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I know that there has been a lot of debate and lots of questions about Life of Fred. I just had something happen that may help people make up their minds one way or another.


I have loved Life of Fred from the moment I went to the website. I think it is wonderful and funny and it helped my daughter finally "get" Algebra. I also love the fact that you can email the author for help. Which we have done. I have emailed him a total of 4 times over the course of 11 months. *4* times. And this is the response I got today...


There is a line between helping my readers with a problem or two and tutoring the subject.

I think we have started to cross that line. Years ago, when I did one-on-one tutoring, I charged $50/hour. Today it's up closer to $100/hour.

If I am to help as many people as possible, I feel that I should spend the bulk of my time writing and not so much time helping.


Needless to say I will no longer continue with Life of Fred or endorse it here on the forums. I do not think 4 emails in 11 months would be considered "tutoring". I do not know everything, and I could be wrong but when I hire a tutor for my child I expect much, much more than help with just *4* problems.

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I'm sure he wasn't singling you out. But you have to consider that if he's sold several thousand copies of a text, personally answering even four questions from each user adds up to a lot of his time.


Perhaps someone should suggest that he set up a message board where users can help each other, similar to what Singapore Math has.

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Wow, I am amazed that an author would have any time to answer individual emails! Really cool of him to take time to answer four times! I know some authors are able to, willing to, and consider that part of their mission. Some companies do this, like BJU.

Others don't have the time, and I think that is OK, too. But I personally would not expect it, or be offended when he feels he no longer has time. I have never emailed an author with ANY questions, so I can see where maybe asking more than one is considered more than one is willing to do. I wonder if every LOF user asked 4 questions in a year's time, just how much time that would take for the author to respond. He might have had good intentions to answer questions, but can't keep up now that his books have become so popular.

I don't think his response was meant to hurt your feelings, I think he was gently trying to say he doesn't have the time to keep up.

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I know that there has been a lot of debate and lots of questions about Life of Fred. I just had something happen that may help people make up their minds one way or another.


I have loved Life of Fred from the moment I went to the website. I think it is wonderful and funny and it helped my daughter finally "get" Algebra. I also love the fact that you can email the author for help. Which we have done. I have emailed him a total of 4 times over the course of 11 months. *4* times. And this is the response I got today...


There is a line between helping my readers with a problem or two and tutoring the subject.

I think we have started to cross that line. Years ago, when I did one-on-one tutoring, I charged $50/hour. Today it's up closer to $100/hour.

If I am to help as many people as possible, I feel that I should spend the bulk of my time writing and not so much time helping.


Needless to say I will no longer continue with Life of Fred or endorse it here on the forums. I do not think 4 emails in 11 months would be considered "tutoring". I do not know everything, and I could be wrong but when I hire a tutor for my child I expect much, much more than help with just *4* problems.



I'm sorry that this was the response you got. I am guessing that with the rise in popularity of the books, Mr. Schmidt is probably getting to the point that he is answering questions all day long and unable to do it properly and tend to his other responsibilities.


I don't think any other math program out there offers anything similar. I hope you won't let this turn you form a program that otherwise has worked well for your family.


Good luck with what you decide. :001_smile:

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I'm sorry you feel you have gotten an unsatisfactory response from the author but honestly I would have to agree with him. To me 4 times in less than one year is a LOT of request for help. I could see once or in extreme cases twice if something was poorly written but 4 really is lot to expect from an author to help with understanding material. His job is writing not individual help. It's great that he is willing to help answer questions at all, most authors won't even bother to do that. Is there any chance that someone is your church, homeschool group, family member, friend, who has a better grasp on math would be willing to help out with answering questions?

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I know that taking his time to help me [and others] is beyond awesome. It was one of the things that 'sold' me on the books. On the flip side I think that you shouldn't throw something out there if you are not going to honor it. Put restrictions on it, for example, email me with questions and if I have time I will try to answer them or 2 free answers per family or book or whatever.

Also after the other 3 emails, which he answered immediately and cheerfully, he said "please email me if you get stuck or need help with anything else. I am always here to help". After that, what would you think?


I am not "bashing" him or at least I hope I don't come across that way. I know people on here ask questions about curriculum over and over, trying to decide what to choose. I search on here all the time for answers. I was just saying this is what happened to me, keep it in mind if you are considering Life of Fred.

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Perhaps someone should suggest that he set up a message board where users can help each other, similar to what Singapore Math has.



Good luck with what you decide. :001_smile:
Thank you.


I'm sorry you feel you have gotten an unsatisfactory response from the author but honestly I would have to agree with him. To me 4 times in less than one year is a LOT of request for help.

4 problems in one year is *a lot*? Really? :confused:

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I'm sorry that this was the response you got. I am guessing that with the rise in popularity of the books, Mr. Schmidt is probably getting to the point that he is answering questions all day long and unable to do it properly and tend to his other responsibilities.


I don't think any other math program out there offers anything similar. I hope you won't let this turn you form a program that otherwise has worked well for your family.


Good luck with what you decide. :001_smile:




Mr. Schmidt was only stating the obvious. I would embarrassed, but not annoyed or angry to have received this email.

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4 problems in one year is *a lot*? Really? :confused:


To ask other parents/homeschoolers/the Hive, no. To ask the author himself, yes. IMO. Esp when he just released a new book and is probably inundated with questions now. And it depends on the question itself, if it was getting to the range of teaching/explaining the subject rather than just a question only the author could answer, KWIM?

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If he had to answer 4 emails from each person who bought a book, that would be a LOT of time spent answering individual questions. I think he would have to charge more for the materials and publish less so that he would have more time for that kind of personal touch. I don't want him to publish less.


I think if a lot of people are having problems with the same things, then that should alert him that he has not done a good job explaining something. There are a few spots where I have felt he didn't adequately explain a concept (as is true for any curriculum). I guess maybe he should send out a standardized email to answer that type of inquiry.


But honestly, I love his materials, and while I am sorry that you are upset, I do think that if I were married to Mr. Schmidt, I would be very happy that he is able to say "no" to answering every email.

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To ask other parents/homeschoolers/the Hive, no. To ask the author himself, yes. IMO. Esp when he just released a new book and is probably inundated with questions now. And it depends on the question itself, if it was getting to the range of teaching/explaining the subject rather than just a question only the author could answer, KWIM?

The [bad] thing about Life of Fred, at least Algebra, is that a lot of the times he only lists the answer. He does not show 'how' he got the answer. That is okay if you are a math expert [we are not] or if he just did a similar problem before, we could back track and figure it out.

All 4 times we asked for help were for prolems that were from left field. Twice he even apolgized because he had not covered that concept yet. I know in Algebra sometimes problems are given so you 'use your mind' to figure them out, but if the concept has not even been covered, I do not know how you are to figure that out.

So we weren't asking him to teach the subject, it was a question only he could answer.

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Okay, before we even try to judge whether you were asking "a lot", what were the questions you asked? Were you asking math questions or did you have trouble with the books that were not math related?

Each question I asked was for a problem that only had an answer listed. No steps in solving or the answer worked out, just a flat answer. Twice he apologized because the concept had not even been taught yet, the 3rd time he admitted that it was a little tricky and explained it out in detail for us just like the first 2 times and then the 4th he did not answer. So all 4 were "math" questions.


I agree with another poster that if there are multiple questions with the same thing/concept/question/problem then a mass update/email would be nice.

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I was thinking that 4 questions was a lot - until I read your post where he said after Q 3 that you should feel free to contact him again.


I think when you put the two things together, that's when it reads abrupt and a bit like a slap in the face. You were invited to ask questions and now you've been made to feel bad for doing it.


I do suspect that he's getting overwhelmed (not by you, ,but in general) but he could have phrased it much more nicely. He sounds like a nice guy & I imagine if he was reading this thread, he'd feel bad.


He does really need a forum where people can discuss the material & help each other out.


I wouldn't let this stop you from using the program if it works for you though. Maybe if you have Q's you can ask on the hs board & perhaps some mathie person could assist.....

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I was thinking that 4 questions was a lot - until I read your post where he said after Q 3 that you should feel free to contact him again.


I think when you put the two things together, that's when it reads abrupt and a bit like a slap in the face. You were invited to ask questions and now you've been made to feel bad for doing it.


I do suspect that he's getting overwhelmed (not by you, ,but in general) but he could have phrased it much more nicely. He sounds like a nice guy & I imagine if he was reading this thread, he'd feel bad.


He does really need a forum where people can discuss the material & help each other out.


I wouldn't let this stop you from using the program if it works for you though. Maybe if you have Q's you can ask on the hs board & perhaps some mathie person could assist.....

Thank you!! This is what I was trying to say and apparently I could not get it all out at once to make it sound coherent. I am *not* trying to bash him at all. I think what he has done is revolutionary in the math world and I applaud him for this. I do love his books and we will finish Algebra. Whether or not we continue on, I have no idea. Neither dd nor I are expert math people or even enjoy math. It was nice to have a "backup" when we were totally, terribly stuck on a problem and both of us were in tears.


I just wanted someone who was contemplating buying LoF and getting help from the author was a main reason, then maybe they should take into consideration that they may not be able to get "lots of help". That is all.

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We've recently switched to LOF from Saxon. We love it.


The material is inexpensive, the approach innovative and the resource wonderful. Mr. Schmidt has a valuable resource to offer. He did not agree to offering personalized, ongoing support with his very budget friendly books.


I think his response to you is appropriate.


I think your response to his boundary is over the top. The fact that he feels you've used enough uncompensated time does not make his textbooks/curriculum any less valuable.

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I bet he's overwhelmed, and worked out a paragraph that he sends to everyone who asks for help now. He was able to manage it for awhile, but no longer, I'm guessing.


The reality is that VERY few textbook authors will correspond with you, period. I personally would not make that a criteria for picking a book because it's almost unheard of anyway.


Fully worked out answers to problems are not an absolute either in the math world at any level. It should be, but it's not. When I was in college I made extra money one semester by working out every single proof assigned in a text for a professor teaching a math theory class so that he would have a detailed key because there wasn't one.


Stan is human. So are the rest of us...

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He does really need a forum where people can discuss the material & help each other out.



I am not a LOF user but I did want to point out that anyone can set up a Yahoo group and advertise it, so if there are LOF users who want a forum, set up a Yahoo group! (I moderate four.)



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Needless to say I will no longer continue with Life of Fred or endorse it here on the forums. I do not think 4 emails in 11 months would be considered "tutoring". I do not know everything, and I could be wrong but when I hire a tutor for my child I expect much, much more than help with just *4* problems.


So what math curriculum are you switching to that will allow you to have unlimited assistance from the author?

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The material is inexpensive, the approach innovative and the resource wonderful. Mr. Schmidt has a valuable resource to offer. He did not agree to offering personalized, ongoing support with his very budget friendly books.


I think his response to you is appropriate.


I think your response to his boundary is over the top. The fact that he feels you've used enough uncompensated time does not make his textbooks/curriculum any less valuable.


Considering when he autographed not one but two of his books....."thanks for calling and contact me if you ever need any help."; I consider that "offering personalized, ongoing support" especially when he added that yet again in two emails. And again, an email in February 2009, June 2009 and August 2009, each for problems that had not been covered or he considered "tricky", I think I have the right to consider it a teeny bit rude.

A simple note such as he has helped me enough in the past, he is very busy right now and cannot continue this anymore, etc, something along those lines I could totally understand.


I didn't say his books were any less valuable. Again I am not bashing him or his work. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if I cannot get help when I am stuck, maybe I personally need to consider something else. It's not like I would be the first person to change curriculum because it didn't work for my family.


Most everyone on this board researches curriculum very throughly before buying. We ask and ask questions here and want feedback from those that have been there done that. As I said before, I just wanted someone who was considering LoF, if they liked the aspect of contacting the author, then maybe they should know what he said [to me] and not count on it the way I did. I never said at any time him or his books were awful and don't buy them. In fact, I have endorsed them many times and liked them. Still do.

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I was thinking that 4 questions was a lot - until I read your post where he said after Q 3 that you should feel free to contact him again.


I think when you put the two things together, that's when it reads abrupt and a bit like a slap in the face. You were invited to ask questions and now you've been made to feel bad for doing it.


I do suspect that he's getting overwhelmed (not by you, ,but in general) but he could have phrased it much more nicely. He sounds like a nice guy & I imagine if he was reading this thread, he'd feel bad.


He does really need a forum where people can discuss the material & help each other out.


I wouldn't let this stop you from using the program if it works for you though. Maybe if you have Q's you can ask on the hs board & perhaps some mathie person could assist.....



I agree.


I do wonder if maybe the problem was not in the number of questions you asked but maybe the last time you asked a different type of question?


There are lots of Algebra help sites out there on the internet. We use Chalkdust Algebra. They offer email help too. We've also had issues where in some cases there isn't enough information on how to get from step A to the finished answer. However, I've never emailed them. I always manage to find the info on one of the many math help sites out there. Maybe you could try some of them out? We've had a lot of luck with PurpleMath. Hope this helps!

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So what math curriculum are you switching to that will allow you to have unlimited assistance from the author?


I don't know of any and it was not the basis for choosing this one. It was just a perk.


My whole "rant" was, I was being nice and polite and respectful and I didn't think I was "demanding" anything from him that he didn't offer in the first place. I honestly didn't think I overstepped any bounds. We are in the very last chapter, one of the last problems and just had one last question. And to be told that I "crossed a line" after everything he had already said.....I was upset.


I am not asking anyone to "take my side and bash LoF". I get it, he is a great guy, has a great product and is possibly overwhelmed right now and is only human. I thought I could vent and rant in here like everyone else. I must have been mistaken and gone about it the wrong way. I apologize to everyone.

Edited by mrscopterdoc
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I agree.


I do wonder if maybe the problem was not in the number of questions you asked but maybe the last time you asked a different type of question?


There are lots of Algebra help sites out there on the internet. We use Chalkdust Algebra. They offer email help too. We've also had issues where in some cases there isn't enough information on how to get from step A to the finished answer. However, I've never emailed them. I always manage to find the info on one of the many math help sites out there. Maybe you could try some of them out? We've had a lot of luck with PurpleMath. Hope this helps!


Thank you so much.


All questions were about he didn't show "how" to get the answer. That is all. I have never emailed an author before and probably never will. I only did because when I called to order the first book he said to contact him if I ever got stuck or ever needed anything. I told him I was not a mathy person nor was my daughter and he said he would help in way he could. What in the world would you think after a conversation like that?? And follow ups of the same in emails and autographs???


I never meant for anyone to think I was bashing him...I meant for it to be a "hey this is what happened to me".


Thanks for the link. I appreciate the help.

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I am not a LOF user but I did want to point out that anyone can set up a Yahoo group and advertise it, so if there are LOF users who want a forum, set up a Yahoo group! (I moderate four.)




There is currently a LOF yahoo group, albeit it is very quiet.




Hasn't he been sick?


Yes, and I notice he did not autograph the latest copy (nor was it advertised as such). I imagine his business has taken off and he is not in a position to provide the level of individual service he once did.

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I think the prior communication process and details you describe would have left me feeling that the last response was abrupt. I'm glad that Stan clarified things a bit as you were working through the Algebra book -- since he did that, perhaps a response to him would be in order, noting that you were merely looking for clarification as you finish the book? He has been ill and is probably overwhelmed, especially since the Linear Algebra book came out and his series continues to gain popularity.


A friend and I refer to these kinds of bumpy interpersonal moments as "general weirdness" -- those times when clearly something went a tetch awry, and no one really knows which part needs fixing, and talking about it more begins to feel excessively awkward. Though usually "general weirdness" for my friend and I seems to involve persons from our pasts who may or may not have/need a diagnosis. :D


If anyone decides to set up a LoF group, please do advertise it here!!!

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I get it, he is a great guy, has a great product and is possibly overwhelmed right now and is only human.


Yes, I'm sure this is the case.


In addition to a separate LOF forum that others have mentioned, you might also post any questions you have here on these boards. There have been many Singapore math questions posted and answered through the years. There are enough people here now using LOF that you will probably find the assistance you need.

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Thank you so much.


All questions were about he didn't show "how" to get the answer. That is all. I have never emailed an author before and probably never will. I only did because when I called to order the first book he said to contact him if I ever got stuck or ever needed anything. I told him I was not a mathy person nor was my daughter and he said he would help in way he could. What in the world would you think after a conversation like that?? And follow ups of the same in emails and autographs???


I never meant for anyone to think I was bashing him...I meant for it to be a "hey this is what happened to me".


Thanks for the link. I appreciate the help.


I didn't take it as you bashing him, you just sounded frustrated with an abrupt response and I don't blame you. I majored in Literature...for a REASON! I feel your pain. :)

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Considering when he autographed not one but two of his books....."thanks for calling and contact me if you ever need any help."; I consider that "offering personalized, ongoing support" especially when he added that yet again in two emails. And again, an email in February 2009, June 2009 and August 2009, each for problems that had not been covered or he considered "tricky", I think I have the right to consider it a teeny bit rude.

A simple note such as he has helped me enough in the past, he is very busy right now and cannot continue this anymore, etc, something along those lines I could totally understand.


I didn't say his books were any less valuable. Again I am not bashing him or his work. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if I cannot get help when I am stuck, maybe I personally need to consider something else. It's not like I would be the first person to change curriculum because it didn't work for my family.


Most everyone on this board researches curriculum very throughly before buying. We ask and ask questions here and want feedback from those that have been there done that. As I said before, I just wanted someone who was considering LoF, if they liked the aspect of contacting the author, then maybe they should know what he said [to me] and not count on it the way I did. I never said at any time him or his books were awful and don't buy them. In fact, I have endorsed them many times and liked them. Still do.



You said, in your post:


Needless to say I will no longer continue with Life of Fred or endorse it here on the forums. I do not think 4 emails in 11 months would be considered "tutoring". I do not know everything, and I could be wrong but when I hire a tutor for my child I expect much, much more than help with just *4* problems.


And I stand by my posted opinion that this is an over the top reaction to his email.


It seems to me that if he answered 3 or more emails for every few customers, that would be a tremendous amount of uncompensated time.


I get that you've posted your opinion. And so have others in respnonse. That is the nature of an internet forum. If you wanted only to offer your review,opinion or decision without scrutiny or discussion, a blog without comments, Amazon.com, etc or homeschool reviews are options.

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I think the prior communication process and details you describe would have left me feeling that the last response was abrupt. I'm glad that Stan clarified things a bit as you were working through the Algebra book -- since he did that, perhaps a response to him would be in order, noting that you were merely looking for clarification as you finish the book? He has been ill and is probably overwhelmed, especially since the Linear Algebra book came out and his series continues to gain popularity.


A friend and I refer to these kinds of bumpy interpersonal moments as "general weirdness" -- those times when clearly something went a tetch awry, and no one really knows which part needs fixing, and talking about it more begins to feel excessively awkward. Though usually "general weirdness" for my friend and I seems to involve persons from our pasts who may or may not have/need a diagnosis. :D


If anyone decides to set up a LoF group, please do advertise it here!!!


I have always been polite in my emails to him, thanked him for all the help before, and hoped that I was not bothering him. I did mention that we had just one last hurdle to get through and we were "stuck". I had no clue that he has been sick. Last contact I had was in August and while we might have a line of chit-chat but no means do we "talk". Again, I never meant to bash him. Everyone is human and I guess it was just one of those communication misfires. I caught him at the wrong second, I took what he said the wrong way, whatever. Life goes on.

I sent him a final email saying I was sorry if he thought I was crossing a line and thanks for all the time, help and support he is given me.

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And I stand by my posted opinion that this is an over the top reaction to his email.


It seems to me that if he answered 3 or more emails for every few customers, that would be a tremendous amount of uncompensated time.


I get that you've posted your opinion. And so have others in respnonse. That is the nature of an internet forum. If you wanted only to offer your review,opinion or decision without scrutiny or discussion, a blog without comments, Amazon.com, etc or homeschool reviews are options.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I didn't demand he give up his time, he "offered" it, on numerous occasions.


And I know people would comment, etc. I just didn't want anyone to think I was bashing him, or his work. Saying I am upset about an email is not bashing him. If I choose to change curriculum, that still isn't bashing him. It may no longer work for *me* but it is still a wonderful, inovative program.

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I'm sorry you felt singled out by that email. I don't think that was his intention. He really is a very nice man and has always tried to go out of his way to help. The majority of curriculum authors wouldn't even think of offering individual help like he has.


One thing to think about...Mr. Schmidt was very ill in Sept 09 with pulmonary embolism. Between publishing a new book and recovering, I suspect he is trying to lighten the load.

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Yes, I'm sure this is the case.


In addition to a separate LOF forum that others have mentioned, you might also post any questions you have here on these boards. There have been many Singapore math questions posted and answered through the years. There are enough people here now using LOF that you will probably find the assistance you need.

Thank you.


I never thought of doing that. I guess I just thought everyone else was doing so many different curriculums, why would anyone know about one specific problem I had in a book. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm sorry you felt singled out by that email. I don't think that was his intention. He really is a very nice man and has always tried to go out of his way to help. The majority of curriculum authors wouldn't even think of offering individual help like he has.


One thing to think about...Mr. Schmidt was very ill in Sept 09 with pulmonary embolism. Between publishing a new book and recovering, I suspect he is trying to lighten the load.

Yes, he was always very nice before that is why this time it was.....abrupt and seemed.....rude.


I had NO idea he was sick.

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Personally, I think he may just have a hard time getting his message across. I remember e-mailing him, probably over a year ago, about something in his geometry text. Both ds and I were not understanding the text. My son submitted our question and we received a rather snarky e-mail indicating we needed to work on our reading comprehension - then he went into an explanation of the question.


I looked at the snarkiness in relation to the type of writing he does. It is a bit unique (rather Calvin and Hobbes - ish) and felt that the e-mail was more a reflection on his personality - the type of personality that could create the wonderful world of Fred. Quirky and probably not a smooth talker :D


So, it rolled off us (but we had to ditch the book because ds#2 is NOT a Fred type of kid), but I *totally* understand how you could feel receiving such an e-mail.

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We've recently switched to LOF from Saxon. We love it.


The material is inexpensive, the approach innovative and the resource wonderful. Mr. Schmidt has a valuable resource to offer. He did not agree to offering personalized, ongoing support with his very budget friendly books.


I think his response to you is appropriate.


I think your response to his boundary is over the top. The fact that he feels you've used enough uncompensated time does not make his textbooks/curriculum any less valuable.


I agree with this completely.

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Personally, I think he may just have a hard time getting his message across. I remember e-mailing him, probably over a year ago, about something in his geometry text. Both ds and I were not understanding the text. My son submitted our question and we received a rather snarky e-mail indicating we needed to work on our reading comprehension - then he went into an explanation of the question.


I looked at the snarkiness in relation to the type of writing he does. It is a bit unique (rather Calvin and Hobbes - ish) and felt that the e-mail was more a reflection on his personality - the type of personality that could create the wonderful world of Fred. Quirky and probably not a smooth talker :D


So, it rolled off us (but we had to ditch the book because ds#2 is NOT a Fred type of kid), but I *totally* understand how you could feel receiving such an e-mail.

Thank you. I can totally see that now. He is just like that. :D


And an update...I discussed this with dear daughter and she wants to stay with LoF. She loves his books and she does "get" math with him. She said if we can no longer email him for help then oh well. Life will go on. We will try out Purplemath [thanks MrsMungo] and just figure it out as best we can.


Kids always manage to put things in perspective, don't they?


Everyone have a great day and thanks for letting me vent and rant.

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I would have been a little hurt by that response..considering it is widely known that he enjoys helping and that many have said that he has offered help. I am glad your daughter is liking her math enough to ask to stay with a program. Alot of kids are like whatever mom just get something that can get done fast..lol. Have a good day.

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There is currently a LOF yahoo group, albeit it is very quiet.




Thanks for this, Paula.



Yes, and I notice he did not autograph the latest copy (nor was it advertised as such). I imagine his business has taken off and he is not in a position to provide the level of individual service he once did.


Yes, I've noticed his ordering system is now outsourced to Z-Twist Books.

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I know that there has been a lot of debate and lots of questions about Life of Fred. I just had something happen that may help people make up their minds one way or another.


I have loved Life of Fred from the moment I went to the website. I think it is wonderful and funny and it helped my daughter finally "get" Algebra. I also love the fact that you can email the author for help. Which we have done. I have emailed him a total of 4 times over the course of 11 months. *4* times. And this is the response I got today...


There is a line between helping my readers with a problem or two and tutoring the subject.

I think we have started to cross that line. Years ago, when I did one-on-one tutoring, I charged $50/hour. Today it's up closer to $100/hour.

If I am to help as many people as possible, I feel that I should spend the bulk of my time writing and not so much time helping.


Needless to say I will no longer continue with Life of Fred or endorse it here on the forums. I do not think 4 emails in 11 months would be considered "tutoring". I do not know everything, and I could be wrong but when I hire a tutor for my child I expect much, much more than help with just *4* problems.



Rude - and tacky with that money reference.


[especially given the rest of what you explained - the offers of help, the invitations of continued contact, no hint at all that there was anything amiss]


ETA: If he had concerns with continuing to reply to readers' emails, there are much better ways to express that, IMO.

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I'd cut him some slack.


Yes, he personally autographed all the books and offered personal help for quite a long while, and even free shipping. And I don't think anyone much bought the books, so that was totally supportable. When I first googled to find out more about LOF, the only thing I found was others who had questions, but no one who had actually bought the books.


Just in the past year, partly perhaps to this forum and word of mouth, it seems the sales of his books have grown exponentially. I believe he has outsourced the printing/fulfillment of his books as well, so no more signed copies.


And I believe he was very recently seriously ill and hosptialized with a pulmonary embolism (often fatal), in spite of which there was only a small delay in the printing of the first pre-Algebra book. With sales of the books having gone up so much, and his health poor, I'm sure he just can't offer what he used to, even if he meant it sincerely at the time.


I agree he could have been more tactful, but it could be that your question was the 10th or 20th or 30th he received that day, and it could well be he's still not feeling well. I'm sure it was not aimed at *you*. He should probably write a more tactful boilerplate response note to everyone saying that with the increase in business he can no longer give personal help. And I should finish my "Christmas" letter - I know I have a long list of things I "should" do that I haven't gotten to because it seems the everyday stuff keeps getting in the way.


I wouldn't stop using his materials because he had a cranky day.

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I totally understand venting, as that email seemed out of left field to you, esp with what he said previously. I think most of us were startled at the idea that it would cause you to never use or endorse his products again, period. I'm glad your daughter talked you down ;). I'm excited to use his books when we get there. Have you tried looking for a math tutor to walk you guys through the hard ones? High school or college students who tutor are usually easy to find and not very expensive.

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Ok, so I"m late to the whole thread, but after reading the whole. thing. --have y'all ever talked to a math guy? One of my best friends just finished his phd in math, & talking to him...well, it's different from talking to anyone else. He's blunt.


I think it's because math is a little blunt. I think their minds work more that way, & language...well, it uses a different part of the brain. And the *social* aspect of language? It's hard.


Not that my feelings wouldn't have been hurt--his response would have embarrassed me, too. Just that realizing who you're talking to might help.


I even wonder if the "let me know if you have any questions" thing was...well...kind-of like a tagline? Not that he didn't mean it, but...have you ever accidentally said Iloveyougoodbye to, say, a sales guy? Or like the episode of Friends where Chandler can't help ending every conversation w/ a girl w/ "We should do it again" or "I'll call you," even if he won't.


Again, not that Mr. Fred didn't mean his offer sincerely, but maybe that he didn't know how to stop offering when things got overwhelming? Sounds like he needs a secretary. ;)

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But, he may be in deeper than he wants. Does he have a FAQ page???

I think that would be helpful. If you like it, then stay with it!!! It is very unique (didn't work with us...too wordy).

I also think he is deprived of some very basic business skills. He IS SELLING HIS PRODUCT and people will (do) go elsewhere for better service. You followed his directions and "emailed with questions"...you are right to be upset for his deficiency.

Again, if your child is doing well with it, and likes it, than maybe it is just water passing under the bridge!

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And I believe he was very recently seriously ill and hosptialized with a pulmonary embolism (often fatal)...


Yes, this is something to be aware of also.


I think there was a time when he could respond to all purchasers who chose to contact him, but his products have become very popular and he is aging...

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