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5 out of 6 of my family members have the flu. Prayers needed please!

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Ugh. Whatever we had last month must not have been the flu. My dd started her fever late Sat night/early Sunday morning. I took her to the doctor yesterday because she'd been complaining so much about her ears. Both are infected. He also said she has bronchitis. He recommended an antibiotic - her first- so we're going with it. She's still running a slight fever - 99 - 100 or so. And, her cough is TERRIBLE. Scary terrible. This is day 5 and I'm just plain scared. (Dr. also said they aren't testing for flu, but to assume this is what we have based on symptoms.)


The three boys started yesterday feeling fine and by 12 or so, two were down for the count. Same symptoms as baby girl. The third boy has a slight fever, but isn't as sick as the other three.


Dh came home yesterday from work asking for the thermometer. Sure enough. He's sick too.


How much longer will this last? Is it normal for the fever to last 4 1/2 - 5 days? The fever is decreasing. (The first day it was 102 - 103) She's been on the antibiotic since yesterday around 2. I'm hoping and praying we see great improvement today!


Please pray. I'm a worrier by nature and to have this many people this sick is just scary for me.

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Ugh. Whatever we had last month must not have been the flu. My dd started her fever late Sat night/early Sunday morning. I took her to the doctor yesterday because she'd been complaining so much about her ears. Both are infected. He also said she has bronchitis. He recommended an antibiotic - her first- so we're going with it. She's still running a slight fever - 99 - 100 or so. And, her cough is TERRIBLE. Scary terrible. This is day 5 and I'm just plain scared. (Dr. also said they aren't testing for flu, but to assume this is what we have based on symptoms.)


The three boys started yesterday feeling fine and by 12 or so, two were down for the count. Same symptoms as baby girl. The third boy has a slight fever, but isn't as sick as the other three.


Dh came home yesterday from work asking for the thermometer. Sure enough. He's sick too.


How much longer will this last? Is it normal for the fever to last 4 1/2 - 5 days? The fever is decreasing. (The first day it was 102 - 103) She's been on the antibiotic since yesterday around 2. I'm hoping and praying we see great improvement today!


Please pray. I'm a worrier by nature and to have this many people this sick is just scary for me.


Aw Jennifer....:grouphug: So sorry. Call the doctor back and tell him about baby girl's cough. It is scary and overwhelming to have so many sick. And exhaustion (yours) doesn't help. Take your Vit Cs and try to get some rest.

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Aw Jennifer....:grouphug: So sorry. Call the doctor back and tell him about baby girl's cough. It is scary and overwhelming to have so many sick. And exhaustion (yours) doesn't help. Take your Vit Cs and try to get some rest.


Thank you Scarlett. Dr's office opens at 11 today. I'm definately calling. You know what though? I posted this and was just feeling very scared and down. I started praying for the family and about 10 minutes later baby girl got up off the bed and started playing!!! She's PLAYING!!! I hear her upstairs with dh and she's giggling!! I haven't heard that in FIVE days!!! She hasn't had Advil yet this morning either.


Oh - and she coughed a few times while I was up with her and it's becoming productive!!!! I pray this is the turnaround I've been praying for.


:iagree: between polishing your white nursing shoes.


:lol::lol: Yeah. I've not been sleeping much. Between baby girl's cough, 9 yo's asthma complications, 13 yo's halucinations/sleepwalking (he does this every time he gets a fever), and just plain worry, I'm just exhausted.


I'm praying for your family! My whole family except for me was really sick this summer and there's something unnerving about that. I pray you stay well so you can care for everyone. Do you use Oscillococcinum? I use it for flu and cold symptoms at the first onset.




Isn't is scary? Yes, we are using Osci . . . I also have something called Sambucol. It's homeopathic and has black elderberry in it. I'm taking it as well as a number of other vitamins in my attempt to stay healthy.


:grouphug:You poor thing. Big hug and prayers coming your way.:grouphug:


Thank you. Please keep up the prayers!!! I swear they're working! I'm SO happy that baby girl is FINALLY up and playing!!!

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Didn't the doctor give your dd anything for the cough? I'd call today and ask for a prescription for the cough. Praying for you and your family.


Well, just the antibiotic. Is there anything else I should ask about? My doc tends not to prescribe medications much, unless absolutely necessary. Dd was sobbing in his office, which brought on the scary cough. He heard it and listened to her chest. Bronchitis. She sounds croupy to me.

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I'm so happy your little one is up and giggling. Maybe she can drive you crazy with little kid energy today.:hurray:


You hang in there, remember to eat and take care of yourself too. I wish I could drop off a big basket of soup and bread to lesson your load.


I'll continue to lift you guys up in prayer.:grouphug:


Thank you Scarlett. Dr's office opens at 11 today. I'm definately calling. You know what though? I posted this and was just feeling very scared and down. I started praying for the family and about 10 minutes later baby girl got up off the bed and started playing!!! She's PLAYING!!! I hear her upstairs with dh and she's giggling!! I haven't heard that in FIVE days!!! She hasn't had Advil yet this morning either.


Oh - and she coughed a few times while I was up with her and it's becoming productive!!!! I pray this is the turnaround I've been praying for.




:lol::lol: Yeah. I've not been sleeping much. Between baby girl's cough, 9 yo's asthma complications, 13 yo's halucinations/sleepwalking (he does this every time he gets a fever), and just plain worry, I'm just exhausted.




Isn't is scary? Yes, we are using Osci . . . I also have something called Sambucol. It's homeopathic and has black elderberry in it. I'm taking it as well as a number of other vitamins in my attempt to stay healthy.




Thank you. Please keep up the prayers!!! I swear they're working! I'm SO happy that baby girl is FINALLY up and playing!!!

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I'm so happy your little one is up and giggling. Maybe she can drive you crazy with little kid energy today.:hurray:


You hang in there, remember to eat and take care of yourself too. I wish I could drop off a big basket of soup and bread to lesson your load.


I'll continue to lift you guys up in prayer.:grouphug:


Thanks Tammy! I need to remember these times when her crazy little kid energy is driving me crazy. Because today, I'm thanking GOD for it!!! She's taken all the pillows off the couch and is building a ladder with them.


You are so sweet!! Soup and bread sound wonderful right now! You know though, we had company all last weekend (so far nobody has gotten sick!), and we're living off the leftovers. Thank God! I don't have the energy to cook, but I can take things out of the freezer and reheat! But, really, I'm the only one who's hungry.

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There is something about the flu that makes one feel it will never end. The fever coming down and behavior going up means things are getting better. :) Watch for signs of relapse and keep in touch with the doctor but often there isn't anything they will give for the cough. Once it's over you'll be glad everyone had it at once. I'm praying for all of you. :grouphug:

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Little kids do have a way of bouncing back into action that is precious to moms. I hope the rest of your clan is up and at soon.


Thanks Tammy! I need to remember these times when her crazy little kid energy is driving me crazy. Because today, I'm thanking GOD for it!!! She's taken all the pillows off the couch and is building a ladder with them.


You are so sweet!! Soup and bread sound wonderful right now! You know though, we had company all last weekend (so far nobody has gotten sick!), and we're living off the leftovers. Thank God! I don't have the energy to cook, but I can take things out of the freezer and reheat! But, really, I'm the only one who's hungry.

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I'm sorry, Jennifer! I pray you all get back to normal soon, and remain healthy for the rest of the flu season!


Yes, we've had flu for 4 - 5 days before. Not abnormal.


I think you're lucky that all have gotten it at the same time! We always stagger it between the six of us, and it can take several weeks to run through all of us that way!

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My dc have h1n1 right now-they both had fever for 5 days-and when they weren't on Motrin, it was at least 103, ranging up to 104.6. For FIVE days. It never went below 102, even on Motrin. I've never seen such a high fever for such a long time.Their fever is gone now, but still coughing. They are tired still. They try to play for awhile, and if it's not quiet play, they get tired. They ask to go to bed at 7:30 (highly unusual). They are both still pale/wan looking.


So it's a tough bug!


And these are kids that haven't had a sniffle in 2 yrs! We've been in the house since last Fri, but at least they are on the mend! I said a prayer for your dc. Peace to you-I know how it is! Try not to worry-just pray. Maybe put on some praise music to keep your mind on.

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Please update when you can, Jennifer. I am praying for your family. I know you are a lot like me in the worry department, so I know how hard that makes everything too.


To answer your original question, yes, flu (of any kind) can cause high fevers for DAYS. My older son had both A and B type flu at the same time when he was 4. His fever was 103-105 with vomiting for the better part of 5 days. By day 7, his temp was more like 101-102, and finally, 10 days later, he was fever free. It was a hell of a ride.

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Thanks everyone. I tried to update last night (responding to everyone!) and lost the whole thing, so I quit and went to bed. So, I won't respond to everyone individually, sorry!


Ds13, who went to the ER, is better. His pulse o2 scores were low when they first got there. And, his fever was still 103.8 and that was AFTER Advil. They gave him Tylenol and it came down to 102. They kept him to observe for quite a while and his pulse o2 scores came back up to normal. So, they sent him home. Rapid flu test was negative. They aren't sending samples out, so we won't know for sure. I don't think we've ever been quite this sick though. This is day 4 on a fever for him. It's 102 or so without medicine today. He ate a little for breakfast. I'm taking those as good signs. But, his cough is still scary.


Meg (3) has been fever free for 12 hours now without meds. She's still very pale and tired. She's eating more though. And, her scary cough has turned productive today. I think the antibiotics are working well on her ear infections and brochitis. It's her first round ever!


William (9) is on day 4 with his fever. It's staying near 102 without meds. He's starting to cough and he has asthma, so I'm watching him very closely. Breathing treatments are my friend. He's not gotten out of bed except to go the bathroom this entire time. Poor kid.


Andrew (11) is on day 3. He's the least ill. Sore throat, fever, body aches, headaches. But, his fever has been low - 99.5 - 101 or so. It goes back to normal after Advil. He's eating normally.


I got a slight fever yesterday. 99.5 or so. Weird. I don't ache or anything. But, I'm not one bit hungry. Dh's fever is gone. But, he's still very tired.


Yesterday was our 15th anniversary. Bummerheh?

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Thanks for the update Jennifer. I've been praying for you all.


My 12yo dd's best friend ended up in the ER last night with symptoms like your kids are having - but no flu. 105 fever and bronchitis. She passed out trying to go to the bathroom, so they went to the ER. She was dehydrated so they gave her IV fluids.


I hope my dd doesn't get it, as she and her friend were together Friday night until Sunday last weekend, and her friend's symptoms started on Monday.

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Goodness! I am so glad to hear that your 13 y/o is doing better, since he was the worst as of last night. I am really glad your little one is so much better too.


When we were sick back the first of Sept, we had that weird "different severity for different people" thing too. It was so bizarre. Dh and I were 99.5-normal the whole time. Dh got cough that sounded awful, I never coughed but thought my sinuses were going to expolode. My older son got fever of 101.2, but no higher...but this is a kid who is never sick, never runs a fever. He was definitely not ever all that sick overall and really kicked most of it within about 48 hours. My youngest ds was the first to get it, the most sick of all of us, and he kept it the longest. His fever never got over 100.5 or so, but he was very tired and stayed on the couch for 3 days. I dont' know what we had and I really doubt it was swine flu, but it sure was crappy whatever it was!


I hope you all feel much better soon!

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