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This was SOOOOO terrifying...

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There was just someone lurking by my back door.


Dh ran out to the store. I had just put the kids to bed and so all the lights were out upstairs. Our house is built into a hillside, so there is a door to outside upstairs too. As I was walking past the door I saw someone out there. At first it startled me and then I assumed it was dh and he had forgotten his key. It was pitch black so I was not able to see the person's face or any details. I stood looking out at this person (figuring it was dh) waiting to see if he was trying to signal me to let him in. Then it seemed as if I was just looking at him and I wasn't sure if he could see me. So I motioned to the front door downstairs. (Meaning go down there and I will unlock the door.) He motioned back pointing the same way. When I got downstairs, I saw that the front door was unlocked. That was strange, I thought. So I looked around to see if he meant the side door. Nobody there. I turned on the outside light and saw that the car wasn't there! Well, then I thought maybe dh had parked further down as he does sometimes so the lights don't shine into the kids' bedrooms. I looked and looked and couldn't see the car. So finally I called him and I said,"Where are you?" And he laughed and said," Outside the store." I thought maybe he was joking and I was starting to get hysterical. I said,"No really. WHERE ARE YOU?" He said he wasn't joking and to call the police and he would be home right away. He came home quick. The police took about 20+ minutes to get here. Dh was outside and they talked to him, not me. They told him it was probably a deer! UM....no, deer don't point, generally don't walk on two legs or have the silhouette of a human.


Anyway, I am going to be terrified for a while, I think. And I cannot not let the kids out to play alone. I have done this recently without worrying about it. Even my younger child (almost 7) sometimes goes out to play by himself (and I have encouraged it.)


It makes me wonder who that person was and what they were doing.....looking for a house to rob, children, me. It's too scary to contemplate.



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There was just someone lurking by my back door.


Dh ran out to the store. I had just put the kids to bed and so all the lights were out upstairs. Our house is built into a hillside, so there is a door to outside upstairs too. As I was walking past the door I saw someone out there. At first it startled me and then I assumed it was dh and he had forgotten his key. It was pitch black so I was not able to see the person's face or any details. I stood looking out at this person (figuring it was dh) waiting to see if he was trying to signal me to let him in. Then it seemed as if I was just looking at him and I wasn't sure if he could see me. So I motioned to the front door downstairs. (Meaning go down there and I will unlock the door.) He motioned back pointing the same way. When I got downstairs, I saw that the front door was unlocked. That was strange, I thought. So I looked around to see if he meant the side door. Nobody there. I turned on the outside light and saw that the car wasn't there! Well, then I thought maybe dh had parked further down as he does sometimes so the lights don't shine into the kids' bedrooms. I looked and looked and couldn't see the car. So finally I called him and I said,"Where are you?" And he laughed and said," Outside the store." I thought maybe he was joking and I was starting to get hysterical. I said,"No really. WHERE ARE YOU?" He said he wasn't joking and to call the police and he would be home right away. He came home quick. The police took about 20+ minutes to get here. Dh was outside and they talked to him, not me. They told him it was probably a deer! UM....no, deer don't point, generally don't walk on two legs or have the silhouette of a human.


Anyway, I am going to be terrified for a while, I think. And I cannot not let the kids out to play alone. I have done this recently without worrying about it. Even my younger child (almost 7) sometimes goes out to play by himself (and I have encouraged it.)


It makes me wonder who that person was and what they were doing.....looking for a house to rob, children, me. It's too scary to contemplate.




That must have been sooo scary!!! I'm sorry you went through that, and that the police were so dismissive! It's strange that the man responded to your gesture, by pointing in the direction you indicated. I would *think* that someone truly up to no good would have fled immediately. But then again, you'd also think that someone who was *not* up to no good would have come to meet you at the other door to reassure you about what he was doing there... I don't know. I'm just glad your husband is home now!!! :grouphug:

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it's terrifying that this person had the nerve to stay there and watch you. I'd make sure you have motion lights, get an alarm, pepper spray.


Now I don't want to turn this into a Hot Topic, but last week here in NH an awful thing happened. I drive by this house every Thursday on our way to our co-op. I have finally decided it's time to get protection - and I'm getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon. We walk in the woods all the time and I'm just finding that I need the protection.


We live in the middle of nowhere and last Thursday night at MIDNIGHT someone came pounding on our slider. My husband and son came running down and ran outside in their underwear with flashlights. We never saw anyone. What freaks me out is that the girls and I are home alone all day, and the nearest neighbor who is HOME during the day is .7 miles down the road. There's nobody around and our house is very secluded. While I *LOVE* to live like this, I feel that it's time to get protection.


We're also the only house on this road (only 3 houses) that hasn't been broken into and I believe it's because SOMEONE knows we're here schooling during the day.


I'm not telling you to go get protection, but I've decided that it's time for me. I have a stun baton but feel that it's time to kick it up a notch. Dh and I are going to safety classes and target shooting classes. I'm nervous, but even more so about not having protection. I also want a house alarm.

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That is soooo scary! I can't help but think that your first mistaking it for your dh may have been a very lucky thing. Most perpetrators would expect a woman alone to be afraid-it empowers them and can escalate things. Your reaction may have baffled and derailed him. If you don't have a big, mean looking dog, I'd be getting one or two pretty quick and lots of 'beware of dog' signs....and an alarm system. I'm glad you're safe!

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That is utterly terrifying! The fact that the person motioned back to you freaks me out! He was standing there staring at you and allowing you to stare at him. Did it look like an adult. My prayer is that it was a teen who was being goofy or something.


When we moved to where we are now, and built our almost 3500 sq ft home, I insisted on an alarm sytem being installed. I spent a LOT of money on this system maknig sure every little detail was taken care of. No matter which way someone were to open a window, break a window, push a door, etc - the alarm will sound. You can't get up and walk in my hall to the bathroom at night without the alarm going off - my kids know this and they go to their bathrooms without going in the hall. I am very serious about protection. I also have a gun - one I use often at practice and can shoot well without thinking too much. We have motion lights around the house too. For me, it is just important to feel safe.

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WB, I am so very sorry. I agree your family should take some preventative steps pronto. Between the deer explanation story and the police not speaking to you (the witness, the caller), I am thinking: :confused:. How can the police not talk to the person who called them?


Has your older child mentioned meeting anyone new recently? It sounds like your house is not easy to find.


Anyway, do try to calm yourself just enough to buy 2 big dogs tomorrow, or have a perimeter alarm installer come out.

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Yeah, sounds scary to me and makes me thankful that I have a large dog and abservant neighbors. Also the ambiguity of the situation is unsettling. A direct, overt threat I could handle fairly well but not knowing the intentions of the person makes it harder to deal with and that in itself is scary. I would be working on extra sercurity measures pronto and I would follow up with the police providing more info if neccessary.

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We are definitely doing the lights. A dog.....hmmmm I will have to think about that one. I am also overly freaked out about ticks and I think having dog would bring them in. I know it seems like a minor issue compared to that lurking person, but both dc have had Lyme disease. Also, dh wouldn't be on board with that, I'm pretty sure.


I didn't talk to the police because I was inside waiting for them to come to the door after searching outside. They never did. Dh was with the one police and his sense of it was that the policeman was scared and wanted to get out of there! He also suggested it might've been a squirrel.


The problem with the alarm is money is very tight right now. A gun.....I can't see it at this point.


Thanks for all your support.



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We are definitely doing the lights. A dog.....hmmmm I will have to think about that one. I am also overly freaked out about ticks and I think having dog would bring them in. I know it seems like a minor issue compared to that lurking person, but both dc have had Lyme disease. Also, dh wouldn't be on board with that, I'm pretty sure.


I didn't talk to the police because I was inside waiting for them to come to the door after searching outside. They never did. Dh was with the one police and his sense of it was that the policeman was scared and wanted to get out of there! He also suggested it might've been a squirrel.


The problem with the alarm is money is very tight right now. A gun.....I can't see it at this point.


Thanks for all your support.




That is scary.


I would call the police back and talk with them so it's documented well.


Also, you can buy these wireless door alarms (we've gotten them at Home Depot). They aren't the same thing as an alarm system, but it would possibly scare an intruder who opened the door.

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Creepy. That stuff freaks me out. I'd be looking for my friend siggy sauer (9mm handgun) if I saw that. Then I'd probably gather my many children and run to my room like a frightened deer and lock myself in. No matter I'm trained in the use of firearms from the military. Stuff like that still scares the heck outta me. Glad you are safe.

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How scary!


I'd like to relay a story that happened to my aunt.....just in case you want to see if there is any similiarity....I am NOT saying that you were wrong just asking you to consider the possibility.


My aunt was walking through her dark kitchen and glanced into the back yard, and saw a person standing there. She was of course terrified and in shock and just stood there watching this person, who also didn't move just stood there. My aunt realized that the telephone was just a few steps away and lunged for it.....the person lunged for the doorknob.....scared my aunt even more and she grabbed the phone and ran out of the kitchen. Called the police, called her husband at work....both came rushing to the house, but could find no person or even footprints. THe police blew her off. My uncle (wise man) believed her, comforted her, and even changed his work schedule to be home at night for several days until she felt safe at night again. Two or three nights after the incident, my uncle went into the kitchen at night without turning on the light....just as my aunt had. He glanced toward the backyard and saw someone standing there! Now, he's a big guy.....he's not gonna run like aunty did.....he headed around the counter toward the door and realized that the person was heading towards him! He yelled for aunty to call the police and kept going toward the door. Aunty rushed in and turned on the light. And the person disappeared.


Turns out that they used to have a screen door on the sliding door. It ripped and they took it down and took it to a repair shop. So for the first time in all the years they'd lived there, you were looking straight out the sliding glass door without the benefit of the sunscreen. And what they saw, both times, was their OWN reflection in the glass!!!!


Now, again, I'm not doubting you, as obviously I wasn't there.....but your description talked about you thought it was your husband and you pointed downstairs....and the person pointed too. Is there any chance that it was your reflection pointing????


Even if it was like my aunt, I'm sure that the uneasy feeling will be hard to shake, and having motion sensing lights is relatively inexpensive and always a good security measure! It's said that if you make your house uninviting to a thief, he'll go to another house....not exactly wishing that, but not wanting them at my house either....so we have a lot of "uninviting security measures".

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How scary!


I'd like to relay a story that happened to my aunt.....just in case you want to see if there is any similiarity....I am NOT saying that you were wrong just asking you to consider the possibility.


My aunt was walking through her dark kitchen and glanced into the back yard, and saw a person standing there. She was of course terrified and in shock and just stood there watching this person, who also didn't move just stood there. My aunt realized that the telephone was just a few steps away and lunged for it.....the person lunged for the doorknob.....scared my aunt even more and she grabbed the phone and ran out of the kitchen. Called the police, called her husband at work....both came rushing to the house, but could find no person or even footprints. THe police blew her off. My uncle (wise man) believed her, comforted her, and even changed his work schedule to be home at night for several days until she felt safe at night again. Two or three nights after the incident, my uncle went into the kitchen at night without turning on the light....just as my aunt had. He glanced toward the backyard and saw someone standing there! Now, he's a big guy.....he's not gonna run like aunty did.....he headed around the counter toward the door and realized that the person was heading towards him! He yelled for aunty to call the police and kept going toward the door. Aunty rushed in and turned on the light. And the person disappeared.


Turns out that they used to have a screen door on the sliding door. It ripped and they took it down and took it to a repair shop. So for the first time in all the years they'd lived there, you were looking straight out the sliding glass door without the benefit of the sunscreen. And what they saw, both times, was their OWN reflection in the glass!!!!


Now, again, I'm not doubting you, as obviously I wasn't there.....but your description talked about you thought it was your husband and you pointed downstairs....and the person pointed too. Is there any chance that it was your reflection pointing????


Even if it was like my aunt, I'm sure that the uneasy feeling will be hard to shake, and having motion sensing lights is relatively inexpensive and always a good security measure! It's said that if you make your house uninviting to a thief, he'll go to another house....not exactly wishing that, but not wanting them at my house either....so we have a lot of "uninviting security measures".


I think it was my dh who asked the same question. No, definitely not. First of all, I saw him walking up the hill before he got to the door. Second, there was a pause before he motioned back to me. It.was.very.weird.



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