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any other military spouses

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My hubby is Navy and we're in the northeast. We spent 3 1/2 years in Hawaii and loved, loved, loved it. That's where I started home schooling (yup, for a reason! The schools there are awful!). But, we loved just about everything else about Hawaii and would go back in a minute if they'd let us.:)


When dh joined the navy their recruiting slogan was "It's not just a job, it's an adventure." That's about the only thing the recruiter didn't lie about.:D

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My hubby is Navy and we're in the northeast. We spent 3 1/2 years in Hawaii and loved, loved, loved it. That's where I started home schooling (yup, for a reason! The schools there are awful!). But, we loved just about everything else about Hawaii and would go back in a minute if they'd let us.:)


When dh joined the navy their recruiting slogan was "It's not just a job, it's an adventure." That's about the only thing the recruiter didn't lie about.:D

:lol: that's great and true. dh is so ready to be done but he'll have 10 years in when this re-enlistment is up and the way the economy is going we might just do another re-enlistment

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My dh is a Drill Sgt. in the Army! One more year of Drill duty, then he'll go back to his regularly scheduled programming. :p We've been Army for 13 years! Seven more to go until retirement! Yahoo! It's been a fabulous ride, but I think by time the next 7 years go by, we'll be ready for it to end.


I know how you feel, we have 5.5 years left to go before his 20, it seems like a long time but I know it will go by before I know it.


Forgot to add to my first post our first ship was out of PSNS which I guess turned into NS Bremerton just before we left and is now known as Naval Station Kitsap. It would have been a great area to be if I wasn't allergic to Pine Trees:ohmy:

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Don't be so sure! My DH has 23 years in service. I always thought that we'd be retiring at 20 years, but we both love the military lifestyle and our military family, that we decided to just keep on going. I don't know when we will get out, but we've enjoyed the ride so much up to this point! And yes, it has flown by! :D


I'm pretty sure, he only stayed in 10 years ago because the civilian prospects were really horrible (half the pay with twice the travel), we're both ready to leave the coasts, we're midwesterners at heart and want to get back there. Not much there job prospect wise with the Navy.

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Melanie...I hear hawaii is awesome but that most people who pcs there wish tehy could homeschool since the schools aren't super great (from what i hear)


No, the schools aren't great. We've homeschooled from (almost) the very beginning, though, so we won't have to worry about it!


How exciting! My dad was born and raised on Hawaii. I've never been there myself, but I would love to go someday!


My husband spent the first twelve years of his life in Hawaii, and still has lots of family there. We've only gone to visit once since we've been married - I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone! I just wish someone could recommend a good classical piano teacher...

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Air Force wife here, obviously, LOL! But I think dh will be retiring soon. We were supposed to PCS in Feb. to Guam, but that assignment got cancelled just a few weeks ago. Now they want to send him to Suffolk, down by VA Beach, and we're not as thrilled with that. We were going to take one more assignment to take advantage of the military homeowners' assistance program, but now our report date would be too late to take advantage of that (unless Congress extends the program), so I think we'll just be done. Makes me so sad! My dad and grandfather are both retired Air Force, so this is literally the life I have always known. Also, it has never been my dream to retire in D.C., LOL. Oh well. I'[m trying to have a good attitude, and curb my restlessness!

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Army wife here - dh just transferred from TX Nat. Guard to regular army, so we've just moved right in time for the holidays. He just got home in Aug from his 2nd deployment. We're hoping for a little time here before he goes anywhere again.

:grouphug: to all of you with dh gone right now. Even when you're having the best time, I know it's a little blue without him there.

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AF wife here and dh will have 23 years in Feb. He has never deployed but travels almost all the time which is also hard and disruptive. He called this morning and was sking me about switching some trip times. I told him I had three dates in Feb. and March I really needed him to be here and otherwise I already expected him to be gone almost all the time.:glare:

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DH is an Army telecommunication engineer. Thankfully, he's currently in a unit that does not deploy but he does travel a lot for briefings and other meetins.

He did a stint in the civillian world and then returned to Army life. I can see that he's happier in uniform.

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My dh is former Air Force. He just got out two years ago. He is a civilian working for the Air National Guard (not in the guard just employed by them). He loves it.... me, I really miss the military lifestyle terribly. Even though deployments were always hard and sometimes the rules, rules, rules got terribly annoying and the politics got maddening as he progressed in rank, I still miss it terribly and I would shove him toward going back in if it were an option. (That's not likely though and even if it were I'd probably have a time convincing him to do it :( )


I love reading about all you ladies in the military and the adventures you are still having. :D


We were station at Shaw AFB, SC and Kadena AB, Okinawa

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My DH is also Navy... We are currently in Alabama at Maxwell AFB while he gets his Masters degree and then we will be returning to Whidbey Island, WA. He does the pilot thing so there are many deployments still in our future! I love the lifestyle...which is a good thing as we still have seven years to go until he *considers* retirement. Fly Navy!!

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Yes Ft Lewis :D We are in Orting {just past Puyallup}

ah okay, i'm kinda familiar with that side of town lol. i love it up here, but we have a chance to pick up a shore duty this upcoming summer to go back to charleston, sc....hmmm it'll be interesting to say the least

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