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What are the last three books you have read?

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1)An Instance of the Fingerpost (Iain Pears; At 700+ pages, this book is commitment. Those who love historical fiction will enjoy every minute.)


This has been on my 'to-read' list for a couple of years now, lol! I need to check it out from the library & start reading!


Love in the Time of Cholera Gabriel Marquez


What did you think of this book?


It was a book I had heard recommended many times & very highly. I so wanted to love & enjoy this book. I just knew I would love it. And yet, after reading it, I didn't. I didn't even really like it very much.

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1. The Dark Horse by Craig Johnson

2. The Blue Tattoo: The life of Olive Oatman by Margot Mifflin

3. Finding Atlantis: a true story of genius, madness, and an extraordinary quest for a lost world by David King


Currently working on The Zookeeper's Wife: a war story by Diane Ackerman and Flash of Genius: and other true stories of invention by John Seabrook.

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What did you think of this book?


It was a book I had heard recommended many times & very highly. I so wanted to love & enjoy this book. I just knew I would love it. And yet, after reading it, I didn't. I didn't even really like it very much.


Well, I think he is a gifted writer, however, there were parts of the book I found a bit disturbing---the relationship with the young girl being one of them. Plus, it seemed a bit disjointed to me.


I'm with you in that I thought I would like it a lot more than I actually did.

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  1. Green by Ted Dekker (hated this book - for book club), right after Black, Red and White (I'm counting this trilogy along with Green as one big, awful book)
  2. Whole Grain Breads, New Techniques, Extraordinary Flavor by Peter Reinhart
  3. Parenting in the Pew: Guiding Your Children into the Joy of Worship by Robbie Castleman


I have Freakonomics on reserve at the library -- I'm 2nd on the list, so that's next. I also have a stack on my nightstand that aren't active, but not completely dormant, either:



  1. The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment by Jeremiah Burroughs
  2. Say Goodbye to Whining, Complaining and Bad Attitudes in You and Your Kids by Turansky & Miller
  3. Jane Eyre is my next book club read, but I've read it 2 or 3 times before, so I'm not on fire to read it yet.


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I recently started Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall, but picked up Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour and David Hazard because it's my next book club book. Definitely want to finish Hall's book. Before those two I read Brave New World.


Current read-aloud is The Birchbark House.

Current Bible Study is A Perfect Mess by Lisa Harper.

Edited by TN Mama
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The last 3 books that I've finished (most recent to least recent) are:

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Walls Have Ears (book 2)

The Sky Inside (book 1)


The last 3 books that I've actually read from are:

Goddess Boot Camp

To Kill a Mockingbird



I always keep a book in the car for when I'm on the treadmill. My treadmill book is always a book that I've read before. Right now I'm rereading all the Pern books by Anne McCaffrey.


I've been reading To Kill a Mockingbird so I can discuss it with my 14yo and 16yo. I finished it around 4:30 today.


Goddess Boot Camp is a just-for-fun book that's the sequel to Oh.My.Gods. I've been reading it sporadically when I couldn't steal To Kill a Mockingbird from either of my two older girls (each has her own copy).


I enjoyed The Sky Inside. It was a much better (in my opinion and in my 14yo's opinion) dystopia than The Giver and its sequels. I didn't know that it was going to have a sequel until I saw it at the library last week. I thought it ended well. There is still room for another book, but it doesn't actually need one.

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I recently started Same Kind of Different as Me by Ron Hall, but picked up Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour and David Hazard because it's my next book club book. Definitely want to finish Hall's book. Before those two I read Brave New World.




I read Same Kind of Different this summer--it was on ds's school's summer reading list. It's an amazing story. I couldn't put it down.



My current books aren't quite so . . . uplifting? Intellectually stimulating?


- Down the Rabbit Hole (Abrahams)

- The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey (Stewart)

- Behind the Curtain (Abrahams)


Currently reading Percy Jackson and the Last Olympian.




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Guest Cindie2dds

Candide ~ very graphic, violent. Should research my classics more. ;)


Jane Eyre ~ enjoyed this one a lot, great read.


Cold Mountain ~ Thought it was really pathetic.

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The Other Boleyn Girl- Phillipa Gregory


The Constant Princess- Phillipa Gregory


Where You Once Belonged- Kent Haruf


I have loved everything I have read by Kent Haruf. I liken him to a modern Willa Cather. Currently I am reading The Other Queen by Phillipa Gregory, along with various "Should I really be more classical homeschooling" paraphernalia.

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My Life in France (I saw the movie Julie and Julia. Meryl Streep's performance wowed me and inspired me to read this). I have to close my eyes and imagine the smells, the tastes, the textures, and the sights...I started this earlier, but I forced myself to put it down because I was trying to hurry up and read it. Very naughty of me...


Just finished Phantastes by George MacDonald..I will have to read this again because I didn't quite understand it.


Before this, I read Emma by Jane Austen...great book.


My next book: Confessions of a Street Addict by Jim Cramer (of Mad Money). A book on the ins and outs of Wallstreet...and a book on Joan of Arc written by a French historian and translated into English.


I just love to read! :001_tt1:



Claire in NM

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The Knowledge Deficit by E.D. Hirsch

Real Education by Charles Murray

Sidetracked Home Executives

I'm a big fan of E.D. Hirsch. If only I had a dime for the number of times I got into heated discussions with teachers about his ideas. :tongue_smilie:


I'd recommend all three of these books:


Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

by John J. Ratey and Eric Hagerman

Exercise is crucial for maintaining good emotional and brain health.


Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion

by Robert Cialdini

We are easily duped.


Study Skills: The Complete Guide to Smart Learning

by Elizabeth Holtom (Galore Park)

My favorite part was the information about memorization.




Traditional Logic: Introduction to Formal Logic

by Martin Cothran


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The Complete Idiots Guide to Starting Your Own Business

Mr Poppers Penguins

one of the many Magic Tree House books


After reading this thread I was super motivated to get away from only reading childrens books and went to the library to get a few adult books that are fun to read. Now I've got a stack of books on my nightstand at least a foot high and I'm excited about reading something fun for myself again!

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Just finished Phantastes by George MacDonald..I will have to read this again because I didn't quite understand it.



Ooh, you have reminded me to put Phantastes, Lilith, and A Voyage to Arcturus on my to-order-from-Amazon list.



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