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There has been a lot of discussion about Vit D & flu/pneumonia/cytokine storm on the flutrackers site




It's a message board so take it all with a grain (or a tsp!) of salt, but it's interesting.


I took vit D in moderate amounts last winter. I think I want to be tested before I start taking a bigger dose.

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We'd like to - has anyone seen it in a liquid or chewable form for kids? Neither of mine can swallow pills yet..


There's a chewable vitamin D at Walmart--I bought it a couple weeks ago when my 5 year old had a 6-day 101-102 temp that was NOT flu. But before I knew that, I wanted him and the nearly-7 to bulk up there immunity--



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Cannot praise D highly enough! Got myself tested last spring due to posts on here (thanks, Cillikat!); was highly deficient! Started taking supplement (Carlson D drops-HIGHLY recommended, can even be taken by infants in this form)-it literally changed my life! I have SO much more energy and sense of well-being now. I was able to go back to running after many, many years and ran my first 5k!


Now dh and dc are on it. Dh's energy level has gone way up-he is able to do things with the kids, etc., due to better energy and also well-being.


We love it! I've recommended it to so many people. I also would not be w/out it during flu/cold season due to what I've read about it.

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I was very deficient. I took 9000 IU of D3 per day and got it up relatively quickly. I now take 5000 IU per day as maintenance. My kids were ok (mid-40's and I would have liked it to be 50 or so at least) and I give them 2000 IU per day. They were supplemented prior to testing as well though closer to 1000 IU. My husband doesn't know his level and takes 5000 IU per day.


It's so important for many reasons. I only wish I had known how important during pregnancy and early in my kids lives.

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Very deficient here. I take 10,000 iu per day. I get my levels tested every 3 months since I am taking such a high dose for such a long time (going on 1 year now). For some reason my body was able to get its levels up but I can't maintain a normal level on my own. I was so deficient that I was having acid-like pain in my bones.

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It must be D3 that you supplement!!! The stuff they put in OJ and milk is not D3 (or was not in recent years.)


I tested deficient for Vit D just 2 years ago. So, I followed up with a bone scan and found out I have Osteoperosis and I am young for that diagnosis. The good news is that I have changed my diet, mega supplemented with D3 and taken up exercise and now have improved my bone density by a 7+% increase!!! No drugs. I moved from osteoperosis to osteopenia - great news, and I am so much healthier now. I think the lack of D really made a difference in my bone density.


HTH someone - if your D is low (mine was 20) then get it checked. You also need to get the right blood test for D - I think there was a thread on that here on this forum.


Take care and get some sun without sunscreen now and then!

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Really? I had read that just 10 minutes of sun a few days/week gave anyone enough Vit. D. Why are so many people getting deficiencies then? Is it being sapped out by something? What's up?

I think there is a lot of misinformation out there on vitamin D and the thought that sun is enough for anyone is one of those incorrect beliefs.


This is study with 93 adults living in Hawaii with reported mean sun exposure of 28.9 hours per week with 22.4 of those hours without sunscreen. They used a variety of racial groups to account for skin tone differences. Using an outdated definition of low (30, which is actually deficient), 51% of those studied had low vitamin D levels. What would the percent deficient have been had they used 40 or 50 as the cut off which likely would have been more indicative of adequate levels? The mean in this study was 31.6...which most people would actually consider deficient.


Study conclusion:

These data suggest that variable responsiveness to UVB radiation is evident among individuals, causing some to have low vitamin D status despite abundant sun exposure.

The discussion of why those with abundant sun exposure might still be low:

Possible explanations for this include inadequate cutaneous production of D3, enhanced cutaneous destruction of previtamin D3 or vitamin D3, down-regulation of cutaneous synthesis by sun-induced melanin production, or abnormalities of transport from the skin to the circulation.


Beyond individual factors that might limit the amount of vitamin D we get from the sun most of us aren't living in climates like Hawaii. For at least some of the year most people are at latitudes where our bodies can't use the sun to make vitamin D at all. Clearly 10 minutes a day of sun isn't enough to make adequate vitamin D for everyone.

Edited by sbgrace
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I'm heartened to hear that so many are taking D now.



Jean, it's not uncommon to have to take 10,000 IU per day. My doc doesn't have really anyone on less than 6,000 IU per day and she tests all patients. Most are on 6,000-10,000. A few take more. Only two patients take less (2,000 IU per day) and they take midwinter tropical vactions and get purposeful unprotected UV exposure).


Her experience back's up Cannel's recomnedation for 1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight......for some who are in particularly UV deficient areas and/or live very indoor lives, more might even be necessary.


Keep in mind that this recommendation translates into 400 IU per ten pounds of body weight. The gummies won't last but a few days with a family taking appropriate amounts.


I like the Carlson D Drops in the 2000 IU version. Easy to figure out how many drops to take per week. If it's easier there is also a 400 IU per drop version.


My 70 lb child takes 9 drops per week of the 2000 IU version. the 40 lber takes 5 drops a week. I take 3 drops per day and definitely do make up missed doses.


Few the first few weeks or months, double or triple up on doses to replete D levels faster.




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It must be D3 that you supplement!!! The stuff they put in OJ and milk is not D3 (or was not in recent years.)


I tested deficient for Vit D just 2 years ago. So, I followed up with a bone scan and found out I have Osteoperosis and I am young for that diagnosis. The good news is that I have changed my diet, mega supplemented with D3 and taken up exercise and now have improved my bone density by a 7+% increase!!! No drugs. I moved from osteoperosis to osteopenia - great news, and I am so much healthier now. I think the lack of D really made a difference in my bone density.


HTH someone - if your D is low (mine was 20) then get it checked. You also need to get the right blood test for D - I think there was a thread on that here on this forum.


Take care and get some sun without sunscreen now and then!



'now and then' won't do it for anyone. It's not worth it as melanoma is absolutely most closely linked with intermitted exposure (known carcinogenic rays entering D deficient tissues.....not good;p)


D in oj is D3 and is better than milk for raising blood levels, however, only significant supplementation with D3 pills, drops or sprays will do the trick. no one can or should injest enough food to get sufficient d from food.



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i have been since cold and flu season started--I had read articles about deficiency and how it affects immunity. I haven't been tested though; I'm just taking a 100% RDA supplement--




Not close to enough. the US RDA is to low by at least 10x.


4000 IU is much more appropriate than 400 IU. Please consider testing and treating appropriately.


grassrootshealth.net has a $40 home test.



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Yes, my 10 yo dd takes (2) 400 mg gel caps and I take (1) 1,000 mg gel cap from the "fish oil" source.


D3 is better than D and there is a natural and synthetic form of vit D. What could be good about a chemical/synthetic? It's the lanolin found in sheep's wool.


So, that's why we use the natural source....fish!!

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D3 is better than D and there is a natural and synthetic form of vit D. What could be good about a chemical/synthetic? It's the lanolin found in sheep's wool.


So, that's why we use the natural source....fish!!


Both the lanolin and the fish source are natural and absolutely identical. There is no difference whatsoever.



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I'm heartened to hear that so many are taking D now.



Jean, it's not uncommon to have to take 10,000 IU per day. My doc doesn't have really anyone on less than 6,000 IU per day and she tests all patients. Most are on 6,000-10,000. A few take more. Only two patients take less (2,000 IU per day) and they take midwinter tropical vactions and get purposeful unprotected UV exposure).


Her experience back's up Cannel's recomnedation for 1000 IU per 25 lbs body weight......for some who are in particularly UV deficient areas and/or live very indoor lives, more might even be necessary.


Keep in mind that this recommendation translates into 400 IU per ten pounds of body weight. The gummies won't last but a few days with a family taking appropriate amounts.


I like the Carlson D Drops in the 2000 IU version. Easy to figure out how many drops to take per week. If it's easier there is also a 400 IU per drop version.


My 70 lb child takes 9 drops per week of the 2000 IU version. the 40 lber takes 5 drops a week. I take 3 drops per day and definitely do make up missed doses.


Few the first few weeks or months, double or triple up on doses to replete D levels faster.




Thanks for all of the information Katherine. I appreciate it! I really need to get my kids and husband to take more.
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So what do you do if you are like me and have no insurance and can't even afford the $40 home test? Can you just assume you're low and aim for a mid-range supplementation? And with cost a concern, what is the best for less brand/dosage delivery you know of? Right now, I get out for walks at least 4 days/week and drink fortified soymilk a few times a week-so I'm guessing that's not enough from what everyone here is saying.


Help! I'm poor but I'd love to be sure I'm getting enough D if I can.



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Is that site legitimate? I found it before, but I wasn't sure about their credentials.


It is a site that has confirmed everything that my naturopath (whom I trust) has told me.


Lakota - look at the list of symptoms of deficiency. That is what convinced me to start supplementing. I've heard that supplementing 1000 IU for starters is "safe" even if you have not had your levels tested.

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I was always told that if a site was .org instead of .com then I was safe. Am I wrong? Don't tell me I am wrong. :glare: Oh what work it is to get legitimate information!


You can buy any domain you want. I didn't have to do anything to get my .org site. Now, I'm not misusing mine or anything, but someone could very easily if they wanted to. I always check with the BBB if I'm not sure of a website, and buy through Amazon if I haven't heard of the company.

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