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Absolutely and totally off-topic...But can I just say...

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Yeah, DH was watching the VMAs and I got sucked in, so I got to see that lovely piece of news when it happened. I was heartbroken for that poor girl, and I think Beyonce was incredibly gracious. Kanye IS known for doing things like that, and he's even poked fun at himself over it, so we totally thought it was a joke until the cameras finally had to cut away because of the awkwardness. Even DH was disgusted, and he has a high threshold for that cr@p.


Blech. I hate MTV.

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And because it can't be said enough - Kudos to Beyonce. I watched the debacle this morning after reading about it in the news, and her gracious words and act of kindness had me all choked up.


The truth is, Kanye ruined the special moment for both of these talented young women. Taylor Swift didn't get to finish her acceptance speech, and Beyonce used her time to allow Taylor the time she should have had in the first place. I hope the backlash from the entertainment community is strong and that he learns his lesson.

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Bump: curious :lurk5:


I don't watch the awards, so I only know from the video on yahoo yesterday and the news reports....but apparently Taylor Swift (a 18 or 19 year old first time winner) was just starting her acceptance speech when Kanye West jumped on stage took the microphone away from her and stated that Beyonce should have won for her video! The clip I saw showed only a few seconds of Taylor's reaction but she looked so humilated......just not right for the winner to look that way! Apparently the audience boo-ed West, then gave Taylor a standing ovation, but she couldn't finish or didn't finish her speech. There are various reports that she left the stage in tears (can't say I blame her), but the video I saw cut it off before she had left. Reports I read did say that she was scheduled to perform a short time later and did so very professionally......something that would be difficult, I imagine for a seasoned performer, and just incredible and very admirable for a teenager at her first awards show!


I then saw another clip where apparently Beyonce won in another category and had the class to say that she remembered winning her first award when she was with Destiny's Child and asked Taylor come back onstage and allowed her to finish her speech and have her moment. It won't erase the awful memories for Taylor, but hopefully it will show her that Beyonce did not agree with West. Class act for both ladies.


THen apparently West went on Jay Leno to "apologize" and say he's going to take some time off for "reflection". Sounds great, until I read that he said he only realized that he'd done something wrong when the audience started booing him. HELLO? One would think that you should have realized this when you opened your big mouth, not only after no one agreed with you!!!


A lot of the celebrity world is condeming him...and so are fans. Thank heavens! I don't know that I could stomach hearing about another jerk being forgiven for his behavior. DH doesn't understand why security wasn't storming the stage either.....had it been me or you, we'd not have made it up the stairs.


Getting on my soapbox....it's time that people stopped allowing these so-called celebrities to get away with crapola like this. Each incident seems to be worse and worse as if the jerks all think "hey, I gotta do something even more "news worthy" than Kanye West did so I get more press". Ugh, I just thank heavens that my kids could care less about and didn't even know who Kanye West was! I'm not sure that I know any of his music or movies, but the name sticks in the mind because of all the other stupid incidents. I really should stop reading the entertainment pages, lol.


I also just read that Jay Leno apparently "hurt Kanye West's feelings" by asking West what his mother, who died last year, would think of his behavior. Sheesh....awww so sorry West's feelings were hurt, mustn't do that. :tongue_smilie:


There are some behaviors that apologies can't erase. IMHO he found one of them.

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And because it can't be said enough - Kudos to Beyonce. I watched the debacle this morning after reading about it in the news, and her gracious words and act of kindness had me all choked up.


The truth is, Kanye ruined the special moment for both of these talented young women. Taylor Swift didn't get to finish her acceptance speech, and Beyonce used her time to allow Taylor the time she should have had in the first place. I hope the backlash from the entertainment community is strong and that he learns his lesson.


I got choked up, too, at Beyonce's kindness. And at the stunned look on Taylor's face when she was on stage.


My dd said that some singer (maybe it was Pink?) told West that what he did was like stepping on a kitten. He NEVER would have done that to a man.


I like Taylor Swift...her songs remind me being young & having a crush.

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I don't watch the awards, so I only know from the video on yahoo yesterday and the news reports....but apparently Taylor Swift (a 18 or 19 year old first time winner) was just starting her acceptance speech when Kanye West jumped on stage took the microphone away from her and stated that Beyonce should have won for her video! The clip I saw showed only a few seconds of Taylor's reaction but she looked so humilated......just not right for the winner to look that way! Apparently the audience boo-ed West, then gave Taylor a standing ovation, but she couldn't finish or didn't finish her speech. There are various reports that she left the stage in tears (can't say I blame her), but the video I saw cut it off before she had left. Reports I read did say that she was scheduled to perform a short time later and did so very professionally......something that would be difficult, I imagine for a seasoned performer, and just incredible and very admirable for a teenager at her first awards show!


I then saw another clip where apparently Beyonce won in another category and had the class to say that she remembered winning her first award when she was with Destiny's Child and asked Taylor come back onstage and allowed her to finish her speech and have her moment. It won't erase the awful memories for Taylor, but hopefully it will show her that Beyonce did not agree with West. Class act for both ladies.


THen apparently West went on Jay Leno to "apologize" and say he's going to take some time off for "reflection". Sounds great, until I read that he said he only realized that he'd done something wrong when the audience started booing him. HELLO? One would think that you should have realized this when you opened your big mouth, not only after no one agreed with you!!!


A lot of the celebrity world is condeming him...and so are fans. Thank heavens! I don't know that I could stomach hearing about another jerk being forgiven for his behavior. DH doesn't understand why security wasn't storming the stage either.....had it been me or you, we'd not have made it up the stairs.


Getting on my soapbox....it's time that people stopped allowing these so-called celebrities to get away with crapola like this. Each incident seems to be worse and worse as if the jerks all think "hey, I gotta do something even more "news worthy" than Kanye West did so I get more press". Ugh, I just thank heavens that my kids could care less about and didn't even know who Kanye West was! I'm not sure that I know any of his music or movies, but the name sticks in the mind because of all the other stupid incidents. I really should stop reading the entertainment pages, lol.


I also just read that Jay Leno apparently "hurt Kanye West's feelings" by asking West what his mother, who died last year, would think of his behavior. Sheesh....awww so sorry West's feelings were hurt, mustn't do that. :tongue_smilie:


There are some behaviors that apologies can't erase. IMHO he found one of them.


Thanks for the info. I agree that both women showed real class. I have heard the Beyonce is always like that. I am sure that there are a lot more like her out there. We just don't hear as much about them because they don't make as much noise.

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Well, I saw Kanye West on Jay Leno last night and he looked pretty darn pathetic.


Now, honestly, I don't know if he's sorry he did it, sorry he was drunk or high and made a donkey of himself, or sorry that no one liked it . . . but he sure is sorry about something, :lol:.


Also even though I think it was a little below-the-belt, he REALLY sobered up when Jay asked him what his deceased Mom would think of his behavior. He just sat there like a little boy waiting for the principal and I thought he might just burst into tears to be honest.


Kanye is KNOWN for his ridiculous antics and outbursts at award shows. Frankly, it's just what he does, but I think he might lay off that behavior for a while. Maybe not. You never know.


What a mess.


Also, I love Beyonce's music, but I'd soured on her a little bit because she just seems to be more and more naked every time I see her. Her classy behavior has reminded me that I guess we can't always judge a book by it's cover and that a person's onstage persona may not necessarily be who they are on the inside.


This whole situation has really given me a lot to think about.

Edited by TejasMamacita
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Well, I saw Kanye West on Jay Leno last night and he looked pretty darn pathetic.


Now, honestly, I don't know if he's sorry he did it, sorry he was drunk or high and made a donkey of himself, or sorry that no one liked it . . . but he sure is sorry about something, :lol:.


Also even though I think it was a little below-the-belt, he REALLY sobered up when Jay asked him what his deceased Mom would think of his behavior. He just sat there like a little boy waiting for the principal and I thought he might just burst into tears to be honest.


Kanye is KNOWN for his ridiculous antics and outbursts at award shows. Frankly, it's just what he does, but I think he might lay off that behavior for a while. Maybe not. You never know.


What a mess.


Also, I love Beyonce's music, but I'd soured on her a little bit because she just seems to be more and more naked every time I see her. Her classy behavior has reminded me that I guess we can't always judge a book by it's cover and that a person's onstage persona may not necessarily be who they are on the inside.


This whole situation has really given me a lot to think about.


Well, I have no sympathy for him....he's been called on the carpet for his antics before, it's not like it's his first time making a bad judgment call. And I have to say that the reports that after the Jay Leno show he is saying his feelings were hurt because Jay invoked his dead mother....well, that just shows me that he STILL doesn't understand what he did was so wrong. Awww, his poor ittle feelings got hurt because he was called on the carpet for publicly humliating two woman who did not in any way shape or form deserve it....but he did deserve what he got. And his other "apologies" in the past have been with him having that same hang-dog expression.....well, sorry, appears he is a good actor, but a poor human being.


Sadly, this will likely have very little impact on his career. Frankly, I think he deserves to have it cut off at the knees. I've seen other celebrities find themselves persona non grata for far less.

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Well, I have no sympathy for him....he's been called on the carpet for his antics before, it's not like it's his first time making a bad judgment call. And I have to say that the reports that after the Jay Leno show he is saying his feelings were hurt because Jay invoked his dead mother....well, that just shows me that he STILL doesn't understand what he did was so wrong. Awww, his poor ittle feelings got hurt because he was called on the carpet for publicly humliating two woman who did not in any way shape or form deserve it....but he did deserve what he got. And his other "apologies" in the past have been with him having that same hang-dog expression.....well, sorry, appears he is a good actor, but a poor human being.


Sadly, this will likely have very little impact on his career. Frankly, I think he deserves to have it cut off at the knees. I've seen other celebrities find themselves persona non grata for far less.


Oh, I didn't say I felt sorry for him, I said HE LOOKED sorry. Honestly I don't even know if he's sorry or not. I just hope he'll try to be a little nicer in the future. He was wrong wrong wrong.


I still like his music. Good music is good music. I listen to a lot of music that is sang by people I probably wouldn't be friends with in real life.


Good thing they live in Hollywood and I live in Texas! :lol:

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Oh, I didn't say I felt sorry for him, I said HE LOOKED sorry. Honestly I don't even know if he's sorry or not. I just hope he'll try to be a little nicer in the future. He was wrong wrong wrong.


I still like his music. Good music is good music. I listen to a lot of music that is sang by people I probably wouldn't be friends with in real life.


Good thing they live in Hollywood and I live in Texas! :lol:


Or I live in Buffalo & he lives in NJ --- I'm looking at you, Bruce Springsteen! :lol:

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Well, I saw Kanye West on Jay Leno last night and he looked pretty darn pathetic.


Now, honestly, I don't know if he's sorry he did it, sorry he was drunk or high and made a donkey of himself, or sorry that no one liked it . . . but he sure is sorry about something, :lol:.




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