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Never Thought I Would Ever

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watch two mothers get into a fist fight at soccer practice. Absolutely the most ridiculous mess I've ever seen. Two grown women in a fist fight because Woman #1's husband checked out Woman #2. Some how instead of being ill with her husband she decides to start a fist fight in front of a bunch of kids that are 6 and 7 (to include their own children).


This all happened as we were getting ready to leave. My DS 6 asked me "Mommy, why are those ladies hitting each other." To which I replied, "because their mommy's didn't teach them any manners." I was overheard and Woman #1 then threatens to "kick my a#@". To which I reply, "Wow, thanks for proving my point."


I am floored at this behavior. I just can't imagine acting that way in front of anyone much less my children. Not to mention getting angry at a woman because she is attractive. I don't understand how she would be angry when HER husband was in the wrong. Absolute insanity.

Edited by eight_gregorys
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Two grown women in a fist fight because Woman #1's husband checked out Woman #2.


Was Woman #2 showing too much cleavage? If so, then it was inevitable. :D


I have a little mental file I call, "What the h*ll is wrong with people?!" I'll tuck this story right into it. Honestly, sometimes I'm afraid to leave the house!

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Was Woman #2 showing too much cleavage? If so, then it was inevitable. :D


I have a little mental file I call, "What the h*ll is wrong with people?!" I'll tuck this story right into it. Honestly, sometimes I'm afraid to leave the house!


That was my thought. :D Where I was raised (polite southern lady that I am) any woman flaunting her cleavage is just asking for a good old fashion butt kickin'. Refer to lyrics from Gretchen Wilson, LeAnn Womack, Jodi Mecina or Carrie Underwood for more advice on this matter. :tongue_smilie:

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Was Woman #2 showing too much cleavage? If so, then it was inevitable. :D


That was my thought. :D Where I was raised (polite southern lady that I am) any woman flaunting her cleavage is just asking for a good old fashion butt kickin'.


:lol: I actually had a different (much tackier) thought: that since the poor husband has to put up with Woman #1 all the time, he probably can't be blamed for looking and dreaming. I mean if she's that "fun" in public, can you imagine what she's like at home???

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:lol: I actually had a different (much tackier) thought: that since the poor husband has to put up with Woman #1 all the time, he probably can't be blamed for looking and dreaming. I mean if she's that "fun" in public, can you imagine what she's like at home???




Just to be clear, I was really only kidding about the cleavage. I'm all good with cleavage, even the Ali Larter wide-open-dress kind. I just couldn't resist after the cleavage thread :biggrinjester:

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Just to be clear, I was really only kidding about the cleavage. I'm all good with cleavage, even the Ali Larter wide-open-dress kind. I just couldn't resist after the cleavage thread :biggrinjester:


Yeah, I thought so. I haven't kept up with the cleavage thread, but you can't be on these boards on not be aware of it. :D

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Guest RecumbentHeart

You'd think the idea of drawing the attention of everyone at the field to the fact that your husband was there, with you, at your kid's game, oogling another woman, would have been utterly humiliating.


I just don't get the reasoning going on in such a woman's head.

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Was Woman #2 showing too much cleavage? If so, then it was inevitable. :D


I have a little mental file I call, "What the h*ll is wrong with people?!" I'll tuck this story right into it. Honestly, sometimes I'm afraid to leave the house!


:lol: I actually had a different (much tackier) thought: that since the poor husband has to put up with Woman #1 all the time, he probably can't be blamed for looking and dreaming. I mean if she's that "fun" in public, can you imagine what she's like at home???

:lol::lol::lol: Actually, sounds like they are both of the same class. All 3rd.

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That was my thought. :D Where I was raised (polite southern lady that I am) any woman flaunting her cleavage is just asking for a good old fashion butt kickin'. Refer to lyrics from Gretchen Wilson, LeAnn Womack, Jodi Mecina or Carrie Underwood for more advice on this matter. :tongue_smilie:

Were these the lovely ladies to which you were referring?

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That was about the most modest Gretchen Wilson picture I could find. I didn't want to push my sarcastic luck with obscenity. :tongue_smilie:


:lol: See, and I actually think they all look great. I'm not so fond of Lee Ann Womack's bubble-boobs look, but that's mainly because I think it's kind of a fashion faux pas (and it's kind of dated). If the girls might actually come flying out when someone bumps you on their way down the red carpet, it's not good fashion.

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:lol: See, and I actually think they all look great. I'm not so fond of Lee Ann Womack's bubble-boobs look, but that's mainly because I think it's kind of a fashion faux pas (and it's kind of dated). If the girls might actually come flying out when someone bumps you on their way down the red carpet, it's not good fashion.


Oh, I'm not begrudging their looks. I would beg, borrow, and steal for them. I was just pointing out the seeming incongruity between song lyrics and artists' choices in wardrobe. I just thought others might be less than pleased with daisy dukes on bottom, and 2 postage stamps joined by dental floss on top. :D

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Oh, I'm not begrudging their looks. I would beg, borrow, and steal for them. I was just pointing out the seeming incongruity between song lyrics and artists' choices in wardrobe. I just thought others might be less than pleased with daisy dukes on bottom, and 2 postage stamps joined by dental floss on top. :D


Ah! I assumed the lyrics were not anti-cleavage-for-all, but pro-keep-those-things-away-from-my-man.

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Ah! I assumed the lyrics were not anti-cleavage-for-all, but pro-keep-those-things-away-from-my-man.


Honestly, I have no idea. I couldn't name a song from one of them. OH WAIT. The Redneck Woman one! I remember that. Oh that's special. But I was just going on the "they deserve a butt kicking for cleavage flaunting" quote.

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Ah! I assumed the lyrics were not anti-cleavage-for-all, but pro-keep-those-things-away-from-my-man.


Yeah, that what I was talking about. It's red-neck tradition to kick the other woman's butt because your husband was looking. I love all these women though because being a fiesty red-neck woman myself, I can relate to the attitude. :tongue_smilie: I'm fine with the cleavage as well though.

Edited by KidsHappen
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That's really sick and pathetic! We had something similar happen at DS's t-ball game last spring (5 & 6 year-old kids). One of the fathers was mad because the coach pulled his daughter from the game because she got hit in the chest with a ball and was having trouble catching her breath. He was being *gasp* a good and responsible coach. The parents told the little girl to suck it up and get back in the game! She was 6! They don't even keep score in t-ball!!!!! When the coach told the parents that he wasn't putting her back in (his own daughter was also hit hard with the ball that same game, and the same rules applied -- he pulled his own DD too), the guy totally lost it on the coach and started screaming at him right in front of all the kids. He tried to provoke him, and threatened to kick his a$$. They didn't actually end up in a fist fight because our coach refused to fight the guy, and the coach from the other team stepped in and tried to calm the guy down, but it was totally ridiculous, and it scared the kids.

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Alright - I have to know - were they fist fighting? Or just trying to hit each other and pulling hair and scratching? I've seen women fight and most can't really land a good, solid punch. I know I would do better with a butt kickin' or an a** whoopin' than fist fight. :) Ahem. Not that I ever would. I was raised much better than that, but I would defend myself if some deranged woman attacked me because her slimeball husband ogled me.

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Alright - I have to know - were they fist fighting? Or just trying to hit each other and pulling hair and scratching? I've seen women fight and most can't really land a good, solid punch. I know I would do better with a butt kickin' or an a** whoopin' than fist fight. :) Ahem. Not that I ever would. I was raised much better than that, but I would defend myself if some deranged woman attacked me because her slimeball husband ogled me.


I've never actually thought about fist fighting someone. I wonder if someone attacked me if I'd just pull hair and slap, or if I would really be able to punch them? Now you've got me thinkin'!

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I've never actually thought about fist fighting someone. I wonder if someone attacked me if I'd just pull hair and slap, or if I would really be able to punch them? Now you've got me thinkin'!


I had a strange man grab me once (as a teen) and I punched him so hard, I knocked him down. I wasn't trying to. It was just an automatic response. That was a long time ago though and I can't really say what I would do today.

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That was my thought. :D Where I was raised (polite southern lady that I am) any woman flaunting her cleavage is just asking for a good old fashion butt kickin'. Refer to lyrics from Gretchen Wilson, LeAnn Womack, Jodi Mecina or Carrie Underwood for more advice on this matter. :tongue_smilie:


I've never been a fan of country music, but there's one Carrie Underwood song that especially bothers me....the one where her boyfriend cheats on her so she vandalizes his car. It's funny when she says "maybe next time he'll think before he cheats". Yeah, he'll think twice before he dates another psycho! :tongue_smilie:

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I had a strange man grab me once (as a teen) and I punched him so hard, I knocked him down. I wasn't trying to. It was just an automatic response. That was a long time ago though and I can't really say what I would do today.


Well, I decked a guy (friend) in college who snuck up behind me on a dark street. I have a very strong "fight" instinct! I think though that what helped in that case was that it was pure instinct. I think I would be much less likely to enter into the fray if I was thinking about it.

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I've never been a fan of country music, but there's one Carrie Underwood song that especially bothers me....the one where her boyfriend cheats on her so she vandalizes his car. It's funny when she says "maybe next time he'll think before he cheats". Yeah, he'll think twice before he dates another psycho! :tongue_smilie:


Hey! I have that on my Itunes and I play it often! Of course I would never damage community marital property. What would be the point of that?


I'm not really psycho.

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Here's where my snobbery kicks in.


Two women fighting? How incredibly low class. What next - putting on bikinis and rolling in the mud?


Well, no. They're mothers so they should not wear bikinis. :tongue_smilie: A one piece, perhaps, but better yet, swim shorts and a swim tank which doesn't allow exposed cleavage. If it were exposed, something could fall out with all the rolling around and all...





Honestly - I don't understand that behavior. :ohmy:

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