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How was your first back from to school?

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I'm sure I'm not the only one who started up today after a break. How did it go?


We had a somewhat light day, but ds's attitude was good (an issue for us). We are listening to a really good audiobook about Sir Ernest Shackleton.


I'd love to hear how everyone else's first day back was.




P.S. I have no idea what happened when I was typing the subject! I have a sinus headache, okay? Please be merciful.

Edited by Wendi
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Our first day back after three weeks off was fantastic! Of course, I threatened the boys last night that if their was any whining or complaining, their television privilege would be taken away. ;)


My schedule for the week was printed this past Friday afternoon and I had my husband wake me up this morning at 6:30, so that I could get my bearings before the boys woke up. Those two things alone are huge factors on how my Mondays usually go. :)

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Guest janainaz

My first day back was last Monday and it was quite a delight! The second day was miserable and we did school until 7pm because ds9 just could not get it together. We had tears and drama and all the rest. Since then, it's been fine. I guess you just need one of those days every once in a while.:tongue_smilie:

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:ack2: Uhhh not so good.... we did get almost all the work done, but it took all day, because of the evil delaying / trying to get out of it tactics.



WAAAaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy to much angry Momma today. :sad:


But there was also wayyyyyyyyy to much lying/forgettingwhathewasdoing/Ican'tfindit as well.

OH, and my baby emptied the binder with all school prepped in it for the next month. Now I get to spend 2 hours tonight trying to put it all back in the right order.


If I had the $$$ I would be sorely tempted to put at least one in private school, or maybe just hire a full time maid/play-with-the-baby person

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School went well, but I have a horrible head cold and am tired of having to listen to my voice. Going to gesticulate for the rest of the evening.


I started Miquon with my 5yo today. I'm rather excited about it and I think it's going to be a great fit.

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Today's ds's bday, so he was *shocked* to have to do school. :confused: But I guess his bday fell on weekend days the last 2 yrs, so maybe he really doesn't remember that it's a regular day. Even after all the holidays. LOL!


But we did science projects all day--his fav subject anyway. We made lotion this morning, & then when I meant to make taffy, I realized too late that I was on the wrong page, so we ended up w/ thixotropic finger paint, which was fun. Then we made merigues & Baked Alaska.


They were spacey & could. not. sit. still, but it could have been worse. (I could have planned for them to do writing or spelling!)

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Ours went well. We started really late (after 10 - I try and start before 9:30), took a very long "lunch" break (so I could finally shower LOL), and didn't really finish until 3:15. But, we got done everything I wanted to do except having each of the older two boys give me individual narrations (I type them as they say them and then they illustrate them for their binders). The only almost tantrum (well, it was a tantrum, but short-lived and I was trying hard to de-escalate it) was when ds#1 had to read this week's copywork from Classical Writing Primer - he hadn't been asked to read for the last two plus weeks (our mistake) and he tends to shut down and tantrum when things seem too hard (I sat next to him once I got ds#2 started with his copywork, and he did a fine job reading). The weather was even so nice (mid 70's) that the boys played outside with some construction vehicles building rivers and dams. :) Hopefully tomorrow can be equally as nice.

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We had our first day today and it was wonderful! After dealing with some health (cancer) and emotional (dealing with the cancer) issues for the past four months, it felt awesome to do a full day of school.


We started with a new routine and a new way of learning (basics then unit study for content subjects) today and it all turned out great! :hurray:

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We had a great day. After three weeks off, my son actually ran towards the OPGTR, picked it up, and was ready to go :lol:. My dd was a little less enthusiastic...:glare: But she did fine. I think reorganizing the HS room over the weekend helped them get back into the HS mentality. :)

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We had our first day today and it was wonderful! After dealing with some health (cancer) and emotional (dealing with the cancer) issues for the past four months, it felt awesome to do a full day of school.


We started with a new routine and a new way of learning (basics then unit study for content subjects) today and it all turned out great! :hurray:

That is AWESOME! I'm glad you had a great day and that you're recovering well. :hurray:

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I would love to say that it went well. But, that would be in an alternate universe somewhere where my "other" children live with button eyes. My oldest and youngest school age child were horrid. Lots of attitude and just plain acting out.

At one point, I had enough and had all kids bring me the ds', ipod's, cell phone's, and pokemon cards. They will get them back when we have a full week of proper behavior during school.

Hopefully, tomorrow is better.

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I was enthusiastic, well prepared, determined and organized.


My oldest was, not so enthusiastic, but cooperative, AT FIRST. The first half hour went great, the second hour was mostly playing with Tangrams, then, all the sudden, he just stalled, whined and was a general crab. I had to poke and prod him to do his work. It was awful!


My daughter was cooperative and enthusiastic. She got all of her work done in an acceptable amount of time and worked to the best of her ability. Poor thing, I got a little short with her near the end of the day, mostly because I was frustrated with her brother.


My two year old did a great job of entertaining himself and not disrupting my teaching portions of the day.


I really thought that if I maintained a good attitude and was positive and enthusiastic it might rub off on the kids (ok, the oldest). I was insanely patient and didn't slip into slacker mode. I really expected things to go better than they did.


Tomorrow is another day.

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It was a great day! We went to the American Printing House for the Blind and enjoyed a guided tour and not nearly enough time in the museum. We'll be going back there.


After that, out to lunch. The only down side of the day was putting dh on a plane to Brazil. Back to single parenting and a "normal" school day tomorrow.

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DS was okay with most of it, but when I started trying to review math, he flipped his lid and told me "I hate math" when what he really meant was "I hate review." He's Asperger's, and review has never been something he's enjoyed, so I kind of expected it. It took him 45 minutes just to do some basic review. He made up for it, though. He told me this evening that he thought I was a great mom because I put up with him crying about math today. I imagine tomorrow will be better. :)

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Overall, it went pretty well. We had 3 weeks off, so were ready to get back at it. Dh & I went out last night with his boss & co-workers for the Christmas party, so dd had a sleepover down the street... she had a tough time sleeping, then had to get up early, as the kids had to get up for school. She was a bit grouchy, so we took a couple of breaks for quiet reading time and that seemed to help. We managed to get everything done that I wanted to do. We did, however, skip karate class this afternoon. I really didn't think it would be good for anyone. :tongue_smilie:

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Luckily, as I had prepped the kids well, all was good!


They popped right into the whole thing like it was natural. Bizarre. The night before my 9 yo said, "Wow, we haven't done any work for 20 days!", I woul disagree, as I remember doing a bit o' math somewhere....


I didn't plan too much, but definitely more than I was ready for, so it couldn't be a bust. Also, I have been prepping the kids for doing more work anyway... as now is the tim for ratcheting up everything.


Of course, all of this is moot today, as we have the neighbor kid today until noon. :tongue_smilie:


we'll see what happens this afternoon. :D

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We had an excellent day (and I can't believe I'm saying that!).


Dd11 started an outside class this week that meets from 9-1 mon & wed, so I had a great one on one time w/dd8. About noon, she exclaimed, "wow! This is fun school!". I think she gets tired of fighting for my attention. ;)


We tried a sample lesson of TT4, and she really really liked it. We started a fairy tale unit that looks like it will be lots of fun.


And J *loved* her class. :D good day.

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Unfortunately, we didn't get any schoolwork done yesterday. We ended up being out of the house for over 5 hours because we went grocery shopping in a city farther away so that dh (a pastor) could visit one of the church members who is in the hospital.


I'm hopeful once my fatigue wears off we can get started today and be very productive! The 15-month-old has been waking up at night a lot lately, plus the 3-year-old climbed into our bed in the middle of the night and had an accident. I'm exhausted!

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P.S. I have no idea what happened when I was typing the subject! I have a sinus headache, okay? Please be merciful.

If you'd have only thrown a "yes" at the end it would've been perfect. I had visions of a Yoda hser :lol:

Great day! Didn't realize how much DS had missed schooltime until we started back. He was so happy. No drama or whining - just dedicated working.


DS got up this morning with the same 'go get 'em' attitude. Hope it lasts!

We were dragging at first, but once we got started it went wonderfully. :lol: All three of us were right there with your ds (didn't realize how much we'd missed it, etc).

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We had a great day of school- got tons done. Then the girls and I went to the Pod (where they are cleaning the stuff left over from the fire). The boys played x-box while we were gone. The day went down hill after that- too many emotions for us girls, and x-box without a parent in the house is never a good idea!

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We went sledding in the morning, then ate a healthy lunch (w/ a little hot chocolate for the kids to help warm them up) while I read our history chapter, and then I let them build tents/forts in the family room with sheets and blankets. Dd colored in her tent and ds played while I read them our literature selection for the day and asked them geography questions. Dd asked if she could stay in her tent and keep making me bookmarks while I asked them math fact questions. So I alternated between multiplication facts for dd8 and addition facts/skip counting for ds6. That was math for today. She and I took turns reading a chapter of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe lying on our backs in her tent, while ds listened nearby. Then we took a break. Ds got himself a snack, and dd played with Play-Doh. Next, I did a few pages in ds's phonics book with him, and he did his handwriting page while dd did her writing assignment with me.

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It was very uneven. It went great for my 3rd grader and Kinder guy - it was crummy for my 2nd grader that lost all his playtime because he simply would not finish his math. :(


Overall the day was more intense than I thought it would be - between the 3 schooling kiddos the trash-the-house 3 year old and the 2 newborns - and I was a bit disheartened...I hope today is better.

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Well...I realized that the papers for the adult learner scholarship had to be handed in yesterday for the college I am attending. SO, instead of doing school my kids learned what happens when you are a college student freaked out about missing a deadline, and what it is like to stand in line at the financial aid office on the very first day of the quarter. By the time we got back from that I was a frazzled mess and I let the kids just play.

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I am Yoda! One of my favorite sayings is "Do or do not. There is no try."


Wendi yoda1.gif

"How was your first back from to school, yes?"





Did anyone else blog about this. Ds is doing copywork and I've been enjoying reading a few back to it posts :) (we have some pictures up, hint hint)

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I did phonics with my K'er yesterday, and though I had planned on starting Navigating the Social World (he's an aspie), too, I thought, well, he's only in K...we have all week to start NSW...I'm tired...let's check WTM. Halfway through the homeschool imposter thread, I shut down the computer, grabbed the NSW book and the new Rod and Staff reading books I was wanting to try and headed out to the kitchen to sit with my son! Turned out to be a great start to the new year! He handled it great!


These boards are such a motivating force in my hs'ing journey :tongue_smilie:

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I'd spent a good deal of time last week planning out this week...but plans do change. :001_huh: The heat went out on the van which meant trips two trips to and from the repair shop, plus I overdid yesterday and wasn't moving anywhere very fast.


I decided the best thing to do was chill (no pun intended) and we wound up with a lighter than usual day of work, but still a good day.

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Ours was today (Tues) intentionally--I don't like the pressure of Mondays, in general! :D


We did devotions and Bible on the couch, then went downstairs to the schoolroom, which we hadn't been using. We took about 15 minutes to clean it up--wipe the table, pick up the floor, vacuum the spider webs/dead spiders, etc. It felt so good! I folded ALL the laundry, too (having a pool table in the middle of the room means there is always laundry lying around).


Afterwards, we did grammar, then I decided it'd be fun to make a word wall of adjectives. We did a few, but dd was getting grumpy, so I let her off and told her to go get a snack--but I did it nicely and it worked beautifully! I try to be aware of her blood sugar--


We finished a review of the first 13 chapters of SOTW by doing the review cards (she colored while I chatted) and we did the first two chapters of Prima Latina. We are going to review Prima until we get to where we left off two years ago. It was really fun!


Science (McHenry's The Elements) is on deck to be ordered tomorrow. Hopefully we'll have it next week. I've contacted dd's previous Girl Scout leader, and we are hoping to get back into her troop in a couple of weeks.


A great day! Tonight, I'm helping one ds with an anatomy project (moral support) and another with his college essay (trying to get into film school).

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