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Fess up... How many of you have/get tonsil stones?

Tonsil stones  

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I just recently found out what they actually were... I've had them for years! They're so annoying and gross! My husband thinks I'm just gross or crazy or both, LOL!


My description: Small whiteish, grayish, yellowish, mushy irregular clumps from the back of your throat. They smell terrible and they make my breath smell! Sometimes they also feel like something stuck in my throat, like a piece of popcorn or something...




I just wonder how common they actually are... :bigear:

Edited by mommy2be
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I went to the doctor for these when I was in college (thought I had strep or something). I got the impression it's pretty common for anyone who still has tonsils. The whole purpose of your tonsils seems to be to harbor bacteria...


Oh, and the dr. just pushed them out with a popsicle stick. You have to do that every so often. And it's nice to rinse with Listerene afterward.

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I was so embarrassed by these as a young person! For years I did the tongue depressor thing too...used whatever was available. I haven't had them for probably the past 10 (?) years. I have a large hole in both tonsils, but I don't have any plaque build up anymore.


All my children have them too. Some worse than others.

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I just recently found out what they actually were... I've had them for years! They're so annoying and gross! My husband thinks I'm just gross or crazy or both, LOL!


My description: Small whiteish, grayish, yellowish, mushy irregular clumps from the back of your throat. They smell terrible and they make my breath smell! Sometimes they also feel like something stuck in my throat, like a piece of popcorn or something...




I just wonder how common they actually are... :bigear:


I got my tonsils out at 19 because of them.

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had no clue about them but now understand what has been going on. You can clean them out???? I didn't even know you could reach your tonsils enough to do something about them. I just thought I had food stuck in my throat.:tongue_smilie:


Well, mine have always just kind of randomly come out on their own... It's so gross though! Sometimes in the middle of talking, sometimes for no apparent reason, sometimes from drinking, eating, coughing, brushing my teeth...


When I can feel one I try to get it out but haven't had a whole lot of success. Now I'm just dying to go see if I can get some out with a qtip or something... Is that weird? LOL! :lol:

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Count me in. I never noticed them until I was an adult, living on my own, and went to the doctor because I could feel something stuck on/in my throat but couldn't see it. I was terrified that I had some kind of growth! He showed me what it was and popped it out with a tongue depressor. Now I get them occasionally (so annoying). Poor DH gets huge ones though, because his tonsils seem to have lots of crevices and pocks. Drives him nuts.

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my oldest son used to get them, but hasn't since having his tonsils removed (thank God because the kid used to get strep every other month when he had his tonsils)


I've never gotten them, but I have had my uvula (that dangly thing in the back of your throat) get swollen and it was awful. I kept feeling like I was choking. I went to the Doc and was told. "Just live with it, it will go back to normal eventually" Well it really sucked to "Just live with it" for the 10 days it took to get back to normal.

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There was a 3-4 month time period where I had these and they were SO annoying. I was able to work them out by myself and I gargled a lot to help, but after I started watching my diet a little better they stopped. I assume it was related but I haven't had them since. :confused:

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A Q-tip works if you can keep your gag reflex under control. You may want to dampen the cotton swab first. I've tried using a dry swab and it actually hurt my tonsil and a sore developed.


As a courtesy to my dentist, I always make sure my tonsils are "clean" before an appointment. I've apologized to him and he said he didn't notice.

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Oh my gosh! That's what these things in my mouth are??? They are so annoying, and they only started recently. I just realized I could push them out with a q-tip, but some of you have much better ideas! Is there any way aside from removal of the tonsils to get rid of them? I'm always worried my breath stinks as a result, so I chew gum all the time.

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Sitting here reading this, I can't believe I'm letting the world in on one of my deep dark secrets. ACK!


I know! I've thought about asking the dentist about them before... But I've always been kind of afraid they would be like "What? I've never heard of anything like that" or just look at me crazy... haha.

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I have gotten them for years. I didn't know what they were until recently though. I was desperate to get one dislodged. So frustrating! Look it up on youtube..it's nasty :( I used every method in the book. I think it was a combo of them all that helped me to finally get mine out. I had 2.

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You know I was just at the dentist with dd 6 for a small cavity. I asked him about tonsils and their bad breath, he said I should have them checked out, b/c of this very thing. I had totally forgotten about this thread. I am really going to push with their doctor, b/c quite frankly, I cannot take they way their breath smells anymore. (what kind of a mother am I?) No wait, don't answer that.:tongue_smilie:

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I used to get those white dots too and my GP referred me to the Ear/Nose/Throat specialist who took one look at my tonsils and had me scheduled for tonsilectomy within a week. According to the specialist, those dots are a sign that the tonsils are chronically infected and they've lost their ability to be effective filters. Before I had them out, I used to get sick A LOT with horrible sore throats. Since getting them out (at age 25) I hardly ever get sick and rarely have a sore throat. The few sore throats I've had aren't nearly as bad or last as long as before the surgery. The tonsilectomy was one of the best things I've ever done.

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I used to have them a lot as a child, continuing through the teen years. They were so constant that I had a hole in each tonsil where they constantly emerged. In my 20's & 30's the frequency lessened. By my 40's the holes had pretty well closed. I still get an ocassional one and my throat will feel mildly sore for a short time.

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Ohmygosh! I really thought I WAS the only one who got these. Annoying, very annoying. And mine seem to take about a month to work their way out and I can feel them nearly every day. I can get it out if I can see it, but I can feel it way before it works its way to the surface.



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