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Should you get one cat or two?

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I am wondering if anyone has adult cats that actually like each other's company. My cats don't ever 'play' together. Of course they did as kittens (they are sisters)....but I am wondering if it is better to own just one cat.....or more than one. Does sex have anything to do with it....mine are both females.....


A friend of mine just got a cat....and was going to get his brother as well....both are males and were fixed as kittens (now 4 months old).


What do you all think?

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Two, and if you live close to Ohio I'd be glad to give you at least two!

We have two housecats, numerous barncats. The two housecats are 12 & 13 and have been together since the youngest was a kitten found on the road. I think they enjoy tormenting each other. Most of the time they seem to ignore each other but on ocassion, one will walk by the other, a tail will twitch, an ear will flick, and the play fight is on.

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I think they enjoy tormenting each other. Most of the time they seem to ignore each other but on ocassion, one will walk by the other, a tail will twitch, an ear will flick, and the play fight is on.

My 2 cats are the same way. Even if they aren't best buds, at least they will never be bored!

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We adopted 2 brothers and they loved each other so much. They would lie together in the sun and on beds. They were the most affectionate cats. We lost one and still have the other. I felt so bad for him, but he adjusted and is still very affectionate. We have 2 cats right now and are looking into getting another, although we'd like to get 2 kittens. I'm not sure we have the cat box space or devoted cat box cleaners. :)

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I am wondering if anyone has adult cats that actually like each other's company. My cats don't ever 'play' together. Of course they did as kittens (they are sisters)....but I am wondering if it is better to own just one cat.....or more than one. Does sex have anything to do with it....mine are both females.....


A friend of mine just got a cat....and was going to get his brother as well....both are males and were fixed as kittens (now 4 months old).


What do you all think?

I have had adult cats that liked each other's company, although mostly they don't "play" together.


More cats means more love.:D

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We had two adult cats that liked each other when we were first married. But they're the only ones I've known who did! Now we have one cat-two is too much for my allergies. He does fine by himself. He loves people, though. When he wants to play, he just hunts the kids.

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We always try to have two cats. Even if they don't really play together, they do at least keep each other company when we're gone and I think it can improve some cats' disposition.


Our first cat, Sully, whom we adopted as a kitten, started growing into a mean cat--lashing out after he was done being petted, attacking us if we went to pick him up, etc. He had never been mistreated. Then we got a second, slightly younger kitten, hoping he needed another cats to play with. Having Mikey join our family had a nearly overnight effect on Sully. Sully no longer lashed out or attacked us. He is now a very patient and gentle cat--very little children can pester him and he'll ignore it for awhile. When he has had enough he gets up and leaves.


After Mikey died, Sully seemed lost and depressed. We got another half-grown kitten and the two of them are becoming friends (though, Sully sometimes gets fed up with Angel's constant desire to tease him). Angel and Sully play and sleep together now.

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Get two! I have four cats and two kittens. Two of the adult cats are 'loners' but the other two are best friends... and even the loners will at least interact, even if they're not best friends. The kittens are siblings and of course rumble like there's no tomorrow. If you get one and decide to get another one later, the first cat might not accept cat #2. I have a friend going through this exact dilemma right now, and that's also how I acquired cat #4. Two is no more trouble, anyway.

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We have 2 brothers who adore one another, play constantly and sound like charging buffalo at night espcecially.


We also have a female cat who came to us as a abandoned adult and she grew to get along with the brothers. The boys play rougher with the female most of the time then each other but otherwise they all get along now.


Getting to cats at the same time normally makes things easier, at least for the cats to get along together.

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I am wondering if anyone has adult cats that actually like each other's company. My cats don't ever 'play' together. Of course they did as kittens (they are sisters)....but I am wondering if it is better to own just one cat.....or more than one. Does sex have anything to do with it....mine are both females.....


A friend of mine just got a cat....and was going to get his brother as well....both are males and were fixed as kittens (now 4 months old).


What do you all think?


Our cats are both 1 and 1/2 years old, and they play together a lot! Wrestling and chasing, mostly. It's really cute. They also like to be around each other quite a bit, and one grooms the other, although that usually ends up as wrestling pretty quick. Even though they don't curl up to sleep together like they used to, they are usually in the same room, and in the same position, so they're definitely aware of each other. They're both neutered males, and they were from two different litters, but only a couple weeks apart in age.


I definitely recommend getting two cats when possible. It's not much more trouble or expense, and though there's no guarantee they'll stay friends as adults, if they do it's great!

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Two. We have male and female littermates, and they're very sweet together. They developed completely different personalities as they grew up, but they're still great friends. And with 3 dogs and 3 little boys in the house, I figure a cat definitely needs an ally.

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Generally, I'd vote for more than one. Though, I have known a few cats in my lifetime that were happier as 'single' cats.


We have 5 cats. Two of them are more solitary (i.e., don't interact as much w/ the other cats, though they very much like interacting w/ humans). The other 3 get along fairly well at various times. They are all adults & don't really 'play' together, but they will groom each other sometimes, or flop down together for a nap. (Btw, none of our cats are related. All of them were introduced at various times as adults into the 'tribe', lol. There is always an adjustment period when they're getting used to each other.)

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I got two kittens together-a boy and a girl-5 years ago. They adored each other, slept together, cleaned each other, it was so sweet. Unfortunately the boy cat ran away this spring. I waited a while then finally went and got a new kitten-a girl-and they do not get along at all. I don't think it's a gender thing necessarily, just an older cat set in her ways not accepting a change in her environment.


So I would suggest getting two cats at the same time, especially if your friend is on the fence now about having two but thinks she might want two in the future.

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I am wondering if anyone has adult cats that actually like each other's company. My cats don't ever 'play' together. Of course they did as kittens (they are sisters)....but I am wondering if it is better to own just one cat.....or more than one. Does sex have anything to do with it....mine are both females.....


A friend of mine just got a cat....and was going to get his brother as well....both are males and were fixed as kittens (now 4 months old).


What do you all think?



Ten. You should have at least ten. Luckily for your friend, I have oodles of barn cats to spare. I can bring them over right now. Where does she live again? :D

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