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Prayer Request

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My daughter's soon to be MIL has been diagnosed with a fast-growing breast cancer this week (nothing on her mammogram 9 months ago, now it is 4+ cm). She will have a CT scan on Wednesday, the family start arriving Thursday, the rehearsal dinner is Friday, then wedding Saturday (1/16). She will meet with the surgeon on 1/21 and then have a double mastectomy on 1/22 (while the kids are still on their honeymoon). She will begin chemo two weeks later.


Also, our pastor will not be able to conduct the wedding, and we've had to default to our youth pastor (who loves our kids and will conduct a nice ceremony)...but 8 days before a wedding adds a little bit of stress for us.


Please pray as you are led. Thank you for your years of friendship and support.



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Same thing happened to me (clear mamo then fast growing b-cancer)--except it was MY mother and she did not tell anyone until the week after the wedding (January wedding too).

It was a hard way to start a marriage--but in a strange way it DID bring DH and I closer together--we needed each other for support those first few years.

Prayers and Huggs--


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We lost my MIL to a very aggressive breast cancer two summers ago. She only missed one mammogram....


God has a plan, and His plans, timelines, and events are all for our good... even when we don't understand or like the plan.


I will truly be praying for all of you...this must be so hard on the kids....



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Thank you all so much for the prayers! Specific requests are that the cancer has not spread, and that she can make it through the ceremony without sobbing too much. She is having a hard time controlling her emotions (not surprisingly!), but she doesn't want to make a spectacle of herself and disrupt the kids' enjoyment of their special day.


The doctors think it is stage II or stage III cancer; she'll know more after her CT scan.


Thank you all for your prayer support! (((WTM Friends)))

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I'm going to be out of my classroom tomorrow and Friday, and the woman who was going to sub for me lost her father-in-law last night (her husband is one of my coworkers) after a long battle with Alzheimer's. So, please pray that we'll find another appropriate sub (math and science is not the easiest to find a sub for!), and that the CT scan today for my dd's MIL goes well.



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Outstanding news...my dd's MIL has a much smaller tumor than we thought, and the cancer has not spread anywhere outside the breast tissue! :) So, she's much more able to focus on the wedding, and the rehearsal dinner went very smoothly tonight.


Yes, I am really up at 1:30 a.m. the night of my daughter's 11 a.m. wedding. We just finished printing the programs (LOL) and making up the bouquets. I think nearly everything is ready for tomorrow's big day...and if not, it wasn't important enough to get done.


One funny note...my daughter's wedding cake COLLAPSED. Yep, it looked like the leaning tower of Pisa. We managed to rescue the top three layers (this is what happens with a FIVE layer cake, people), and the bottom two layers will just be sliced and served from the kitchen. GRIN. It will be a story, anyway, and will soon rival the Dr. Horrible and Penny marriage proposal (in full costume on Halloween) and the many other unusual twists in their love affair. :)


Thanks for being a praying people!

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I survived the weekend, didn't cry at the wedding, was able to do *ALL* of the things I wanted to do as "mother of the bride" and only lost my voice (LOL) to pay for it all.


Enjoy the pictures!






Congratulations! Beautiful wedding! What was with the tennis shoes? LOL! My dd is thinking of a June wedding. They are growing up, aren't they. :001_unsure:

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Congratulations! Beautiful wedding! What was with the tennis shoes? LOL! My dd is thinking of a June wedding. They are growing up, aren't they. :001_unsure:


The Chucky-T's were their idea from very early on...they thought, "Why spend money on all this stuff we'll never wear again?" So, M&M ordered embroidered shoes from Converse, and had the others buy theirs locally. I thought it was perfect for the candy-and-cartoon wedding theme they had planned. :)


We had a candy bar where all the children loaded up on sugar (grin) and Mallory decorated all the tables with art she had drawn for her by artist friends who she knows from her online community at deviantart (all of whom wished they could come to the wedding, but weren't able to travel here). That, coupled with the tennis shoes, made the day a perfect fit for them.


Also, I did all the food for the wedding (no caterer), all the flowers for the wedding (no florist), and all the decorations and pretty much everything else except for the dresses! LOL! It was truly special to be able to give my daughter her dream wedding all by myself...with the limitless help of dozens of my church friends and quilting friends and family from out of town, of course. They descended on the the church like an army. It was AWESOME to behold. :)



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The Chucky-T's were their idea from very early on...they thought, "Why spend money on all this stuff we'll never wear again?" So, M&M ordered embroidered shoes from Converse, and had the others buy theirs locally. I thought it was perfect for the candy-and-cartoon wedding theme they had planned. :)


We had a candy bar where all the children loaded up on sugar (grin) and Mallory decorated all the tables with art she had drawn for her by artist friends who she knows from her online community at deviantart (all of whom wished they could come to the wedding, but weren't able to travel here). That, coupled with the tennis shoes, made the day a perfect fit for them.


Also, I did all the food for the wedding (no caterer), all the flowers for the wedding (no florist), and all the decorations and pretty much everything else except for the dresses! LOL! It was truly special to be able to give my daughter her dream wedding all by myself...with the limitless help of dozens of my church friends and quilting friends and family from out of town, of course. They descended on the the church like an army. It was AWESOME to behold. :)




Now THAT sounds like a fun, thrifty, all-parties-involved wedding! Gee, I'd like to get married all over again just to plan something fun like this! Mine was thrifty and many people helped and it didn't cost much, but I never thought of planning around a fun theme. How FUN!


Glad everything went well and that your dd's MIL is doing OK.

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