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12 year old boy kills his 8 year old brother...and they were homeschooled.

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That is hoirrible!


But....That's the child's background, and so I would think it's relevant in a news-story. Sadly.


Remember that an entire movie was based on schooling families in Columbine, and most families with children in high school are not raising mass murderers.


Did Andrea Yates kill her children because she was hsing? Of course not! But she was hsing at the time she killed them, so it was a part of the story. (Although, if she & Rusty had put them on a school bus that morning, some of them might still be alive).

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Did Andrea Yates kill her children because she was hsing? Of course not! But she was hsing at the time she killed them, so it was a part of the story. (Although, if she & Rusty had put them on a school bus that morning, some of them might still be alive).


That story still makes me cry. :(


I didn't realize she was homeschooling at the time. I wasn't, so I guess I never paid attention. What I remembered was that she had terrible postpartum depression and was told not to have more kids, but did anyway. And of course, there are images etched in my mind of the descriptions they gave of how she did it. UGH!

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That story still makes me cry. :(


I didn't realize she was homeschooling at the time. I wasn't, so I guess I never paid attention. What I remembered was that she had terrible postpartum depression and was told not to have more kids, but did anyway. And of course, there are images etched in my mind of the descriptions they gave of how she did it. UGH!


I know, it's so sad. She was hsing. I still think about her. My heart breaks for her. I want to turn back time and get her the medical help she needed and deserved.

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That story still makes me cry. :(


I didn't realize she was homeschooling at the time. I wasn't, so I guess I never paid attention. What I remembered was that she had terrible postpartum depression and was told not to have more kids, but did anyway. And of course, there are images etched in my mind of the descriptions they gave of how she did it. UGH!


She was bi-polar and suffering from PPD. It was not just PPD alone. That story hit too close to home for me and was very hard for me to deal with. I think it bothered my hubby terribly as well but he was never really able to talk about it.

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I know, it's so sad. She was hsing. I still think about her. My heart breaks for her. I want to turn back time and get her the medical help she needed and deserved.


Since I am in graduate school for counseling/psychology in Texas, she gets talked about A LOT. I know one of her nurses.


I want to turn back the clock and prosecute her xh and xmil.

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What a tragic situation it is.
For me, tragic in that it was preventable: parents gone, shotgun in house accessible to the dc...:001_huh: If I leave some of my dc home alone they aren't allowed to go outside, turn on the stove/oven, light a match, etc.; I take every precaution to help them be safe. I honestly can't imagine not being home and having a gun in the house that was either not locked up or the kid knew where the key was, loaded...what were the parents thinking? I'm not against having guns and don't want to start a debate that's been argued here before, but this seems very irresponsible to me. One can teach a kid all about gun safety, set rules, think their kid won't be the one on the news, but then their kid is the one on the news. How horrible.
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Since I am in graduate school for counseling/psychology in Texas, she gets talked about A LOT. I know one of her nurses.


I want to turn back the clock and prosecute her xh and xmil.



At least for child endangerment. How could he have left the children with her when she was insane? He was the sane one. He was the one in a position to prevent the tragedy. I will never understand why he didn't end up with the blame.

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Did you see the headline at the bottom.. boy shot after argument over video games, dies?


What's going on? :(


This is just really scary and heartbreaking and added to that the 12yo Joan posted......




Insanely enough...the one who shot his brother over video games was NOT the same one in the article I linked. How sad is that? :(

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Speaking of guns, Dh was out of town, and the kids and I spent over 45 minutes killing a giant snake with a shovel and a Daisy BB gun.


When I told my husband, he asked why we didn't use the shot gun. I told him that we couldn't find it.


He said, "Oh, yeah, I hid it. I thought it was safer." I have to agree with him.

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In regards to Andrea, her doctor would have been another I would have liked to see dealt with. There were a few issues in regards to her treatment, however, I know that doctor and wouldn't doubt there is more to the story. Sometimes, situations like Yates come about as a culmination of issues. I'm sure that Andrea, Andrea's children, and I are not her only victims.

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Why would you think that? There is no reference to any abuse in the article linked.

I'll admit, the cold bloodedness of how she killed him, coupled with the fact that she did not even try to cover it up or deny it, made me think she had (she thought) good reason, or was, at least, at the end of her rope and thought of no other way out. My first thought was sexual abuse too.

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I'll admit, the cold bloodedness of how she killed him, coupled with the fact that she did not even try to cover it up or deny it, made me think she had (she thought) good reason, or was, at least, at the end of her rope and thought of no other way out. My first thought was sexual abuse too.


Also, for me:


She gave no reason for doing it. So it makes me think she is too ashamed to say it was s3xu@l abuse. That is consistent with many abuse victims.


And statistics -- 12 year old girls who do this have usually been abused by the men they end up killing.

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Also, for me:


She gave no reason for doing it. So it makes me think she is too ashamed to say it was s3xu@l abuse. That is consistent with many abuse victims.


And statistics -- 12 year old girls who do this have usually been abused by the men they end up killing.

Of course, having read about all these boys killing each other you do have to wonder if she was just bored :(

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I'll admit, the cold bloodedness of how she killed him, coupled with the fact that she did not even try to cover it up or deny it, made me think she had (she thought) good reason, or was, at least, at the end of her rope and thought of no other way out. My first thought was sexual abuse too.


I don't know - a kid in Chapel Hill killed his parents because they grounded him from prom. He killed them and left them in their room while he had an after prom party. Sometime people are just sick.

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