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If your child goes to AWANA, does your chruch charge for it?

Does your church charge for AWANA?  

  1. 1. Does your church charge for AWANA?

    • Yes
    • No
    • Another option/fees paid as needed perhaps?

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I'm not trying to start up a debate here, I'm just curious if your church charges for Awana or not (yearly fee). This is only the 2nd year of our church's program and they charged $20 last year and will be $30 this year. I'm just curious if this is the norm? This does include a t-shirt for the older and a vest for the little ones (and maybe something else...not sure) Thanks!

Edited by sandalwood
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It's been quite a while since I was an AWANA volunteer. I seem to recall we charged a fee for the vest/book for cubbies and sparks, and a tshirt/book for Truth & Training. I just don't remember the fee. I also know that my church did waive fees for kids/families who just couldn't pay the material fees.

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I'm not currently at a church with AWANA clubs, but I've was at three different churches from 1992-2002 with AWANA clubs. The costs were $0.50 in dues per week plus books and uniforms. Since the uniform cost around $15, I think, and dues would add up to about $15 for the course of the year, $20-30 sounds very reasonable if the shirt/vest is included. I would imagine having people pay this upfront would ensure that dues were actually paid, rather than forgotten on a weekly basis.


We always had scholarships available for those who couldn't pay.

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Neither church that we have been to has charged a fee for joining AWANA, but there is an AWANA club charge that goes to help start new clubs of 15 or 20 dollars. That is in addition to the books, cds, vests, patches and anything else that must be purchased. The $30 may be for the patches, trophies, the book, and the vest.

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I just signed my kids up for AWANA and it was 61 dollars for 2 kids. 30.50 each. The club fee was 25.00 which covered registration, their vest and their first book. I also paid 5.50 each for the optional handbag. Next year, the club fee will be 15.00 each because they will both still be in Sparks, so will already have the vest. We have to pay for additional books as needed through the year at a cost of 7.00 each book.


They do say they don't want any child to be left out due to finances and to contact one of the co-commanders or the Children's Minister if there is a problem.

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For Cubbies, it is $7/yr + $7 handbook + $10 uniform.

For Sparks, it is $14/yr + $7 handbook + $10 uniform.


They are very willing to let you pay just a bit at a time until you cover it all, and the paperwork says several times to let them know if you have a hardship and would still like to attend.


PS - The ONLY things we have lost in our recent move are our AWANA vests! Please pray we find them in the next 2 days! :tongue_smilie:

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I'm not trying to start up a debate here, I'm just curious if your church charges for Awana or not (yearly fee). This is only the 2nd year of our church's program and they charged $20 last year and will be $30 this year. I'm just curious if this is the norm? This does include a t-shirt for the older and a vest for the little ones (and maybe something else...not sure) Thanks!



Used to be a AWANA leader for 5 years... the church covers the group thru its umbrella policy. However, costs for electricity, water, and custodial clean-up or set up chairs and lock up of facility costs $$. Some churches charge for it (if the group doesn't belong to the church and is renting the facility) and others do not as it is part of their own church outreach. The annual fee should cover the book and pins. It was extra in our group for the T&T shirt or vest for Cubbies/Sparks. I recall paying $18-20 back in 2004 when we were in T&T for shirt and book. HTH

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Our church has 25 cent dues per week plus you buy your own vest/shirt and handbook. The 25 cents goes to help offset the "fun" actitivies (hikes, bowling etc) and also all candy they give out. Obviously this doesn't help offset by much, but it does help a little. But many children never bring dues and no child is turned away who can't afford vest and book (we take up donations from church members to cover this). All the rest of the expenses are covered from donations. We have a small church too.


I'm pretty sure that the uniform and book prices went up slightly this year in the AWANA catalog.

Edited by Homemama2
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Yes, ours charges. Ours just charges the dues up front so we do not have to worry about bringing them in each week. The up front dues were like $25, the vest was $10, and the bag was $5. Next year I will not have to purchase the vest or the bag....this was her first year as a Spark so she needed those things.

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I am the AWANA Commander of our church's AWANA program. We charge a registration fee that covers the cost of the book, uniform, and awards. This varies slightly depending on the child's placement (i.e. cubbies, sparkies etc.) but its about $28.00. If you already have the uniform then the fee is about $11.00ish less. We charge dues of .25 for cubbies, .50 for sparkies, .75 for T&T and 1.00 for both trek and Journey. The dues help cover parties and our AWANA store. Only half of our kids ever pay anything. We offer payment plans and scholarships.


Just yesterday we threw this huge children's festival and gave out "coupons" to everyone from the community that will allow them to pay $1.00 for the uniform and $1.00 for their materials if their children join our AWANA program! We had over 300 people attend our event. We have stepped way out on faith here, because we are on the smaller side as far as our church attendance goes. But I felt that God wanted us to do this. I can't wait to see what happens.

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I wanted to add...that our church technically "loses" a lot of money on our AWANA program but we don't look at it that way if you know what I mean. Because, like I said, most of our kids come from homes where they can't afford it and some come from homes where the parent doesn't care and is happy as long as we are the babysitter for a few hours. Our church serves dinner and kids are only charged $1.00 to eat so parents can drop off their kids at 5pm to eat and then pick them back up at 7:30pm after AWANA.


In these type of situations we, the church, have bought all their materials and uniform and the kids have to leave it all at the church because if it goes home it never returns. I sometimes wonder if we are the only church that goes through this sort of things. I'll admit that I am a bit of a softie when it comes to this sort of thing. I refuse to watch a child go without in our program and I know we, the church, gets taken advantage of on occasion because of this. Our volunteers shoulder the financial burden of the program. I don't know what we would do without them.

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Yes, we paid money for Awana.


But, I think of "charging" as trying to make money.


We paid for the uniform. We bought the book. We bought an extra credit book. We paid .25 a week in dues.


I certainly don't think the church made money off of the program. And I would hazard a guess that they still put money into it, by the time you look at snacks, parties, awards, Awana store, etc.... All of the workers are volunteers.


They do say they will not turn anyone away. We had the ability to pay and we did it gladly.

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I'm not trying to start up a debate here, I'm just curious if your church charges for Awana or not (yearly fee). This is only the 2nd year of our church's program and they charged $20 last year and will be $30 this year. I'm just curious if this is the norm? This does include a t-shirt for the older and a vest for the little ones (and maybe something else...not sure) Thanks!


WOW! You were getting off easy! Last year we had to pay $35 plus whatever the handbook/vest/t-shirt cost per kid. Our total for 2 kids was $95




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The church where my kids attend Awana does charge, but if you don't have the ability to pay, they let the kids participate anyway. This church is awesome, IMO, b/c they do so much outreach in the community through their Awana program. I don't think that many of those kids pay b/c they're mostly immigrant and/or low income.

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Wow, thanks for all the replies!! It looks like $30 is around the norm.


My only concern is that I feel some kids are not signing up because of the $30, although if someone asked, I doubt they'd make them pay. We have a lot of kids that come to youth night activities that do not have a church home or have *any* contact with a church besides our Wed. night programs. We had RA's & GA's on Wed. nights before and there was never a charge, even for the vests, etc. Anyhow, you all answered my question and quickly! Thanks!!!

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