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I am 39 years and 7 months old.

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Why didn't someone tell me my hormones or whatever was going to change. My world is rocked. I make no sense. When does it get better?


Adding more info...Irrational, angry, sad for no reason...somebody tell me I am not crazy.


I'm 38 years and 11 months and I have noticed a BIG change in me lately. But mine is not as much about moods, but about "mental capacity" LOL


I can't handle things like I used to. I really think it's been ever since I had kids, but I do think it gets a little worse each year. I am not very flexible (can't stand "last minute" plans). I can't handle multi-tasking AT ALL anymore - it makes me feel completely insane. Little things can seem completely overwhelming on some days. I think if I HAD to work outside the home, I'd completely fall apart - and that scares me because you never know what will happen and I had someday *planned* to go back to work (when kids are older and out of HS).


My doctor prescribed Prozac and it just made me really sleepy and very unmotivated.


Oh, my PMS is MUCH worse too - then I am more like what you described above: irrational, angry, sad, etc. The prozac actually helps me that week (because sleepy is better than b*tchy!)


So I do NOT think you are crazy :D, but I have no idea if it gets better :confused:.

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Sorry. I did not express myself well. There's no baby here. Just getting older and things... "they are a'changing" as far as moods and stuff.


Oh I get that. But it just seems that somewhere around 35 I got to a place of more rationality, less emotional more logical, and very stable. Now you are telling me that's short lived and my hormones are going to go crazy again in a few short years.


I was really enjoying my newfound sanity.

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Once you hit forty it's like passing an invisible wall, at least it was for me. I may be moody, crabby, plucking the gray and whiskers, but you're just going to have to put up with me! At 42 I seem to have found my groove and can be nice, perhaps Douglas Adams was onto something with 42 being the answer to everything. :D

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Why didn't someone tell me my hormones or whatever was going to change. My world is rocked. I make no sense. When does it get better?

Adding more info...Irrational, angry, sad for no reason...somebody tell me I am not crazy.


Yep, that's about when I started feeling as emotional as a 13 y.o. again.

I'm 45 now and the only thing that's changed is I'm not surprised by my own mood swings anymore. :rolleyes:

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Why didn't someone tell me my hormones or whatever was going to change. My world is rocked. I make no sense. When does it get better?


Adding more info...Irrational, angry, sad for no reason...somebody tell me I am not crazy.



Welcome to my world! You are not alone!:grouphug:

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I'm sorry. :glare: I'm 38 and noticing the same things. Trying to take it in stride and remind myself that it IS hormonal (and I've never had PMS or any hormonal stuff before so this is really new and odd!!) and cut myself some slack. Because when it's all over and done with and no more period, it is going to be PAR-TAY Time!!!!! LOL :D

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The main thing I've noticed (I turned 40 in August) is a major shift in my eyesight. I'm nearsighted, but now it is more acute. For example, I used to wear glasses while reading but now I have a hard time wearing corrective lenses to read -- I have to do the whole hold-the-paper-arms-length-from-me thing, or the peer-down-under-my-glasses thing, lol.

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Wish I could tell you it gets better. But just turned 43 and my moods are outrageous.


I just spend my whole weekends screaming and crying for no apparent reason. It is like being a teen all over again. Noone likes me, everyone hates me.......


Blech. I am trying this week to get back on the exercise thing, maybe that will help get rid of some of this stuff.


Good luck, maybe best thing is for me to just duct tape my mouth till menopause is over.

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Why didn't someone tell me my hormones or whatever was going to change. My world is rocked. I make no sense. When does it get better?


Adding more info...Irrational, angry, sad for no reason...somebody tell me I am not crazy.



You're not crazy. My hormones went nuts around that age. Sudden, blood boiling anger (corresponding with literal snarling at my poor little kids), along with sore breasts, cramping, acne, and other things I don't remember. It aways seemed worse on months that I didn't ovulate (I have always been able to feel a cramping on my ovary when I ovulate).


Natural progesterone cream helped tremendously. Having a baby at 42 seemed to cure me for awhile. I still get some symptoms now, at 46, but it's a lot less severe. I seemed to have reached some sort of level-ness.


I still haven't started menopause. I'm wondering if/how things will go kablooey when that happens.


If you haven't already, read Dr. John Lee's book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause. He, and his woman co-author, address the emotional and physical "stuff" that coincides with the change in hormone levels at this time in your life. It's in the Women's Health, or Alternative Medicine section of your bookstore. There may be newer books on the subject nowadays, which you can find in the same sections.

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Why didn't someone tell me my hormones or whatever was going to change. My world is rocked. I make no sense. When does it get better?


Adding more info...Irrational, angry, sad for no reason...somebody tell me I am not crazy.


At 52 I'm still HOT as in heat even in the winter. I FREEZE my family through the year. Not much heat in the house in the winter and in the summer the AC is FULL AC AHEAD! We live in the in mid south/coast and so I feel I can justify my reasons!! ;) AGH! It's getting better, but let me tell you...........it was HARD AS ***** for a loooooong time. The mood swings, anger, yes, going nuts for awhile. Know that the old timey rule of thumb is.....hormone tolerance or lack thereof is heredity.


Now, are you in perimenopause? That's the "transition" phase or definite M?


There are things to do: take calcium/magnesium together, exercise and no caffeine (sorry about that). :D


Bless you heart!

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Ok....I have the hair thing going on, the mood swings - check. How about hearing? Either everyone I know has decided to start mumbling, or I am really losing it!


And my memory!! Don't even get me started!! I forgot the funeral of a dear friend's mother two weeks ago THAT i WAS SUPPOSED TO SING AT!!!!! Lord, help me!

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Ok....I have the hair thing going on, the mood swings - check. How about hearing? Either everyone I know has decided to start mumbling, or I am really losing it!


And my memory!! Don't even get me started!! I forgot the funeral of a dear friend's mother two weeks ago THAT i WAS SUPPOSED TO SING AT!!!!! Lord, help me!





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39 and 9 months here and wishing I had gotten the memo about this stuff too!

Thank goodness for these boards, where I often find out I'm not alone!


I go from being a completely motivated over-achieving supermom one day to an easily irritated crazy-mom the next. (sigh)


The energy levels, mood swings, random sadness, etc. would be funny if it wasn't all so annoying and unrelenting!

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My eyes have always gone haywire. My long-time minor farsightedness has gotten VERY major in the past 6 months. My gums have gotten tender (although my Sonicare has kept gingivitis at bay.) I also have developed....gasp....ACNE! I look like a teenager the night before Prom all of a sudden!


40 is not to be trifled with. But I still am happy to be 40, and NOT 30!

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My hormones were pretty haywire at 39 too. At 40 or 41 I went on natural progesterone cream, and it helped a lot. But after 2 years of that, I am going cold turkey and doing a major diet overhaul instead. Feeling much, much better for it too. I am detoxing and eating raw foods and juices and feeling much lighter.


I think as we get older, as well as the maturity, and the body slowly deteriorating (oh, the eyesight going was a shock to me), emotional issues that we havent dealt with come to the surface, and rocky hormones trigger stuff we havent had the maturity to feel and heal before. I think its a good time to do some soul searching, as well as a body overhaul.

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Man, I'm some kind of odd-ball. I'm 43 and still no signs. Geeze, I'm thinking it is going to hit hard when it finally hits.


Same here. I'm 46. No signs here. I do have 1 hair on my chin but I think I've had it for like 20 years, so that is probably not related. I actually am less moody now then I have been although I've always been pretty even that way.


So, I'm kinda nervous about this perimenopause thing. I hope I don't go too crazy! I guess I should look it up. I honestly know next to nothing about menopause. Yikes! Am I that old already??????

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