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Driving other people's kids around

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I don't mind helping out a friend and carpooling. Most of the time it can't even be reciprocated because people can't fit all of my kids into their vehicles.


However, if I am picking up someone's child.....it drives me crazy that I have to get out of my car, wait for someone to answer the door, and then wait for the child to find his shoes and other items needed for the activity. I think they should be ready and watching for my arrival.




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For years I've gone out of my way to help others when they needed it, including driving their kids places, babysitting, bringing meals, visiting in hospitals, attending funerals, etc. Last year when I really needed someone because of an illness/death in my family no one was willing to help me out. No meals to help my family, no visits in the hospital, no help getting my kids to their activities, no one even calling to find out how my sick family member was doing, and none of these friends came to the funeral home to pay respects to me or my family.


I don't go out of my way any longer. And I'm looking for new friends.

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For years I've gone out of my way to help others when they needed it, including driving their kids places, babysitting, bringing meals, visiting in hospitals, attending funerals, etc. Last year when I really needed someone because of an illness/death in my family no one was willing to help me out. No meals to help my family, no visits in the hospital, no help getting my kids to their activities, no one even calling to find out how my sick family member was doing, and none of these friends came to the funeral home to pay respects to me or my family.


I don't go out of my way any longer. And I'm looking for new friends.


That is HORRIBLE!!! :grouphug: If you were my friend I would have fed you for weeks!! :grouphug:

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1. I do not like to be responsible for someone else's child (in the sense of being liable).


2. I am not comfortable with my boys riding with others. Maybe I'll get over it some day. I need to know for sure that the driver is going to pay very close attention at all times.


PS -- I will drive other people, but it does make me more nervous. Weird, huh?

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For years I've gone out of my way to help others when they needed it, including driving their kids places, babysitting, bringing meals, visiting in hospitals, attending funerals, etc. Last year when I really needed someone because of an illness/death in my family no one was willing to help me out. No meals to help my family, no visits in the hospital, no help getting my kids to their activities, no one even calling to find out how my sick family member was doing, and none of these friends came to the funeral home to pay respects to me or my family.


I don't go out of my way any longer. And I'm looking for new friends.


Don't forget that scripture that says something along the lines that even if you just give someone a glass of water in Jesus' name, that your father in heaven will reward you. He knows the caring person you are. Don't let those ungrateful people take away your caring spirit.

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that someone would trust me with their child! I'm pretty anal about safety - seatbelts, boosters, my own driving technique - and not very happy to let others drive my boys. So when a mom I'd only recently met said, "Sure, he can ride home with you!" about her son (my DS asked hers to come with us before he asked me), I felt honored.

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It is so strange but since I have been a Mom for 20 years, this year is the first time that I am doing this regularly. I don't have a problem with it. Every other week, a neighbor and I switch out our daughters (who happen to have the same first names:)). She is the debate coach and my older is a debater and her youngest daughter is on my Odyssey of the Mind team that meets at my house. I also drive two other girls right now who are normally driven by a mom whose caretaker for her parents quit and she doesn't have a new one yet. She has worse troubles than me (two parents who are bedridden, one temporarily, one permanently) and so I don't mind doing that. In this case, we are all driving from the co-op to my house and it is less than a ten minute drive.

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I carpool all the time and actually enjoy it. In our huge city most people don't think anything of this and homeschoolers try to find someone to carpool with for most activities that are more than a few minutes away. I've even traded my teenager driving for the other mom driving the other way.


There have been a few people over the years whom I wouldn't let my kids ride with for safety reasons. I do insist everyone have a seat belt of their own which is fastened, and if appropriate ride in a carseat. I have had moms try to talk me into ignoring this rule so my child could ride with them when they wanted kids to share a seatbelt (and perhaps desperate for thier child to have a friend). No way. I am pickier about whose house my children go to without me. If I expect to stop somewhere on the way home with someone else's child with me, I clear it with the mom first.


It sure is nice to only have to drive one way or every other week to classes, especially when they are a distance away like this year - 45 minutes. If they are more like 15 - 20 minutes away I can go with the I drop off, you pick up, but further away I prefer to stay out there for the day and have the next week off.

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When the arrangement is somehow reciprocal, and isn't extremely inconvenient, I don't mind a bit.


For instance, dd11 has a friend who lives across the street from us and was in dd's Girl Scout troop. I was perfectly happy to always take her along with us because her parents were happy to take dd along to church events and football games w/her.


But when a young lady at church who I was accompanying for solo contest "informed" me that I'd have to pick her up and take her home before and after our rehearsals, I said, "No way!" We live about 20 min. from church; she lives about 15 min. in the opposite direction. I'm not sure what she/her mom were thinking! :glare:

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