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I think the only reason NOT to return a shopping cart to a corral is...

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a medical emergency.




When you put your kids in the car & leave the cart in the middle of the lot, you are teachig them the same irresponsible behavior.


There is no rule that "Mommies don't have to return carts."


:auto: <------ Can you see the door dings on my car? I park at the very end of every lot. I am not hyper about my car. It is old w/over 100,000 miles.

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Does being 7 mo. pregnant in 110 degree weather & having to pee count as a medical emergency?:lol:


Actually, I return my cart 95% of the time anyway, but if I have to pee too badly I will take it to the nearest curb so it doesn't roll away or signal the employee gathering carts in the parking lot.

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Does being 7 mo. pregnant in 110 degree weather & having to pee count as a medical emergency?:lol:


Actually, I return my cart 95% of the time anyway, but if I have to pee too badly I will take it to the nearest curb so it doesn't roll away or signal the employee gathering carts in the parking lot.


Anytime urine can leak from your body w/o your control counts as a medical emergency. :D

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Thanks for not making us preggos feel too bad... LOL :)


I was thinking the same thing, actually, as I am also 7m. pg and in hot and humid FL.


It is annoying to see all the carts just left around the lot, though, when you know most of them could've been put back.


How about trying to turn into a parking spot only to find it littered with a bunch of carts?! :glare:

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Anytime urine can leak from your body w/o your control counts as a medical emergency. :D


I agree! You get a free pass. Actually, in that case, I see nothing wrong with asking an employee to help you unload your car and take the cart back to the store for you. That way you get out quicker.


I have a weird thing about returning carts. Even if we are far far away from a corral, we always walk back with the empty cart and return it. I make the kids come with me too (see other thread) and then we all walk back to the car. What's wrong with a little exercise for everyone? I gotta carry the baby in a sling or on my hip all day anyway, so I don't mind doing it this way.

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I do it anyway ever since my 8-year-old was a baby (see my anecdote in the other thread). Better to be thought rude and irresponsible than have some irrational mommy call the police on me. I park near a corral whenever possible but accept being labeled as irresponsible when I can't and don't take a cart back.

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Carts all over lots drive me crazy! It's all kinds of wrong.


Pee leaking is a legit. No much else, however. ;)


The corrals are everywhere, and as the mother of 4 kids, I don't buy that you can't. It's not dangerous to lock your kids in the car and walk the few feet to the corral. (Don't give the two year old your keys!) They are everywhere. It's rare you couldn't see the car from one.


I think it's much safer to lock the kids in the car while you do this for the 20 seconds it takes than to guide a gaggle of tots in a parking lot of moving cars.

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I agree! You get a free pass. Actually, in that case, I see nothing wrong with asking an employee to help you unload your car and take the cart back to the store for you. That way you get out quicker.


I have a weird thing about returning carts. Even if we are far far away from a corral, we always walk back with the empty cart and return it. I make the kids come with me too (see other thread) and then we all walk back to the car. What's wrong with a little exercise for everyone? I gotta carry the baby in a sling or on my hip all day anyway, so I don't mind doing it this way.


That is what I don't understand about where I shop! They have a drive-up service and a walk you to your car service (w/umbrellas if it is raining!) and still people won't return their carts!

Edited by unsinkable
cuz return is not retrun
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Perhaps we need a new department in the government to monitor and ensure proper returns of all shopping carts? Car placards for those with medical issues precluding cart returns? Scarlett letters for the foreheads of those who fail to return their carts? :D


Actually, I have a personal cart return rate of about 75%. And since you didn't know, there IS a rule that I don't have to if I don't want to.

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But moms with small children aren't the only ones guilty of this.


When I arrive in the parking lot I always ask people nearby if they'd like me to take their shopping cart into the store with me if I see that they've just unloaded their cart, and no one has said no yet.


Then I hope they don't see me go into the store and grab an antibacterial wipe that the store provides and give the handle a swipe. But I always take one of the wipes when I get there, no matter where I get my cart. I don't reach into the bowl for the free fruit bits in the produce dept., but this germ freak really appreciates the free antibacterial wipes! :lol:

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I think it's much safer to lock the kids in the car while you do this for the 20 seconds it takes than to guide a gaggle of tots in a parking lot of moving cars.


So, how do you get them into the store in the first place? I'm just curious. I really don't see the difference in walking them into the store without a cart vs walking them from the store without a cart?


I'm really not trying to debate here....I just thought everybody did it the way I do it.

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That is what I don't understand about where I shop! They have a drive-up service and a walk you to your car service (w/umbrellas if it is raining!) and still people won't return their carts!


You must live near a Publix! That's why I shop there. I don't even need to ask and 90% of the time, they are offering to unload for me. Of course the times when my kids are overtired, starving, and whiny they are too busy, lol!

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I agree! You get a free pass. Actually, in that case, I see nothing wrong with asking an employee to help you unload your car and take the cart back to the store for you. That way you get out quicker.


I think the baggers at my store are lazy.:glare: They only ever offer to help people who are obviously going to turn them down, like the 40-year-old lady who has a 10-year-old with her or the senior citizen with 2 bags. They actually offered me help several times pre-pregnancy (yeah, your average 27 year old really needs help with 6 bags!). But lo and behold, once I'm toting 7 mo. of pregnancy belly they never offer! I think I will get bold next time and actually ask for help since they don't appear to be go-getters. My husband actually "accidentally" :tongue_smilie: tripped a 20-year-old bagger in this store who was shoving past an elderly lady using a walker instead of waiting a few seconds for her to turn the corner.

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You must live near a Publix! That's why I shop there. I don't even need to ask and 90% of the time, they are offering to unload for me. Of course the times when my kids are overtired, starving, and whiny they are too busy, lol!


Actually, it Wegman's.


I've never been to Alabama, but I'd love to visit. We can grocery shop togehter.

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Actually, it Wegman's.


I've never been to Alabama, but I'd love to visit. We can grocery shop togehter.



Oh, now I'm jealous! I lived near a Wegmans in Allentown, PA and LOVED it! We have nothing similar here. The only upscale-ish grocery store is Whole Foods and it's not convenient to me and when I go I spend way too much cash on sushi, lol!


Does your Wegmans have a child care area where you can check your child in (safely!!!) and go shop alone? I can't believe no stores here have that. At Giant Eagle in Pittsburgh, PA, the stores have that and they also have little cafes, so you could drop the kids off and have a little lunch or breakfast date with your dh while the kids play.....

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I think the baggers at my store are lazy.:glare: They only ever offer to help people who are obviously going to turn them down, like the 40-year-old lady who has a 10-year-old with her or the senior citizen with 2 bags. They actually offered me help several times pre-pregnancy (yeah, your average 27 year old really needs help with 6 bags!). But lo and behold, once I'm toting 7 mo. of pregnancy belly they never offer! I think I will get bold next time and actually ask for help since they don't appear to be go-getters. My husband actually "accidentally" :tongue_smilie: tripped a 20-year-old bagger in this store who was shoving past an elderly lady using a walker instead of waiting a few seconds for her to turn the corner.


Please do ask for that service! Even if it's not something they offer...I'm sure they'd rather do that than pick up your cart from the parking lot.

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Oh, now I'm jealous! I lived near a Wegmans in Allentown, PA and LOVED it! We have nothing similar here. The only upscale-ish grocery store is Whole Foods and it's not convenient to me and when I go I spend way too much cash on sushi, lol!


Does your Wegmans have a child care area where you can check your child in (safely!!!) and go shop alone? I can't believe no stores here have that. At Giant Eagle in Pittsburgh, PA, the stores have that and they also have little cafes, so you could drop the kids off and have a little lunch or breakfast date with your dh while the kids play.....


Yes, they do. My dh & I would sit in the cafe & regroup when the kids were little. As long as you stayed in the store, you could shop or eat.


Wegman's has a sushi bar, chinese buffet, sub shop, pizza shop, beef/turkey on weck shop, soup & salad bar...hmmm what am I forgetting? Oh, a made to order pasta station & panini station at lunch.

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Perhaps we need a new department in the government to monitor and ensure proper returns of all shopping carts?


Oh, next week they'll have an email where you can report people who don't return their carts. Radicals.


I rarely return my cart when I have my kids with me. I'll try and park near a return but can't always. I have a huge car and don't always get to pick my spot. When I unload my groceries into my car, the kids are already in their car seats, and the car is running - I do not need my kids running around the parking lot. If it's 112 outside, I can only imagine how hot it is inside - so the car is running and I do not leave it.

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So, how do you get them into the store in the first place? I'm just curious. I really don't see the difference in walking them into the store without a cart vs walking them from the store without a cart?


I'm really not trying to debate here....I just thought everybody did it the way I do it.



You get them into the store the same way. Get out. Lock. Grab cart. Most of the time, however, you won't have to lock, since there will be many carts not in corrals. Most likely we can put the children in the cart that had to be moved to get into the parking space. (Does one take the children out of the car as they move this one out of the way, I wonder?) See? Even the lazy can offer offer :lol:service.

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I always return the cart...in spite of the inconvenience to me...because I think it is being considerate of other drivers. Nothing is more aggravating than not being able to get into a parking space because of an abandoned cart, or having your car dinged by carts blowing around.


Obviously, in an emergency, I am not going to worry about a cart. But for the rest of the time, I will return the cart. I do, however let my older kids (11 and 9) go ahead and get in the car while I spend 20 seconds returning the cart. I almost always park within 2-3 parking spaces of a cart corral when the kids are with me, even if that means I am parking further from the store door. It makes it easier to return the carts. When they were younger, I would take them with me though...


As a side note... we shop at a military commissary and they used to MAKE us use a bagger to take the groceries out to the car...and then we'd be expected to tip the bagger several dollars. I was so relieved when they started providing carts to the customer that I make SURE that I return the cart...I don't want that "privilege" to be revoked. I am too cheap!! lol



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I always return the cart...in spite of the inconvenience to me...because I think it is being considerate of other drivers. Nothing is more aggravating than not being able to get into a parking space because of an abandoned cart, or having your car dinged by carts blowing around.

Obviously, in an emergency, I am not going to worry about a cart. But for the rest of the time, I will return the cart. I do, however let my older kids (11 and 9) go ahead and get in the car while I spend 20 seconds returning the cart. I almost always park within 2-3 parking spaces of a cart corral when the kids are with me, even if that means I am parking further from the store door. It makes it easier to return the carts. When they were younger, I would take them with me though...


As a side note... we shop at a military commissary and they used to MAKE us use a bagger to take the groceries out to the car...and then we'd be expected to tip the bagger several dollars. I was so relieved when they started providing carts to the customer that I make SURE that I return the cart...I don't want that "privilege" to be revoked. I am too cheap!! lol




This is so well put!


Of course, I don't begrudge someone leaving a cart in an emergency but there is an attitude among some of: "I don't return carts because ________."


It is baffling to me that people justify it.

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I rarely return my cart when I have my kids with me. I'll try and park near a return but can't always. I have a huge car and don't always get to pick my spot. When I unload my groceries into my car, the kids are already in their car seats, and the car is running - I do not need my kids running around the parking lot. If it's 112 outside, I can only imagine how hot it is inside - so the car is running and I do not leave it.


:iagree: The first thing I do when I get to my car is load my children into it and get them out of the way. There is no need for a three and five year old to be standing next to me as I unload my groceries so that we can return the cart before I put them in the car. Parking lots are not safe places for little children; even when parents are being vigilant, something can happen.


If I am close to a cart return I will walk the cart over, but I won't walk far away from my car when my kids are inside it to return a cart. If I spy a lone cart sitting in a parking spot I will park there and use that cart, then return it to the same place. I figure I'm not creating more work for someone by doing that.


If I don't have the kids with me, I always return my cart.:001_smile:

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I try my best to park next to, or close to, the cart return. I definitely think it is inconsiderate to leave the carts all over the parking lot.


When I just had A & E, I would leave the girls in the shopping cart while I unloaded it, return it, then walk back to the car and buckle everyone in. One day that changed. I don't know why I did it, but I went ahead and put the girls in the car and then unloaded the cart. I walked around to the other side of the van to hand something to Emma, and I didn't noticed that a man in a huge truck was backing out of the spot beside me, and he literally backed over the cart. If my babies had been in that cart, they would have been killed for sure. I thank the Lord that I put the kids in the car first that day. So please don't ever leave your children in the cart while you unload it! People in huge trucks and SUVs cannot see what they are backing into or over!!

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I find it baffling that of all the things going on in the world today, and all the ways that people find to be selfish and disrespectful to each other, that this would be on anyone's radar. :confused: I mean, seriously. But then, I don't go looking for things to be bothered about. To each their own, I suppose.


Peace out. :coolgleamA:

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:iagree: The first thing I do when I get to my car is load my children into it and get them out of the way. There is no need for a three and five year old to be standing next to me as I unload my groceries so that we can return the cart before I put them in the car. Parking lots are not safe places for little children; even when parents are being vigilant, something can happen.


If I am close to a cart return I will walk the cart over, but I won't walk far away from my car when my kids are inside it to return a cart. If I spy a lone cart sitting in a parking spot I will park there and use that cart, then return it to the same place. I figure I'm not creating more work for someone by doing that.


If I don't have the kids with me, I always return my cart.:001_smile:


This is what I do as well. Who could argue with this method? Do people really think it would be better to return the cart even with young children sitting in the car??? I'm flabergasted.

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I find it baffling that of all the things going on in the world today, and all the ways that people find to be selfish and disrespectful to each other, that this would be on anyone's radar. :confused: I mean, seriously. But then, I don't go looking for things to be bothered about. To each their own, I suppose.


I only deal with the inconsequential.



Really, selfishness is one of the major reasons for many of the problems in this world.


Goodness & kindness & selflessness start with the small acts.

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When you put your kids in the car & leave the cart in the middle of the lot, you are teachig them the same irresponsible behavior.




Or, you are trying to keep what little feeling is left in your nose & fingers after dragging the kids & cart across the snow covered lot, and unloading everything & everyone into the van.


I don't wear a snowsuit to the grocery store. When it's -48C(-55F) outside, the cart boy - the guy in the down parka & ski mask - is well loved by me and my ice covered eyelashes. ;)

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I'm guilty as charged many times because my pet peeve in the grocery parking lot is that the corrals are all fairly close to the store. My everday vehicle is a 12 passenger van with an extended back and I just don't park anywhere near any other cars. I have a rule that I must be able to pull forward through the parking spaces so I don't have to back up and I prefer it if no one is on either side of me (you'll understand when you see the swipe mark on the side of my van from when I turned a bit too sharp pulling out of a parking spot).


I usually have a few kids with me and the cart corrals are usually more than 15 - 20 spots closer to the store than I am. . . . nope, not going to return the cart. If they want me to return the cart, they are going to have to treat the whole parking lot as a parking lot and put corrals throughout - not just near the doors.

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:iagree: The first thing I do when I get to my car is load my children into it and get them out of the way. There is no need for a three and five year old to be standing next to me as I unload my groceries so that we can return the cart before I put them in the car. Parking lots are not safe places for little children; even when parents are being vigilant, something can happen.


If I am close to a cart return I will walk the cart over, but I won't walk far away from my car when my kids are inside it to return a cart. If I spy a lone cart sitting in a parking spot I will park there and use that cart, then return it to the same place. I figure I'm not creating more work for someone by doing that.


If I don't have the kids with me, I always return my cart.:001_smile:


This is what I do. No way do I leave my children unattended. When it comes to a perception of rudeness or child safety, I'll err on the side of child safety. Grocery stores pay employees to return carts if necessary. If I'm not right next to a return I try to at least get the cart out of the way so it can't ding anyone's car.

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This is what I do as well. Who could argue with this method? Do people really think it would be better to return the cart even with young children sitting in the car??? I'm flabergasted.


It is dangerous & inconsiderate to leave carts unattended.


A strong wind coming off Lake Erie has been known to knock over adults. Imagine what it can do with a parking lot full of carts! Carts blowing! Cars swerving! The elderly getting knocked down like bowling pins!


What you're basically saying is that your children are more important than public safety & that you can't or won't figure out a way to return a cart & keep your kids safe. Really?


Can't we all just get our carts in the corral?


It's for the children!

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I'm guilty as charged many times because my pet peeve in the grocery parking lot is that the corrals are all fairly close to the store. My everday vehicle is a 12 passenger van with an extended back and I just don't park anywhere near any other cars. I have a rule that I must be able to pull forward through the parking spaces so I don't have to back up and I prefer it if no one is on either side of me (you'll understand when you see the swipe mark on the side of my van from when I turned a bit too sharp pulling out of a parking spot).


I usually have a few kids with me and the cart corrals are usually more than 15 - 20 spots closer to the store than I am. . . . nope, not going to return the cart. If they want me to return the cart, they are going to have to treat the whole parking lot as a parking lot and put corrals throughout - not just near the doors.


I do respect the pull-through! ;)

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It is dangerous & inconsiderate to leave carts unattended.


A strong wind coming off Lake Erie has been known to knock over adults. Imagine what it can do with a parking lot full of carts! Carts blowing! Cars swerving! The elderly getting knocked down like bowling pins!


What you're basically saying is that your children are more important than public safety & that you can't or won't figure out a way to return a cart & keep your kids safe. Really?


Can't we all just get our carts in the corral?


It's for the children!


Oh for heaven's sake! Are you serious?


We should start a new ad campaign. Shopping Carts Kill!!!!!!!!!

Edited by WordGirl
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I only return carts because I'm CHEAP.

We have to put a coin in the cart (usually $1 though there are a few old lots where it's a quarter) to get it to unlock from the corral.

I want my dollar back! It's like this in pretty much all of metro Vancouver. We keep coins in the car for shopping carts.


Otherwise, I'd be 50/50 with returning the carts.

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It is dangerous & inconsiderate to leave carts unattended.


Before the loonie/quarter deposits became the norm on all our carts, there were teens whose job it was to round up the stray carts in the parking lots. Seems to me it's up to the companies to hire someone to do this.


But I'm pretty sure the coin deposit thing is just going to keep spreading across the continent & your problem will be solved. The carts go back when there's a coin in them. If the original person doesn't do it, kids/bums/addicts will do it to get the coin.

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Yep,we have the quarter cart corral too...sure helped a lot of people learn to return. Gets annoying when you have to let your teen out to move a cart so you can park. Personally, I've seen enough people point the cart downhill and let go that I'm happy we have the forced return.


Now, if we can just train the parking lot designers to widen up the spaces, no one will feel the need to swipe my fenders when they leave and not bother to 'fess up.

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When my stores start putting corrals throughout the parking lot instead of just within range of the first 5 spots in each row then I'll return them 100%.


Oh and I don't see the corrals as a rule, I see them as a measure so that the stores can say they aren't responsible for damage loose carts may cause, thus covering their backsides from lawsuits.

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Oh for heaven's sake! Are you serious?


We should start a new ad campaign. Shopping Carts Kill!!!!!!!!!


What are the statistics for deaths caused by unreturned shopping carts? I may decide to change my position if it's something like 1 death/5 unreturned carts. But Unsinkable, you can't expect everyone to flip flop just by saying "It's for the children!" We need REAL facts on the issue. For reals.

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Before the loonie/quarter deposits became the norm on all our carts, there were teens whose job it was to round up the stray carts in the parking lots. Seems to me it's up to the companies to hire someone to do this.


But I'm pretty sure the coin deposit thing is just going to keep spreading across the continent & your problem will be solved. The carts go back when there's a coin in them. If the original person doesn't do it, kids/bums/addicts will do it to get the coin.


They do the loonie thing here as well - but when it's as cold as it sometimes is in the winter here, I consider it my cart rental fee. Or payment to the parka-clad cart boy.:tongue_smilie:

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It is dangerous & inconsiderate to leave carts unattended.


A strong wind coming off Lake Erie has been known to knock over adults. Imagine what it can do with a parking lot full of carts! Carts blowing! Cars swerving! The elderly getting knocked down like bowling pins!


What you're basically saying is that your children are more important than public safety & that you can't or won't figure out a way to return a cart & keep your kids safe. Really?


Can't we all just get our carts in the corral?


It's for the children!


Well, I can't say I've ever been out shopping in a wind storm that was knocking people over right and left. But if I WAS, I would probably ask for some help out to my car, and let the nice attendant return my cart for me. :D

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Okay... since I have recently started parking in the handicapped space I have a couple of peevs to air.


There is no cart corral near the handicapped space. Several times I could not park because there were 4 carts in the space blocking me from parking.


Just wanted to add: I usually ask for them to help me out to the car and they are very nice about it (Walmart will even help), even when not parking in the handicapped section, but once in a while a store will be very understaffed. Kroger almost always is. I don't go there anymore.

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carts go back when there's a coin in them. If the original person doesn't do it, kids/bums/addicts will do it to get the coin.




Actually the idea of cart deposits gets better and better. I might be that bum that is returning carts for the $1! Can you see all the moms sending their kids after the abandoned carts and then going out for ice cream afterwards? You'd probably see people get into cart wrestling match in competing for abandoned carts. Your teens could have a good part time job hanging out in grocery parking lots!



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I know this has already been mentioned, but since moving to Las Vegas last year, I have completely stopped returning shopping carts when I am alone with my two, very young kids are with me. There is no way I am going to leave them in the cart in the hot hot sun while unloading the cart. The first thing I do is get them into the car and out of the sun, followed by the fastest run to turn on the AC, trying to get this done in less than a minute if possible (easier now with the van so the kids can just climb into the safety of the big car, but don't have to be buckled QUITE yet.) So quickly get kids in the shade, turn on the AC (now the car is running), then buckle the kids in. THEN I then load up the trunk. There is absolutely no way I am going to leave the kids in the car to return the cart. Between the heat, the crazy people who will come steal my running car, and the people who will report me to the police for leaving my kids in the car, it is not even worth it for a second. I will often ask someone who is walking past if they can take the cart in for me. It certainly shocks people, but they always say yes. If no one is there to help, I leave the cart in an area that will be the least imposing. I don't feel even remotely bad about it. I have always returned carts before I had kids, and I will continue to return them once we move away from the heat and the kids are older. I feel I am at a stage in my life where I rely on the goodness of others for this particular thing. I have done my share of helping return carts prior to children, and I will do this again when I leave this stage of my life. But for now, I have zero guilt about my choice to leave the cart where I do.

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But moms with small children aren't the only ones guilty of this.


When I arrive in the parking lot I always ask people nearby if they'd like me to take their shopping cart into the store with me if I see that they've just unloaded their cart, and no one has said no yet.


Then I hope they don't see me go into the store and grab an antibacterial wipe that the store provides and give the handle a swipe. But I always take one of the wipes when I get there, no matter where I get my cart. I don't reach into the bowl for the free fruit bits in the produce dept., but this germ freak really appreciates the free antibacterial wipes! :lol:


:iagree: Me too, me too, me too!!! :)

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a medical emergency.




When you put your kids in the car & leave the cart in the middle of the lot, you are teachig them the same irresponsible behavior.


There is no rule that "Mommies don't have to return carts."


:auto: <------ Can you see the door dings on my car? I park at the very end of every lot. I am not hyper about my car. It is old w/over 100,000 miles.


I disagree. I don't leave my children in the car alone at all. It is a safety issue. Unless the cart return is next to the car, I park it out of the way near the car. It isn't the end of the world if the cart isn't returned. I'm helping keep someone employed. :)

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