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Does anyone else GAIN weight when breastfeeding?!?

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Alright, I just weaned #3 and I nursed all of my kids 13+ months and I gained, never losed with each one. I was always so frustrated and even worked out a bunch after baby #1 and still gained. I just weaned #3 and normally I am pregnant at this time, but we are done have kids, so I am hoping the weight is going to start coming off.


Is there anyone else out there who couldn't loose weight until they were done nursing? Did it come off pretty easily? Did you have to wait until your milk dried up? Please tell me I am not alone, I promise I didn't gorge myself, my body just hung on to EVERYTHING I ate.

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I nursed my daughter for 2 years and really didn't lose any significant weight from the pregnancy until she weaned... Don't know why, but that's how it worked for me. Even when she was down to only 2 sessions a day. It came off pretty easy when we were done with nursing. Except that extra ten pounds that seems to want to stick around forever;)

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Alright, I just weaned #3 and I nursed all of my kids 13+ months and I gained, never losed with each one. I was always so frustrated and even worked out a bunch after baby #1 and still gained. I just weaned #3 and normally I am pregnant at this time, but we are done have kids, so I am hoping the weight is going to start coming off.


Is there anyone else out there who couldn't loose weight until they were done nursing? Did it come off pretty easily? Did you have to wait until your milk dried up? Please tell me I am not alone, I promise I didn't gorge myself, my body just hung on to EVERYTHING I ate.


I always hung onto 15 extra pounds while nursing. It came off easily after stopping. But, the last time, it came back. And came back. And increased. It wanted friends.:001_huh: Actually, I think it had more to do with age and hormone changes than anything.

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I never lost weight while nursing either. My sister drops weight during breastfeeding, and she could never understand why I didn't. It frustrated me to no end, but I wasn't going to sacrifice the health of my babies to attempt to lose weight while nursing by dieting or starving myself. I guess my body just handled breastfeeding differently... btw, I had the hardest time pumping, and my sister was a milk machine!

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I don't lose weight AT ALL. I managed to lose about ten pounds with my second when I was nursing her, but that was following a strict 1800 calorie diet and working out two hours a day. I just can't bring myself to eat less than 1800 calories when I'm nursing because I feel like it's unfair to baby and I also turn into a ravenous beast.


I feel like my body weight actually converts into blubbery, jiggly fat while I'm nursing--SO not a great "self esteem" time for me! I blame it on how huge my chest gets--it makes everything else look big too! :glare:

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I can't lose weight nursing either. I make enough milk to feed a village but for whatever reason my body prepares for the next famine no matter how well I eat. I'm also constantly hungry when I nurse. I'm super conscious about only eating until I'm full and watching portion size and all that good stuff but I still cannot lose an ounce until I'm done nursing.


I just weaned my youngest and I'm so excited to start dieting and getting rid of 5 kids worth of baby weight. :D :lol:

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well I sure am glad that I was not to the only one and that you all were able to shed the extra weight after weaning. It was so frustrating when I metion not being able to loose weight while bfeding to a friend or someone and they look at me like I am insane and then proceed to tell me how they can't keep weight on when they are nursing.. ugh... But I totally agree that it was worth it to nurse the baby and just something I was going to have to deal with and I wouldn't stay fat forever.


I weaned about a week and half and have been hitting the gym pretty good since doing so, but my milk has yet to dry up, so I haven't dropped any weight yet. (I seriously could probably pump a bottle or two right now.) So I am guessing I have to wait a couple more weeks until I am dried up and my hormones realize I am not nursing anymore.


Each time I got pregnant immediately after weaning and then I lost weight while pregnant and then just stayed at they same weight and then put on like 3 lbs at the end, so I never really got big when pregnant, it was always the nursing that fattened me up.


Anyways, thanks for the responses!

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I didn't.


It's not true for some, just like how you're not supposed to get your cycle back for a while when you're nursing. Mine came back...every. single. time...at 6-7wks postpartum.



This was true with me, too. I always got my first period at six weeks postpartum, with all three kiddos.



And, to answer the OP, I would always hang onto the last 10 -15 pounds as long as I breastfed.

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Honestly, I think it's a myth promoted by LLL and other "lactivists". I'm pro-BF but as far as helping with losing weight, that's a bunch of B.S.


I did not BF my oldest (not by choice), and the weight came off easily with diet & exercise within 6 mos. I nursed my 2nd for a year and the last 5 lbs did not come off until I weaned him. I'm in the process of weaning my 3rd and am still carrying an extra 6 lbs.

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I nursed my daughter for 2 years and really didn't lose any significant weight from the pregnancy until she weaned... Don't know why' date=' but that's how it worked for me. Even when she was down to only 2 sessions a day. It came off pretty easy when we were done with nursing. Except that extra ten pounds that seems to want to stick around forever;)[/quote']


That sounds pretty much like my experience - I didn't lose weight until my dd weaned (was pregnant w/ her when I weaned ds), and still have a few extra, stubborn pounds that I just haven't been able to keep off.

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With my first, I lost all my pg weight and was back in a size 6 by 6 wks pp. Continued to lose weight while BFing and made it to 10 lbs lighter than my pre-pg weight. Second I also lost while BFing very easily. My third I didn't lose as easily, but I still lost most all of it. I am now the heaviest I've ever been, I weigh almost as much now as I did 9mos pg with my others, thanks to meds that I took over 2 yrs ago that put weight on that I haven't gotten off. I haven't gained any pg weight. I am hoping that once again BFing will prove to make me lose and that I'll be able to get the medication weight off. But for right now I have to concentrate on gaining since I have lost and not gained at all during this pg.

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