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What are you tabling that you can't fit in?

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Aaaaahhhhh. We are doing really well with our schedule. We really are. Dd2 is cooperating beautifully and we are hitting a rhythm to our days. Yeah! But. I don't think Traditional Logic is going to happen this year. *Maybe* we can fit it in as a Spring elective. Looks very doubtful though. I bought a whole series of Logic and began working through it this summer thinking that even if I missed the complete series with ds1, I could pick it up with dd1 and ds2.


::breath:: It's all good. We're doing lots of writing and I'm actually *teaching* geometry and ds5 is learning to read.


Anyone else quietly shelving something that has looked so, so good on paper and in theory?



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Yes, I would have loved to add a study of artists and composers with our history this year using my big Sister Wendy book and my Music Masters CDs. I have always intended to do that. I can tell by our full schedule that they may collect dust again this year.

sigh :)

I am a Charlotte Mason wannabe.

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We haven't quite got into a routine that is working. But Ds and Dd are plugging away with algebra 2, world history, composition, grammar, vocabulary, critical thinking, health.


They are doing a little here and there with chemistry but we are finding that is not going so well for Dd and I haven't been able to get supplies for labs. So we decided that for now they will study the chemistry and use virtual labs where we can and hopefully the spring semester we can sign them up for fundamental chemistry at the CC. Ds is fine with the chemistry.


But neither have really done much with their two electives yet as we are still trying to get into a routine. This is just our third week. Dd has done a few lessons with the Italian and Music Appreciation/History. Ds has just barely started on Latin and Computer Fundamentals.

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For my now college freshman, there was never a good time for that Geography course I'd have liked her to have taken. (Perhaps she'll take it at college ... hey, there's an idea!) But, she did get to take a year of Ancient Greek. It's always a matter of give and take as there are only so many hours in a day.




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What am I tabling? Well it certainly hasn't been dinner! It literally has not made it to the table thus far this school year!! We're still tweaking our schedules of extra curricular activities, I'm still trying to schedule my violin students, and we're fine tuning what subject gets tackled when in the school day.


It may be one of those semesters when we can't seem to set a sensible and regular routine.



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I'm tabling the idea of an integrated literature/history/theology/geography program. Nothing I try to put together is working. I'm tired of over-thinking it and wishing I had stuck with my original plan (textbooks for everything).


We may end up doing "incidental" history: when we hit upon an interesting topic in one of our other subjects (for example, WWI as it is discussed in the life of Tolkien in LLfLOTR) we will read the corresponding pages in a text, mark it on our timeline, watch a video and do some sort of writing assignment or project. When I'm satisfied that we've covered all the important topics, I'll assign her a credit for world history. We'll see; it's a half-formed thought at this point.


I do know this: with the time she's putting into Algebra II, Biology, and Health Science -- something has to give. After four years of history-centered curriculum, I'm ready for it to take a back seat to dd's primary interests, which are math and science.

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I bought Notgrass American History to supplement Omnibus III for history (to use instead of Speilvogel). It is too much this year. It will have to wait until her senior year when she does Omnibus VI. She is retaking algebra, AND taking geometry, biology, Latin, and Greek, and CW Chreia, so something had to give. She is actually sad about it, and she volunteered to do it over the summer, because she was really excited about taking American history. I think she'll need a break this summer, but we'll see.

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So far nothing, since we're doing 6 of dd's freshman subjects semester style. This means that even though she lollygags like she has forever, she's getting her work done, including the all year stuff. We're mostly on time, too, and I've built in review/catch up weeks. However, I gave ourselves very long semesters compared with ps.

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This is my youngest dd's 12th grade year and so far......everything stays. I think after 15 years of homeschooling and three dc; I FINALLY have it figured out! YEAH!


She did want to try and keep up her study of Japanese (she's already studied it for 3 years), but realistically we knew she wouldn't have time, soooooo it's not really a tabled item.


We had originally planned for her to study chemistry as well, but we dropped that one in early August when we first started to plan her schedule. Glad we did as she really didn't have time for that either. I've found it's a really good idea to make a schedule out and plug-in all that you want your dc to do and see it there really *is* time, because when you write it out you can see that it just.won't.all.fit. Sometimes it's depressing, but worth doing anyhow.


But, dropping things from the schedule is a normal part of every year, right? No harm, no foul.

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This is his senior year. The scary thing is , all the things I've tabled over the years to come back for a "later " time. Now I realize they may never get done. But then I look at all the things we did do, and take a deep breath. I always plan too much. There are so many good things. We haven't done all the good things, but we've done a lot of them.

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Almost everything formal has been tabled. We are going to be tearing down part of our house and the kids, my husband, and I are doing all the work. So, instead of book learning, they are learning wiring, plumbing, concrete work, and carpentry, since we had to run new elec., water, and sewer lines and are going to be building parts ourselves. They have also operated a jack hammer and backhoe. My older son had a flower business over the summer which meant working all day Friday and selling on Saturday morning. Thankfully, that has just ended since he is also going to fix the exhaust leak on our truck and replace the universal joint on his truck. I believe both kids are going to help a farmer friend harvest this fall, too. Still, they are keeping up with their math, reading classic novels, and we are reading some history every day. All the other great subjects I have planned will be worked in whenever there is time.

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Almost everything formal has been tabled. We are going to be tearing down part of our house and the kids, my husband, and I are doing all the work. So, instead of book learning, they are learning wiring, plumbing, concrete work, and carpentry, since we had to run new elec., water, and sewer lines and are going to be building parts ourselves. They have also operated a jack hammer and backhoe. My older son had a flower business over the summer which meant working all day Friday and selling on Saturday morning. Thankfully, that has just ended since he is also going to fix the exhaust leak on our truck and replace the universal joint on his truck. I believe both kids are going to help a farmer friend harvest this fall, too. Still, they are keeping up with their math, reading classic novels, and we are reading some history every day. All the other great subjects I have planned will be worked in whenever there is time.


Great learning. My ds can operate a backhoe, and it certainly helped make her more rounded when she applied to med school. Also, one of my db's learned a lot of plumbing doing low temp Phsyics research so that skill comes in handy in some suprising places.

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So far nothing, since we're doing 6 of dd's freshman subjects semester style. This means that even though she lollygags like she has forever, she's getting her work done, including the all year stuff. We're mostly on time, too, and I've built in review/catch up weeks. However, I gave ourselves very long semesters compared with ps.


Karin -- I'm intrigued. What are you scheduling for semesters and how long are the semesters? I'm envisioning fewer subjects each day but longer time spent on each. Is that right? Hmmm. Is it more efficient for you?




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This is his senior year. The scary thing is , all the things I've tabled over the years to come back for a "later " time. Now I realize they may never get done. But then I look at all the things we did do, and take a deep breath. I always plan too much. There are so many good things. We haven't done all the good things, but we've done a lot of them.


Yes, I've already grieved this for my senior this year! But I have 6 tries to get it all to fit well. :D I know it won't happen and, really, I do rely on the Lord directing our/their paths.




P.S. What NCFCA region are you in?

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Whew! Glad to see I'm not the only one, though I see there are some wise ones here who have planned well. After many years in this business, I'm learning to be content with majoring on the majors. I've learned that from many of you and for that I thank you! The minors sure look attractive though! :D



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So far we haven't shelved anything. But that is probably because I haven't brought everything off the shelf yet LOL.


We started slow in July with just math and grammar and added in co-op classes (science, literature, electives) in August. We have changed a few things, like moving ds#3 from mid-algebra 1 to geometry for a time, then adding algebra 1 back into the mix, shelving Algebra 2 for ds#4 for a time but picking up Art of Problem Solving Geometry earlier than anticipated, shelving grammar workbooks (Easy Grammar) for a time and using IEW's Fix-It program.


Ds#3 is doing so well with periodic changes. I think he works best when on more of a block schedule. Year long classes begin to bore him around mid year even when it is a class he liked before. So I'm doing some experimenting with all the programs/curricula I have on my shelves.


I'm hoping to add in the Astronomy program I bought for ds#2. But that may not happen this year. He's taking 2 college courses as well as his basic home courses. Maybe in the spring....

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Anyone else quietly shelving something that has looked so, so good on paper and in theory?


I know it's the high school board, but I'm going to say, Spanish. For the past year I have tried to fit Spanish in for ds, and it doesn't look like it's going to happen this year on a regular basis, either. I even figured out how to tweak SYRWTLS to be more like how we studied LCII (and now Henle), but there just isn't time to do it justice. I'm hoping that a really good grounding in Latin grammar/translation will set him up to be able to tackle a modern language with ease, at some point in his life! Am I right????

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Yeah, I gave up trying to get Spanish done and opted to go the concurrent enrollment route. That was the best choice I have made (in regards to languages). Ds#1 did very well and is currently just shy of a minor in Spanish, Ds#2 is taking his first Spanish course with the same prof DS#1 had. He just got a 94% on his first exam! And he was dreading taking the course. So, yes, they can still be successful in a modern language.

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anything FUN!!! Sigh....Just getting through Math, Reading and LA with my 3 younger kids is taking ALL DAY!!!!! My 2 boys can not stay focused for 5 minutes....can you picture Norton from the Honeymooners signing his name......that's what they remind me of...AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

My highschooler missed the first week of school to a stomache virus and a daddy medical emergency where he had to babysit...


Oh welll...weekends coming and then we can start over Monday....



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Well dd1 will not be able participate in the Citylab Scholars Biotech program since they've changed the meeting date to Fridays 4-7 and she has Latin.


So this is not tabled, but it would probably have been the straw....She's doing Calculus, Biology, Latin, Greek, German, Senior English, Modern History, Economics and Music theory as well as our annual Shakespeare play and college apps. I'm exhausted!


Younger dd is still ramping up on her courses, so I'm not sure it will all fly. She's doing Algebra II, Human Geography, Latin, German, British Literature, Modern History, Conceptual Physics, Art, and Material Logic plus the play. At least she doesn't have college apps!



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Karin -- I'm intrigued. What are you scheduling for semesters and how long are the semesters? I'm envisioning fewer subjects each day but longer time spent on each. Is that right? Hmmm. Is it more efficient for you?






The semester is going from mid Aug to the end of January. Yes, she does more in each of the subjects per day so that she's covering a year's worth in one semester. The local ps high school does this (83 minute classes). The next one will start in February and go until she's finished everything (ideally by the end of June or mid July. She needed more time for the first semester because I'm making her do 2 Geometry programs. She'll do all of LoF and most of Dressler, but only half the problems in most of the Dressler she's going to do.) However, she's going to have to do more writing next semester, which may drag things out through the summer unless she improves her attitude toward it.


Semester courses:

this semester is Geometry, Chemistry with a lab & Logic

next semester is Ancient History, English & Art


All year courses

Latin 1, German 1, & Phys Ed . She's also doing Vocabulary all year. She's doing 9 credit courses; in the ps she'd only be able to do 8. Vocabulary is really part of English, but I don't bother to mention that.


So far this is working much better for dd, who has been a lollygagger since she started school (including in ps) and finds it easier to do fewer subjects. Her retention has traditionally been better than her output, so this allows us to improve her output. I'm not worried that she'll forget everything, because she tends to have excellent retention most of the time, once she buckles down and actually does the work.

Edited by Karin
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AP US Gov't.


When my older kids took the course, it was didn't take that much time. Somehow over the years stuff has been added to the course requirements, and ds2 doing okay in it but is frightfully behind in all his other subjects. He's going to be an engineer so he can't afford to mess up chemistry and math for a government class!


Somehow with child #3 you would think I'd know what I was doing..... :confused:


Maybe I'll figure things out by the time child #4 hits high school -- which is next year. Doesn't give me much time.....

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What am I tabling? Well it certainly hasn't been dinner! It literally has not made it to the table thus far this school year!! We're still tweaking our schedules of extra curricular activities, I'm still trying to schedule my violin students, and we're fine tuning what subject gets tackled when in the school day.


It may be one of those semesters when we can't seem to set a sensible and regular routine.





LOL, in my house dinner getting to the table is very rare. But I did succeed two nights in a row this week-LOL. Just so hard with the activities that go on and for this week it was school meetings that was a headache... parent band meeting, curriculum night, school fundraiser night (younger two are still in ps elementary).

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Well dd1 will not be able participate in the Citylab Scholars Biotech program since they've changed the meeting date to Fridays 4-7 and she has Latin.


So this is not tabled, but it would probably have been the straw....She's doing Calculus, Biology, Latin, Greek, German, Senior English, Modern History, Economics and Music theory as well as our annual Shakespeare play and college apps. I'm exhausted!


Younger dd is still ramping up on her courses, so I'm not sure it will all fly. She's doing Algebra II, Human Geography, Latin, German, British Literature, Modern History, Conceptual Physics, Art, and Material Logic plus the play. At least she doesn't have college apps!




Now I see why Northerners come down South and think life moves so slowly here! I just didn't understand that when a fellow law clerk from NY made that remark as we gazed over the skyline of Orlando. :D



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The semester is going from mid Aug to the end of January. Yes, she does more in each of the subjects per day so that she's covering a year's worth in one semester. The local ps high school does this (83 minute classes). The next one will start in February and go until she's finished everything (ideally by the end of June or mid July. She needed more time for the first semester because I'm making her do 2 Geometry programs. She'll do all of LoF and most of Dressler, but only half the problems in most of the Dressler she's going to do.) However, she's going to have to do more writing next semester, which may drag things out through the summer unless she improves her attitude toward it.


Semester courses:

this semester is Geometry, Chemistry with a lab & Logic

next semester is Ancient History, English & Art


All year courses

Latin 1, German 1, & Phys Ed . She's also doing Vocabulary all year. She's doing 9 credit courses; in the ps she'd only be able to do 8. Vocabulary is really part of English, but I don't bother to mention that.


So far this is working much better for dd, who has been a lollygagger since she started school (including in ps) and finds it easier to do fewer subjects. Her retention has traditionally been better than her output, so this allows us to improve her output. I'm not worried that she'll forget everything, because she tends to have excellent retention most of the time, once she buckles down and actually does the work.


Thanks Karin! I'm going to really examine this. I think this could work with a couple of subjects we have.



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AP US Gov't.


When my older kids took the course, it was didn't take that much time. Somehow over the years stuff has been added to the course requirements, and ds2 doing okay in it but is frightfully behind in all his other subjects.


Given the material in APUSGov, I'm so glad we did over the full year, rather than a semester! But that's partly because I only had a one-hour co-op class per week to squeeze it all in.



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Lisa Darling,


I have been avoiding this thread because I live my life with the belief that We Will Finish French 3 this year.


My 12th grade son has three courses at the CC (Chem II, English 112--Argument Based Research, and American History). Then there are two AP courses (Latin and Calculus), Thinkwell Government (this is a check off the box for us) and modern era Great Books. Four years of Latin and French have proved to be more than we could handle, particularly because my Latin skills were maxed out in Latin III and I have been learning French with my son.


We had a reality check in French in 11th grade and decided to complete only the French in Action material through French 3 over the course of four years of high school. With five years of Latin (Latin I in 8th grade), there should be no shame, but there are days I feel it. I have great admiration for all who study multiple languages!


Anywho, the rate we are going, I sometimes wonder if we'll make it through the French 3 material. There is a busy autumn ahead with college apps. I keep wondering if things might just ease up in January.


Maybe? Please?

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Anywho, the rate we are going, I sometimes wonder if we'll make it through the French 3 material. There is a busy autumn ahead with college apps. I keep wondering if things might just ease up in January.


Maybe? Please?


Yes, things do ease up in January. Have faith. The problem then is that you wish you were busier to take your mind off the waiting (and the waiting and the further waiting to learn the outcome of those applications that filled up the fall!)




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The sad thing is that ds2 is absolutely dying in his AP US Gov't class -- and it's a yearl-long class!!!!!


He did 1.5 - 2 hours per day last week and then 7 hours of work for this class on Friday. I nearly sent in a letter withdrawing him on Friday night, but we are holding on for a few more days.


Of course, I may have to give up my sanity -- or maybe I gave that up long ago! :D

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Oh my, Jane, I wouldn't feel bad about tabling French at all with that schedule. I'm always impressed with your what you and your ds are accomplishing. I'm looking forward to following all of these seniors through the app process into their college acceptances!


And Kareni, thanks for the assurance that it will ease up in January.



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Every single bit has made it into the schedule. Hurray!







Do I need to mention that we've only had 4 days of school and that I'm now down to 1 kid that I am homeschooling???


I suppose that which does not yet fit is getting done all the cooking, cleaning, gardening... But it is getting easier. The biggest problem is that I've grown older and it takes me longer to get those tasks done.







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Every single bit has made it into the schedule. Hurray!


Do I need to mention that we've only had 4 days of school and that I'm now down to 1 kid that I am homeschooling???


Standing ovation, Jean. :001_smile: It blesses my soul to see moms pouring into their youngest as they did with their older ones. I hope that I can be as faithful!



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