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What do you miss? ( just for fun)

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My dad (passed away in 2007).





:grouphug: I miss my grandpa. He passed in 1987.


I miss the Ibanez guitars that they made in the late 70's, 80's and early 90's! What a fool I was to not snatch up a blue burst Radius when I had the chance!! :banghead: It's impossible to find a used one now that's not all beat up. :(

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I miss strappy tank tops, my bra size being 36B, and crazy discussions that could start in one place, go to a meal, and continue to another, all without being interrupted. Actually I just plain miss the intellectual stimulation & variety I had within my chosen 'group' @ college... we're all on facebook now but it isn't the same. :glare:

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My dd has an Ibanez EX series which I bought for Dh in the early 90's. It's a blue-purple color and he hardly ever used it. She does though, and it sounds great!


They were GREAT guitars back in the day, they still make good ones, but you have to pay over a thousand for them and that's too much for a poor girl like me. Back in the day, you could get an AWESOME guitar for around $300.00. I knew they were great back then, all my friends who were in bands played them, but like all things, you never know how good you've got it until it's gone and hindsight is 20/20. I wish I had bought an AR 300 in 1983, a blue burst Radius in 1991 and a CN 250 with the flying fingers pickups in 1978. Sigh! :( Goes away sad over what COULD have been. :( At least I have my RG550 20th anniversary edition that I bought new. Yes, at least I have that. :D

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Let me see:


My grandparents


Sleeping the night through


Nice bras instead of these **** ugly maternity bras!


My old bedspread. It got used for 18 years straight and I really liked it!


Having a wage


Having pants that fit


My nice belly button! After two pregnancies, it looks like it's been run over. I never realised how much a part of my identity my belly button was.


Ah well...



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Well, I am a big believer in finding joy in the moment you are in, but there are many things I wish I could have back...


Autumn on my college campus

Christmas in my childhood home (parents are divorced....you really can't go home can you??)

Laughing with my brother (he passed in '94)

Summers at the beach as a teenage girl - life was really good then!


And I suspect someday I will miss the life I have right now very much... so I am grabbing hold and hanging on tight!!:001_smile:

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I miss the beach, I just posted about it and I'm still ticked we didn't decide to move to Florida.


I miss the flat abs I had before 2 surgeries.


I miss my piano that we sold when we moved.


I miss my Jeep Wrangler that I sold to pay off a truck that I hated.


I miss the LA Gear tennies I had in the 80s. They were high top with palm trees inset on the side.


I miss having friends that just wanted to sit around and listen to records really loud all Saturday while their parents were gone.

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I miss voice lessons, and spending hours (uninterrupted) practicing.


I miss Saturdays spent sleeping in, eating junk food, and falling asleep over my homework.....and waking up to someone having made ME dinner.


I miss my pre-pregnancy figure - don't we all - sigh!


Autumn on my college campus - that's a good one - me too!

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I miss my dad, aunt, grandma(s).

Saudi Arabia

Really, really, good food

Can't say I miss many fashions. I was a button up 501's, Vans, and Op girl, still am.


:grouphug: I miss the Ibanez guitars that they made in the late 70's, 80's and early 90's! What a fool I was to not snatch up a blue burst Radius when I had the chance!! :banghead: It's impossible to find a used one now that's not all beat up. :(


My dh sold his pristine 87 RG550 to a kid who practically begged for it, for next to nothing. He often wallows in self-pity until I remind him he made that kid's dreams come true.


I wouldn't dream of selling my Taylor. :) I don't care who begged.

Edited by BillieBoy
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I don't mean this to sound harsh in anyway, but I see most of you miss things related to you have had children. I understand that, believe me, but after what I have watched two friends go through and our family in the last 18 mos. I no longer "miss' those things.




I miss not being alarmed when one of my children is ill.


I miss not knowing so much. Not knowing that transverse babies lead to c-sec, and there are no options when certain other complications arise with it.


I miss, not worrying about if my child gets a cold.


I miss not counting wet and dirty diapers.


I miss not having to be at the top of the prayer lists.


I miss sleeping through the night--not because my baby is up and crying, but because what if they are sleeping so good, because something is deathly wrong.


I miss not worrying about labor, birth and so forth. Now it will send me into a panic.


I miss, looking at a 7 mo baby and not feeling a hole has been ripped from my friend.


I miss looking at a 3 mo baby and not feeling a hole has been ripped from a friend.


I miss opening the mailbox and not seeing medical bills that could bankrupt us.


See, losing the "shape" of our bodies is a small price to pay. I have two close friends who would do anything to have their babies back in their arms. I would do anything, to not worry about certain symptoms that my children have. I would do anything to not worry about how NICU has changed my baby's personality. Was she going to be a high needs baby? Would she have needed PT, OT, and VT? What if I would have had another test done when I had the amnio? Would it have changed the outcome? Was I selfish not having more tests run? Will I ever be rid of the guilt that I chose not to do more tests that day? I miss not having guilt that is directly related to the outcome of my baby's health.


I miss being clueless about all these things. However, I am so thankful to my Savior Jesus that my friends will again see their precious blessings again. I am thankful that he spared my baby girl, and that she is resting quietly in her "safety pen". But, I will never worry over the not being able to wear certain things, or wanting to do things I did when I was in college and high school. I may miss them for a moment, then I hear "mommy, can we color" or some other request from a precious blessing.


Monday, I attend a funeral of one of my close friend's baby girl's. She was 3 mos 10 days old.


Tuesday I attend a funeral of my husband's best friend's grandma. She was 91.


Tuesday will be sad. Monday will be heart wrenching. I miss going to funerals that don't leave me heart broken for a long time.

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I miss perms, pants and skirts that sit at my "real" waist, Keds and penny loafers.


What do you miss?


this post makes me nervous. I just told dh last week that I decided what I want for my birthday is a perm. Am I blasting myself back?

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My dh sold his pristine 87 RG550 to a kid who practically begged for it, for next to nothing. He often wallows in self-pity until I remind him he made that kid's dreams come true.


I wouldn't dream of selling my Taylor. :) I don't care who begged.


Noooo! Don't sell the Taylor! hehe


Oooooh, which color RG550 did your dh have?? Did he have the desert yellow, road flare red or the black one?? You may want to tell your dh that they re-issued it in 2007 for it's 20th anniversary in all the original colors and according to the original specs. They even made them in the Fujigen factory in Japan just like the originals from 1987!! You can occasionally find some on Ebay or musicgoround or guitar center's used gear page in great condition. They came with a special 20th anniversary case, and the backing plate has "20th anniversary" on it. :) This is my road flare red 20th anny one. :) I love it!



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  • Feeling "normal" around non-homeschooling people
  • Fitting in at church
  • Having a close (female) friend (not my wonderful husband, KWIM?)
  • Taking long, long walks at Tyler State Park
  • Having an uninterrupted thought
  • Feeling like I was "good at my job" :glare: -- It's been a while....



Can you tell I need to :auto: somewhere? See those little spinning icons in my sig line? Those are my 2.5 year old twins. Every day. All day. I'm just tired, really...


Oh, one more thing... I miss the chunky little legs in my avatar. :crying:

Edited by Sahamamama
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