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I find that many threads posted here, become harsh debates, that take away from the original post. To the point that the 2nd page of a thread has nothing to do with the original post. The debates end up not having anything to solidify the viewpoints, but are just saying I am right, you are wrong, why don't you get it.


I call this content-free debating (cfd)


I mean if I ask a question about something, or post something I recently found out, I want the thread to stick to what I posted about it, and not have to weed through 20 posts that are debating over who is right about some other topic.


I call this transgressive posting (tp). The worst is when tp devolves into cfd.


Am I the only one bothered by this? Is the majority of the posters here looking for arguments?!
I am not bothered by tp at all. But cfd is almost always dull wherever it appears.


The strangest beast has got to be when Person A insists that Person B has filtered Person A's words to extract hidden meaning which of course Person A finds insulting, ludicrous, and ill-informed. (Can anyone coin a term for this??) If you can muscle through the accusatory stage, these can be sort of entertaining.

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I know, I know...soup AND salad...what was I thinking?!!!


Personaly, I think you are just plain crazy! To do such a thing in the first place and then come here and raise such a rucus about it. :tongue_smilie: My children would have been thrilled with the meal but we are known as the local weirdos so I guess that's not much help is it.

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I didn't have time to read all 16 pages of responses, but I totally agree with the OP. I have to stay away from the General Board b/c of the ugliness of the tone here. Here it is in a nutshell: If you have a differing opinion than mine, you are my ENEMY and you must be shouted down immediately. If you continue to disagree, I will post more often than you, I will multi-quote your responses and tear you down point by point. AND, I will get increasingly personal as I do so.


There seems to be no room for middle ground. No room to agree to disagree. Several folks have earned places on my "Ignore" list because they simply have to be right all the time.


Haven't y'all heard that you draw more flies with honey than with vinegar?


Oh, so you haven't run across the math fracuses on the curriculum boards yet? Hot topic, I'll tell ya. :001_huh:

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Oh, so you haven't run across the math fracuses on the curriculum boards yet? Hot topic, I'll tell ya. :001_huh:
Well, I have seen a couple of long disputes on the general board to tell the truth, it just doesn't happen as often over there. Try a thread about teaching a 4 year old with 1st grade materials, Teaching Textbooks, or RS4K.;)
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On a board I used to be on we solved this problem by creating a "Just Agree With Me" forum where you were *not allowed* to disagree. People took umbrage at first but it quickly gained in popularity for specific issues. It really helped a lot. :D eta: maybe we could have a "gentleman's agreement" of sorts to put "JAWM" on threads where we don't actually want to solicit opinions, only sympathy or solidarity?


Oh I LOVE this idea!!!!!

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Well, I have seen a couple of long disputes on the general board to tell the truth, it just doesn't happen as often over there. Try a thread about teaching a 4 year old with 1st grade materials, Teaching Textbooks, or RS4K.;)
Contentious threads on the curriculum boards are fewer and less ugly because the people who post in them are homeschoolers discussing homeschooling. They aren't there just to argue.
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I say, free crockpots for everyone - as long as they are made naturally, organically, in small batches, by local farmers. I'd support having a little checkbox on the income tax form like the box for donating to the presidential election form. I'd much rather give $1 for crockpots than ...presidents.




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I didn't have time to read all 16 pages of responses, but I totally agree with the OP. I have to stay away from the General Board b/c of the ugliness of the tone here. Here it is in a nutshell: If you have a differing opinion than mine, you are my ENEMY and you must be shouted down immediately. If you continue to disagree, I will post more often than you, I will multi-quote your responses and tear you down point by point. AND, I will get increasingly personal as I do so.


There seems to be no room for middle ground. No room to agree to disagree. Several folks have earned places on my "Ignore" list because they simply have to be right all the time.


Haven't y'all heard that you draw more flies with honey than with vinegar?


I think this shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what happens on many contentious threads. There are many people here who like to discuss issue from a deeper perspective than most as an intellectual exercise. I play devil's advocate all the time-here and in real life. I frequently argue *points* in arguments without discussing my own position.

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Is there a stance on kangaroo leather? My hubby's new shoes are made from kangaroo leather and my dd8 makes gagging noises when he walks by her and declares to everyone that he is disgusting for killing kangaroos.


Why? They taste good :D

Or they did back before I became a mostly vegan. ;)


Unfortunately, culling kangaroos (and koalas for that matter) is a necessary thing.



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Sheesh -- I think this board is much less contentiousness than the old board --


When I can't stand the heat, I hang out at the curriculum board or the sale and swap board....well, I guess one cannot 'hang out' at the sale and swap board.....I 'window' shop.....then boxes appear....and I cannot for the life of me remember buying this stuff.:001_huh: The Special Needs Board is an interesting place -- I learn alot there -- alot about former students and what I thought was the issue with them......alot about ADHD meds (which the twins both take).


I will also choose which threads to ignore depending on my mood, the phase of the moon, the hackles on the dog, whatever......in a sense, it's not much different than sitting down at the "teacher's table" in the cafeteria and choosing to ignore something that someone has said because it is not incredibly difficult to see that the entire thing is going to deteriorate rather quickly and in a rather ugly fashion.

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Well, I did have time to read all 16 pages of this thread. I have one burning question. (No, it's not dinner) Coffee or tequila? I'm not sure which goes better with goats and white bean soup.:001_huh:


Both - and yes, you can mix them just get a good , rich tequila. If you have to choose, I'd have iced coffee with the soup and good strong tequila with the goats just don't put them all in the crock pot together on a low heat for several hours.

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Both - and yes, you can mix them just get a good , rich tequila. If you have to choose, I'd have iced coffee with the soup and good strong tequila with the goats just don't put them all in the crock pot together on a low heat for several hours.






that's the best one on this whole thread.

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GOAT?! :toetap05: .........AGAIN?!:svengo:







Renee won't eat the goat! Can you make something else?


I'm a good guest - I won't call attention to my thoughts about goat or expect a special meal just for me. I'll just quietly avoid it.


Just don't ask me to take my shoes off!:tongue_smilie:

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You are the "Let's invite the neighbor kids over and feed them really weird food" lady :D


Bill (suddenly in the mood for white bean soup :tongue_smilie:)


Okay, I never type "LOL" because I think it's lying if I didn't really LOL (please don't lecture me on this!) But I certainly did LOL on this one!


And don't forget it was red leaf salad, not ice berg! I'm not sure goats would go for it, but who knows?


To the OP--this is the only forum I have time to read, and just on weekends because I homeschool! I consider the general board the junior high years I missed in real life because I was so busy studying and getting ready for college.

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I've had goat :ack2:


I'm a good guest - I won't call attention to my thoughts about goat or expect a special meal just for me. I'll just quietly avoid it.


Just don't ask me to take my shoes off!:tongue_smilie:


Ok:glare:....I'll be polite;). Can we stop and get something to eat after we leave Lisa's?:auto:

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Both - and yes, you can mix them just get a good , rich tequila. If you have to choose, I'd have iced coffee with the soup and good strong tequila with the goats just don't put them all in the crock pot together on a low heat for several hours.


Karen, the goats and the crock pot did cross my mind. However, I think I used my week's quota of tastelessness on my Sylvia Plath/dinner question thread last night. Thanks for stepping up to the plate.;)


You are aware we'll be eating only a very small portion of the goat? :D



Speaking of tasteless.:tongue_smilie:



Ok:glare:....I'll be polite;). Can we stop and get something to eat after we leave Lisa's?:auto:


Okay, fine. Thanks to certain posters' rude and tactless comments and the moderators know who you are we will not be serving goats and white bean soup tonight. We are even going to skip the coffee. It's now a double tequila or nothing. (Does that count on my tasteless quota?)

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Okay, fine. Thanks to certain posters' rude and tactless comments and the moderators know who you are we will not be serving goats and white bean soup tonight. We are even going to skip the coffee. It's now a double tequila or nothing. (Does that count on my tasteless quota?)



Good grief.....:glare:........first of all, I thought the Sylvia Plath-thing was funny...ok?


I'm glad you re-thought the goat thing! Now I won't have to hide it in my napkin (you were going to set the table with large, linen napkins, weren't you?):closedeyes:...because, I mean, we are company, after all!


OK - we can skip the coffee - it's your house and you are the hostess!:glare: But I'm only going along with that b/c you have now promised a DOUBLE TEQUILA! :cheers2: As Colleen would say: CHEERS! She's coming, :confused: isn't she? Oh......And...... Renee and I will need a designated driver! Thanks - you're the best!:001_smile:

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The thing I find difficult about these types of threads is...well, the typing. Just because you all type faster does that mean you think faster? Nah, I'm not even going there.


Mariann, you all are invited to my house for dinner any time. I do really cook and we do actually use cloth napkins. No worries about shoes or goats or even designated drivers. I'm sure my 16 -year-old dd would be happy to give you a ride.:D Just be sure to bring Ibbygirl (even if she is confused). I think we need some good guitar music to go with dinner. Just DONT ask me what's for dinner.


What in the world was this thread about anyway?

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The thing I find difficult about these types of threads is...well, the typing. Just because you all type faster does that mean you think faster? Nah, I'm not even going there.


Mariann, you all are invited to my house for dinner any time. I do really cook and we do actually use cloth napkins. No worries about shoes or goats or even designated drivers. I'm sure my 16 -year-old dd would be happy to give you a ride.:D Just be sure to bring Ibbygirl (even if she is confused). I think we need some good guitar music to go with dinner. Just DONT ask me what's for dinner.


What in the world was this thread about anyway?


crock pots

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The thing I find difficult about these types of threads is...well, the typing. Just because you all type faster does that mean you think faster? Nah, I'm not even going there.


Mariann, you all are invited to my house for dinner any time. I do really cook and we do actually use cloth napkins. No worries about shoes or goats or even designated drivers. I'm sure my 16 -year-old dd would be happy to give you a ride.:D Just be sure to bring Ibbygirl (even if she is confused). I think we need some good guitar music to go with dinner. Just DONT ask me what's for dinner.


What in the world was this thread about anyway?



LOL ummm... How do I tell her that I play mostly electric guitar?? :D Not exactly dinner fare. ;) ROFL that's actually kind of a funny image in my mind. hehe But I can cook good! I make mostly Cuban or Carribean food though so ahem, goat is occasionally on the menu. ;) :D

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The thing I find difficult about these types of threads is...well, the typing. Just because you all type faster does that mean you think faster? Nah, I'm not even going there.


Mariann, you all are invited to my house for dinner any time. I do really cook and we do actually use cloth napkins. No worries about shoes or goats or even designated drivers. I'm sure my 16 -year-old dd would be happy to give you a ride.:D Just be sure to bring Ibbygirl (even if she is confused). I think we need some good guitar music to go with dinner. Just DONT ask me what's for dinner.


What in the world was this thread about anyway?


And, I'm glad you mentioned Ibbygirl -- I was a little concerned about the confused part and the Italian accent she was using...I will make sure your 16 yr old brings her home to the right place.


And, we won't make you type b/c you seem to think you are too slow at it -- you can just talk to us that night. And why don't we all just bring something so you don't have to do anything but set the table? :D Renee is coaching me on being a good guest!



Oh, I remember -it was about how we all start verbally beating the stuffing out of each other :smash: :rant: and cleaning each other's clocks :cursing: :boxing_smiley: over a simple, seemingly innocuous thread.


sorry this took so long to write - I couldn't find the 'boxing smilies'.

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LOL ummm... How do I tell her that I play mostly electric guitar?? :D Not exactly dinner fare. ;) ROFL that's actually kind of a funny image in my mind. hehe But I can cook good! I make mostly Cuban or Carribean food though so ahem, goat is occasionally on the menu. ;) :D


Now Jennifer, you should know that is exactly what I had in mind. Come on girl, we can't have Segovia with tequila.

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bahrs :lol:


You are infringing on my copyright. I'll see you in court. :toetap05:


To answer the OP: threads go down hill because those who think they're always right really p**s off those who always actually are.


And, if you give a goat white bean chili he'll...


















REALLY smell bad.

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Now Jennifer, you should know that is exactly what I had in mind. Come on girl, we can't have Segovia with tequila.



lol No Segovia tastes much better with Sangria although a little gamey. :lol:;) :D I wasn't sure. I gave you all those Satriani links and never heard from you again. I thought I'd scared you off! I have that tendency for some reason! :confused::confused: Sure!! I'll bring my amp and my RG 550 and you guys can scream/talk through dinner while I provide the music!! :) I'll bring barbecue bahrs as my potluck dish! :D

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