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Do you give your kids anything special on the "First Day"

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This is our 2nd yr homeschooling, and last year I didn't do anything special. But I came across a blog about Shultute's, which I had never heard of, and it got me thinking what a neat idea.


I don't know if I would do one of those, or just a special 'gift bag' type thing, so tell me what do you give to your kids on the first day of school? Or do you go somewhere speical on the first day, have a special meal that day or the day before?

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I'm not really organized enough to pull this kind of thing off. Plus we don't have a set date that we start school, we just have a general idea based on what my work schedule is looking like.


I suppose, if anything, our special First Day of School thing would be breakfast out. But we do that about once a week anyhow :D our weekly readalouds usually happen at Starbucks LOL. (One of our local baristas was homeschooled, loves our family, and has an open offer to keep my throat from getting too parched when we're reading there!)

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Yes, we've done school cones almost every year. The kids now consider it a vital tradition and would be terribly upset with me if I skipped it. ;) I've even done them for dh many years, since usually we time our first day of school to his (since he's a prof). It's not a big thing -- just fresh pencils (usually something colorful or with characters -- something I wouldn't normally buy), stickers, a couple of candies, and maybe some other school supply or small educational game. It's the *tradition* of it that they love as much as anything.


My friend does something similar, but instead of doing school cones (which are only traditional for first graders anyway -- but that hasn't stopped us!), she hides a few small things in their school bags on the first day. Another friend has a half day, then they go out for donuts!


So many fun things can be done! :) But I really do think it's more about the tradition than about what one does, if that makes sense. A special breakfast, a field trip, going out to buy basic supplies, taking photos of the kids with their new assignment folder for the year, a day spent playing board games, or ...


But I do think there's value in having some tradition, something that can be remembered as "how we did ___" as a family. And that can change and grow as the kids do, of course! Sometimes, when you develop a tradition, the year something has to be different can take on a special meaning... :)


I hope you have a wonderful new school year!

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I read on this board somewhere that a mom created a treasure hunt to look for their school supplies each year (hidden in the house somewhere). I thought that was a good idea - maybe even including a pack of gum as a special treat! I don't know how my ds (5) would have made it through reading last year without that piece of sugarless gum to perk him up each day! - I needed it to keep from drifting off while he was learning to read myself...:D

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We take pictures of each girl holding up a sign that says "First day of XXX Grade." Then I (eventually) print the picture and paste it to the sign for their scrapbooks. I plan to hang it on the wall for awhile first.


For something new I clean out their old pencil boxes and fill with fresh pencils, a new box of crayons, glue stick, etc. The point being that it is cleaned out of the old broken crayons! No need to buy a new plastic box each year.


This year, they didn't need much in supplies. So I spread their new books out on the table, along w/the new paper pads, a couple of folders and binders and set out stickers and markers. I had a few new Science books we will be using that I kept hidden until our official first day too. The girls decorated their new folders and spirals w/the stickers while I made a special breakfast.


So not a lot new, but it felt new to them to see the new books and goodies on the table. I do like the idea of including some treats. That would be fun. I will try to remember that next year! (Oh yeah, we had pudding cups for first day lunch, does that count? They were on sale. :D)

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We went out for breakfast at IHOP or Cracker Barrel. During breakfast we talked about goals and some special plans and events for the year. Afterward we went supply shopping. Then back home to look at all our new curriculum. (I always tried to keep several things out of sight until the first day.) The rest of the day was spent organizing the books, notebooks, and work areas with some sort of read aloud or hands on activity to finish out the day.


I did this with both boys all the way through high school with some modifications.

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It varies from year to year. Sometimes we have gone after the first day of school to buy a new outfit. I have given bags of goodies before.


This year I am going to give them gift cards for Starbucks and let them use them on the day of their choice during the year.

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We take pictures of each girl holding up a sign that says "First day of XXX Grade."


Yep. We do this too! My just graduated senior included all thirteen pictures (from K through 12) on a poster board that she displayed at the local homeschooling resource center's graduation ceremony.


So many fun things can be done! :) But I really do think it's more about the tradition than about what one does, if that makes sense. A special breakfast, a field trip, going out to buy basic supplies, taking photos of the kids with their new assignment folder for the year, a day spent playing board games, or ...


But I do think there's value in having some tradition, something that can be remembered as "how we did ___" as a family. And that can change and grow as the kids do, of course! Sometimes, when you develop a tradition, the year something has to be different can take on a special meaning... :)


We also have done a gift bag of items for the first day of school throughout the years. And the contents change as the student matures. Last year, my teen received a school planner, a dictionary for the Ancient Greek class she was beginning, some notebooks, pens, pencils, index cards, plus a few things in the chocolate food group.




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We have ice cream sundaes for breakfast (chocolate, sprinkles, cherries, whipped cream, etc.). My 2 ds love it! It starts our day off with smiles, since they know this is the only day of the year they get to start their day off with ice cream. We also take our school year picture.



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Last year we launched helium balloons with messages inside, asking the finders to reply to us with the location they found their messages. No replies :-( They also got their picture taken.


This year all the kids (including the baby) will be getting new shirts with our logo on it. I also got each of them a $1 craft item at Michaels for them to do after school is done. Of course, we'll have the obligatory first day of school picture.


I like the ice cream breakfast idea! I usually make pancakes. Maybe this year it will be funny face pancakes a la mode! Mmmmm!

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We always have a pizza and movie night the night before with actual pizza at a pizza place. It's the only time we go.


We start the morning with a trip to the local coffee shop for chocolate milk and scones or other goodie and talk about the school year. Then off to the store to pick out the binders for their school work. We stop at the library on the way home to pick out their first books for the school year. Once home, they go off to read while I meet one on one to go through materials and just kind of talk over goals for the year. They usually start on some math and spelling, just light stuff.


This year, I actually tried to buy them new pencils and they didn't want them, said they had enough at home already. My little frugal guys!

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We have ice cream sundaes for breakfast (chocolate, sprinkles, cherries, whipped cream, etc.). My 2 ds love it! It starts our day off with smiles, since they know this is the only day of the year they get to start their day off with ice cream. We also take our school year picture.




I don't I could get my kids to sit still to do schoolwork after that :D!


We usually "ease" into the school year by gradually adding subjects every week, so I don't really do anything special for them. (I wish I'd started doing the picture thing though). The gradual thing is more for me than them! :lol:

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we went out side and took first day of school pics, i had them close their eyes before they came up to our school area where i'd posted new things on the wall, and then we sat around and looked through all our new crayons, markers, construction paper, notebooks, reading books .... dabbled in them for a few hours .... and then headed off to the bowling alley. :)

and DH made his fantastic homemade waffles ... for dinner :)


:) not that exciting for some, but it was nice for us :) we just started aug 3.

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Not Going Back to School day is a big holiday for our family. :) Each kid gets a brand new pajama, we make pizza from scratch, play games, watch tv, walk to the park or visit the children's museum. Last year they did the latter IN their brand new pajamas. :lol: I attempt taking portrait worthy pictures of them for their "school pictures" of the year.


We school year round without regard to the local schools' schedules, but we choose the day most of their friends go back to school for our NGBTS day. The next day we go back to school like normal. ;)

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I buy and load up a new pencil box and add treats, such as gum.

New notebooks and stickers for them to decorate them.

I wrap them too and make their favorite pancakes for breakfast.

And the gift I spend the most time on is their yearly binder. I try to make a personalized cover that reflects who they are and what they love from year to year. Then their lesson plan sheets go in and their course outlines and such.

You can see them here if you like.

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We have ice cream sundaes for breakfast (chocolate, sprinkles, cherries, whipped cream, etc.). My 2 ds love it! It starts our day off with smiles, since they know this is the only day of the year they get to start their day off with ice cream. We also take our school year picture.




that is brilliant!

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My son's first year (2nd grade) I put up a poster, Student of the Month with his picture. It was very funny being he was the only student. He loved it!


Then we went out to breakfast.


I also have a drawer filled with dollar store candy and stickers and I am very generous the first week letting them get something from it.

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We always end our first day of school with lunch at Souper Salad



You are after my Ydd's heart. That is her favorite restaurant. She always begs to go there after church. I wish I would have thought of that for the first day back for her. Maybe I will do it for a "doing a great week" in K surprise.......

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Yes. I give them school work. :D



This is what we do, too!


However we do have grade advancement fun...at the end of the school year (which is the day before the new school year starts...we school year round) I take the kids out for a small toy to celebrate their advancement to the next school year. The toy does not need to be educational...as long as its within a certain price range they can choose pretty much anything. And I print out a certificate for them stating that they've finished their grade and are ready for the next grade's work. Since we school year-round and I'm always buying supplies and giving them to the kids (I'm not good at waiting, lol!) this works out well for us.

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We go out for breakfast or an early lunch and throw out ideas for field trips and talk about things we want to do over the year. This year, I think we're going to go to Red Robin and the girls can get one of those fancy drinks and so can Mama. But, since I have to drive them home, I'll refrain from anything too strong. Maybe just something chocolate :D then we come home and lounge around all day.

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I asked the kids if they wanted a new 1st day tradition and they said "NO!" I heat up 2 ready made waffles and sandwich chocolate ice cream in them. I then put whipped cream and chocolate syrup on them. Ice cream for breakfast only happens on the first day and they love it. They mention it occasionally throughout the year:) We usually make the first day more of an outdoors day. Probably because of all of the sugar laden energy.

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