is projects-based, not animals. Tap, gymnastics, or tae kwon do lessons for P.E.


For hands-on art, I haven't decided yet. We've had art classes at the charter school we're registered through, but we're registering on our own next year. I could teach them art (college certificate in that), just need to come up with a plan!

Edited by momto2Cs
to add Language and Other
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For our 4th grade next year:

History/Literature/Reading: TOG year 4

Spelling: Megawords 1/2

Writing: Writing Aids with Wordsmith Apprentice

Math: Singapore 5b/6A

LA: R&S 4

Science: Sonlight Science 5


Adding mindbenders...and some Bible study...Typing? I'd like to try and add some art and music appreciation that flows with TOG suggestions, we'll see how my soon to be 3 year old is doing with the noise levels...


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My 4th grade dd this year:


Math: Saxon 65

History: finish SOTW 2 and start SOTW 3

Geography: Map Skills book

Reading: BJU Reading 5 and 2 Progeny Press guides

LA: Intermediate Language Lesson,

Shurley Grammar 6,

Winston Grammar,

KISS Grammar, and a diagramming book (I basically use it all but not all of it, she gets bored easily)

Science: making up my own using BJU grades 4, 5, and 6 with Considering God's Creation and TOPS

Bible: AWANA

Art: at a fine arts program

Music: piano, choir

Latin: Latina Christiana I (using derivatives for vocabulary and spelling)



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My 4th grader happens to be very compliant and does a lot of work pretty quickly. Here is what he does.


Math: RS E; just finished RS D


English: SWO D. WWE. FLL 4, Literature from WTM logic stage recommendations for Ancients, Story Elements


German: Rosetta Stone, speaking with me


History: SOTW 1, incl. extra reading, projects etc.


Science: he picks the topic! What he has done thus far: All the experiments in the chemistry section from "How Science Works", "The Elements" and "Body Basics". He is currently completing a Volcano Kit by Elenco and we'll keep going with earth-related topics for now.


Art: We read 1 page/week in Usborne Art History and do 1 project a week (whatever we feel like doing)


Music: Piano Lesson once a week, daily practice; listening to "Classics for Kids" once a week; Read a double page spread in "The Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra".


Latin: PowerGlide German

Greek Alphabet


Sport/PE: Competetive Soccer, HomeSchool PE Class


He also does some typing, handwriting, mindbenders.


Now that I wrote this all down, it seems like a lot. However, we are pretty relaxed. If we wanted to we could get everything done by noon or 1::pm at the latest. We don't ususally do that and take our time until about 3:00 with lots of time to play inbetween.



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I'm starting to plan for 4th grade and am feeling a little overwhelmed. We are currently doing math, grammar, problem solving, & vocabulary. I'm still struggling with Science. We're slowly reading through SOTWI and we tried The Big Book of Latin, but that's way too much. Conjugating verbs is just way too much for all of us! We're going to just do the basic vocabulary. I think that's the important thing. But what else. Is something missing? What worked for you guys in 4th grade?


My son is 4th grade this year and this is what's working for us:


Noeo Science; Biology Level 2. We love it!

Latin for Children: love it, but we are going through it slowly because we don't always have time

History Odyssey Level 2 Love it!


My strange "hit" in vocabulary has been a little Scholastic vocabulary book. It is meant to be a reproduceables-type, but I just use it as a workbook. It was cheap and it's quick and effective.


We use Sequential Spelling, Critical Thinking Company's Language Mechanics and WWE. We use MUS for math and when he finishes Epsilon, we'll move on to LOF Fractions.


I'm super-comfy with all his materials and next year figures to be all the same materials.

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We are doing WWE, so we are doing some of that stuff. We do piano & violin, gymnastics and dance, but art is just like science, next to impossible for me.


piano, violin and dance - those are in the fine arts. ;)

My 3rd grader gets art once a week at an enrichment school and art classes at the local art museum. I'm a computer systems engineer - I just don't do art - straight lines and monochromatic are my style. I also don't do music - I know I need to, but after my older learned the recorder, cello, harmonica, and trombone I can't get enthusiastic about listening to the kids practice until they get past the point of sounding like they are killing their instrument.



I've kept science very low-key for elementary school. I have a good supply of science books - both encyclopedia type and living book type. I read something about science with them weekly, we watch a science video or show (mythbusters, popular mechanics for kids, magic school bus, discovery kids ultimate guide to the awesome) , and I have science experiment kits for them to explore. We also frequent the natural science museum, aquarium, zoo, and nature parks. They have a great foundation in science and a terrific love of it. When they hit middle school age, I plan to start a more formal science sequence.

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I started planning 4th grade last night. Here is what I have so far:

History - Famous Men of Greece with the Sutcliff versions of the Iliad and the Odyssey and the Greek Alphabet Code Cracker.

-- continue with an American History strand based on reading

-- continue to supplement with Our Island Story audio because she loves it

-- the younger dd will start an Egyptian history strand so I am pretty sure this dd will get some of this too.


French - we'll continue with Rosetta Stone

LA - planning to use MCT Town level

art - continue art classes at the museum

Literature - continue following her interest in classics - she's reading Little Women right now and has a list of books she wants to read.

Math - we should be in Saxon 6/5 or 7/6 next year plus whatever level of Life of Fred. We are in LoF Fractions right now.


I think that is all - we'll probably continue our relaxed science.

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is doing:


Saxon6/5, moved into Saxon 7/6

Biology (Apologia) with older sisters, supplement with Magic School Bus, etc.

Rosetta Stone Latin 1

Story of the World Vol. 4

Maps & Geography workbook pages

Typing Instructor

many different English resources

God and the History of Art

Soccer (indoor and outdoor)



BTW, this is pretty different from what the older girls did in 4th, but the dynamic here is ever-changing, lol.


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Here's what I'm planning so far:


Math: RS D/E, CWP, and possibly LOF fractions or Key to fractions


LA: WWE 3/4, MCT, AAS, continue with ABCD and REWARDS if needed


Science: Singapore MPH 3/4


History: SOTW


Foreign language: German and start Latin (haven't decided on Latin program)

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I currently have a fourth grader. This is what we are doing:


CLE math 4 (I L.O.V.E. CLE math. Love it.)

-Math Detective as a supplement


Meaningful Composition 4

AAS level 2 (kinda. Dd9 is a good speller.)

LfC A- This is a really fun Latin program. My kids love it.

MFW ECC for Geography and Science- MFW is a fabulous program, but a little redundant for us.


Dd takes Piano, Clarinet, and PE lessons. Currently, we have put aside MEF-ECC for a more Unit Study approach. We will be doing a unit study/lapbook on the Solar System, Presidents, and then the Periodic Table. Fourth grade, for me anyway, is sort of the last year to just have fun and learn random stuff before you buckle down and enter middle school. Enjoy it!

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