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We are a soda pop free house but some want to rebel...

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I decided to no longer buy soda for the house. *I* have been soda free for about 3 weeks. I must be honest that the first week I was horribly sick to my stomach. Purging something from your diet makes you feel worse before you feel better. I do feel more energetic now. I haven't given up coffee yet. Maybe someday soon...


Dh is on board with no soda in the house. Ds12 & ds8 whined for awhile but seem to have accepted it. They occasionally still ask me to buy some. The worst person is my dad. He will not drink water. Apparently he's allergic:glare: He'll drink milk occasionally or grab a beer(we've had the beers in the fridge since dd's Communion in May). He will complain how thirsty he is but he refuses to drink water. He is a junk food maniac. But the budget doesn't fit the things that he wants all. the. time. I've tried buying him those Ensures. But he'll drink a case in a few days because he's thirsty. Dude, I can't afford to buy you a case of chocolate Ensures every couple days. I really don't want to fill the fridge with sugary drinks just to appease him. I just don't want him to dehydrate. Arrggghhh... He's like having another kid sometimes. Any suggestions?

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May 15. DH and I went cold turkey -- the kids never drank it, it was just ours. now we are drinking water -- -lots and lots of water. we are both running again so the water is a good thing. Congrats to you - this is not an easy thing to do!

As for your dad, I don't know what to suggest -- Sunny Delight? in the alternative, I would suggest that he purchase his own beverage of choice -- and I don't see the Ensure thing as a long term solution.

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We're a pop and caffiene free house too. In your situation what about getting those Crystal light add ins. They've got stuff I wouldn't want kids drinking in them but if it was a grown up making their own decision to drink them that would be okay. I suspect they're really cheap. Otherwise he could have his own secret stash of Kool-aid or something. And let him make it himself so there isn't extra sitting around for the kids to drink.

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Have him buy his own (or give you the money to buy for him) and keep them in his room. Does he have *no* money or income of his own? I wouldn't try and control the diet of a grown man unless I really couldn't afford it and he didn't have any money of his own.


I really don't want to control his diet. I've gotten him things to keep in his own room. But then he tears through it very quickly and is then looking for more. He could drink 1 or 2 of the 2-liter sodas a day if I didn't care. He'll eat his snacks and then take the kids' stuff. The kids have to hide their snacks. If I leave soda in our fridge my kids will drink it. Ds12 has a hypothryroid issue and was gaining weight. The doc said he could be at a greater risk for diabetes because of the thyroid issue. That was another reason for discontinuing the soda here. My dad's a junk food junkie. The more you give him-the more he wants. I can maybe give him soda, chips, whatever and say that's it until this time next week. He'll still burn through it in a day:glare:

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You're poor sweet Dad! My father was the same way. Take this with a grain of salt, and from the perspective that I lost my Dad when I was 34, way too soon.


Honor your Dad. No, it's not healthy, but he's a grown man. Go to the extent that you reasonably can to give him what he wants. Now that my dad is gone, I can think of a zillion ways I wish I had been more indulging of my father's quirks.

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We're a pop and caffiene free house too. In your situation what about getting those Crystal light add ins. They've got stuff I wouldn't want kids drinking in them but if it was a grown up making their own decision to drink them that would be okay. I suspect they're really cheap. Otherwise he could have his own secret stash of Kool-aid or something. And let him make it himself so there isn't extra sitting around for the kids to drink.


That stuff's hugely cheap if you buy a decent-sized jar, and will mix well. I've used the lemonade/pink lemonade as a midway step to weaning myself off soda.

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Just tell him that he can keep whatever amount you buy him in his room for him only, and when it is gone it is gone until you go back to the store for your regular grocery trip. I am assuming that he does not pay for his own groceries. Those sodas will actually accelerate dehydration, so even drinking those is not going to help keep him hydrated if that is a concern for not buying them for him now.


Has he tried sweet tea?

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Would he drink lightly sweetened ice tea? It would be cheaper than soda and not quit as much sugar too. Also usually kids aren't too fond of it so maybe the kids won't drink it. Hope you find a solution.


Yup, that's what we drink in the summer. I make a big batch with no sugar. Anyone who wants sugar adds their own; usually no one does.


We've gone no soda for many years and have it only on a special occasion or when eating out.

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I really don't want to control his diet. I've gotten him things to keep in his own room. But then he tears through it very quickly and is then looking for more. He could drink 1 or 2 of the 2-liter sodas a day if I didn't care. He'll eat his snacks and then take the kids' stuff. The kids have to hide their snacks. If I leave soda in our fridge my kids will drink it. Ds12 has a hypothryroid issue and was gaining weight. The doc said he could be at a greater risk for diabetes because of the thyroid issue. That was another reason for discontinuing the soda here. My dad's a junk food junkie. The more you give him-the more he wants. I can maybe give him soda, chips, whatever and say that's it until this time next week. He'll still burn through it in a day:glare:


Are you providing this? or is he paying for it? If you are buying it I would simply tell him you have a set budget for non-healthy items and can only provide so much per week. If he is buying it, let him have his stash and ask that he stay out of the kids stuff. If his stuff is in the fridge, tell the kids not to touch it.


We don't buy soda or junk food that often. Dh takes soda for work and my ds is allowed one a week, otherwise he knows its hands off, belongs to someone else. You could label stuff, like an office fridge.


Or you could get another fridge and totally separate your foods. We lived with my parents for a few months and we kept our food in the garage fridge. That really helped a lot.

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Doesn't Crystal Light have artificial sweetener in it?


I would go for iced tea. It is inexpensive to make (4 tea bags per gallon).


Dh does not drink water and when he does it does bother his system. My mother is also allergic to some water so it does happen.


I agree that controlling his diet is not a recommended idea but he can buy his own groceries if it differs from yours.

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Would he drink lightly sweetened ice tea? It would be cheaper than soda and not quit as much sugar too. Also usually kids aren't too fond of it so maybe the kids won't drink it. Hope you find a solution.


We drink sweet tea here too. Our kids love it but they stay out of it unless I give them some. (They were well trained when dh drank sodas. They knew only daddy got to have the soda because it wasn't a healthy drink and we all know we can't control what daddy does but mama can tell the kids what to do!) My dh drank 6-8 sodas a day. We tried going without soda but he would last about 2-3 days and then run over to Circle K and buy more. He just doesn't like water. Since we have switched to tea, he hasn't had soda in about 2 months.

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Thank you for the ideas. My dad lives with us but not very mobile. I do the shopping. He was self employed and took early retirement. He gets very little in social security and has no pension. I can only buy so much junk on dh's income and dad's small amount of money. I try to buy things that he likes but he devours them quickly. My kids know that I'm buying x,y or z for the week. If we run out then too bad. My dad eats up all the junk and then complains. I'll get the Kool-Aid or Crystal light packets for him. I don't mind drinking that occasionally either. But I now honestly prefer water.

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i'd ask him. something like "our family has six dollars to buy you things to drink this week. what would you like?" then when he drinks it all in the first few days and complains, you can agree that its too bad soda is so expensive and and maybe next week, he'd like to try something different. that way, its his choice not your choice, and his problem not your problem.


but it may also be that he just needs to complain, and if it weren't this, it would be something else....


its kind that you have him there with you.


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Give him water and teaspoon of sugar. Wish him well.


:001_smile: Don't you mean water and 10 teaspoons of sugar?! When I was a little girl, my mom mixed cold coffee with Coke when I asked to try her Coke. Needless to say, I hated it. Now I'm almost 40, and I still can't stand soft drinks! :D

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We don't do soda or milk and rarely have fruit juices so what I've found that helps provide a treat/break from plain water are those little individual packs of Crystal Light. They are artificially flavored so you'd have to be careful to limit the kids consumption. People can be sensitive to the artificial sweetners. However, for your father they are probably a lot better than sugary drinks. They come in lots of different flavors and Walmart has their own brand which is the same as Crystal Light, just cheaper.

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How can you not let your Dad drink what he wants?


He is old & may need help, but still your elder & parent & a thinking adult. You & kids & DH can bite the bullet.... let your Dad be!;) Get one of those dorm fridges & put it in his room or in the garage. If you dont' trust yourself or kids.. put a lock on it & let him hide the key.


Let Dad do his thing & enjoy his life if they aren't going to kill him tomorrow. My Mom loves Diet Sprite... if she moves in tomorrow, I am not going to take that away from her.

Edited by Dirtroad
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We are mostly a soda and juice free home. We do fresh squeezed OJ and lemon aid. If I could find raw apple cider, we would drink that too.


Every once in a while, I will buy 365 sodas from Whole Foods. I also buy Reeds Ginger Beer and Virgal's Root Beer. These are all natural products and they use only cane sugar. We do not drink these on a daily or weekly basis. It might be once a month for a pizza, game, or movie night.

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How can you not let your Dad drink what he wants?


He is old & may need help, but still your elder & parent & a thinking adult. You & kids & DH can bite the bullet.... let your Dad be!;) Get one of those dorm fridges & put it in his room or in the garage. If you dont' trust yourself or kids.. put a lock on it & let him hide the key.


Let Dad do his thing & enjoy his life if they aren't going to kill him tomorrow. My Mom loves Diet Sprite... if she moves in tomorrow, I am not going to take that away from her.




Also, if you get the store brands of soda they are not expensive. I spend about $40/mo on my soda...and I drink two 2-liters (yes, really...and that is down from four 2-liters) per day.

At Wal-Mart you can get store brands for anywhere from 58 cents to 78 cents per 2-liter.


ETA: I also don't drink water. As a matter of fact, I drink nothing besides diet soda and the occasional latte. I've actually had my hydration tested by a doctor...because I drink so much soda I stay well-hydrated.

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How can you not let your Dad drink what he wants?


He is old & may need help, but still your elder & parent & a thinking adult. You & kids & DH can bite the bullet.... let your Dad be!;) Get one of those dorm fridges & put it in his room or in the garage. If you dont' trust yourself or kids.. put a lock on it & let him hide the key.


Let Dad do his thing & enjoy his life if they aren't going to kill him tomorrow. My Mom loves Diet Sprite... if she moves in tomorrow, I am not going to take that away from her.


I gathered that the main reason for limiting it is that neither she nor her dad can afford to buy as much soda as her dad would like to drink. The dorm fridge is a good idea if has the money to buy his drinks, but it sounds like he might not.

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Tel him the amount budgeted for his drinks and then buy them, and when he is done he is done. Or you can make a deal with the kids that his drinks stay in the fridge and they have to keep their hands off.


We don't drink soda, haven't for years and now it actually makes me sick, even the pure cane sugar ones.

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How about carbonated mineral water (or soda water?).

I dont do soda but in summer we love a bit of fizz. We often drink half juice, half soda water. Very refreshing.

A lot of people who drink soda pop really don't like soda water or mineral water (eww to the mineral water!). I know that I don't like them at all and I am a self-professed soda freak. The carbonation is quite different from soda carbonation and the taste is really different.

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