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Thoughts on double buckling...

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I have a friend who frequently has too many kids for her vehicle and she will just double buckle them. What are your thoughts on this? It really bothers me so I try to always avoid my kids ever going with her. Even if she has room for mine, I am afraid she will add more. Am I being extreme on this?

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Am I being extreme on this?


Too extreme for......what ?


It's your call, you are responsible for your own kids. Even if you are Too Extreme...you still should probably go with your better judgment.


Edited by Moni
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I have a friend who frequently has too many kids for her vehicle and she will just double buckle them. What are your thoughts on this? It really bothers me so I try to always avoid my kids ever going with her. Even if she has room for mine, I am afraid she will add more. Am I being extreme on this?


No, I don't think so. Seat belts are to be used the way they were designed to be used for the car, and as they were safety tested for the car. Any other use, especially with other people's children (!) is irresponsible. I wouldn't let my kids ride with her, ever, and I'd have a hard time not saying something about it to her with regard to her kids and any others she might drive.

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I never heard of this til we moved to Dallas, and some friends occasionally double-buckled. I didn't think to object then. Of course, we followed the law and kept ds in his car seat...until he was 2! What were they all thinking back then? (And farther back--there weren't ANY seat belts...)


Now I'm much more safety-conscious. If she ever questions you, just tell her the truth--double-buckling doesn't seem safe and you feel more comfortable taking your kids yourself. If she's offended, maybe it will be just the thing to get her to think about it.

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I do occasionally double-buckle my *own* kids, but never anyone else's (except maybe once and I had asked then). I also discovered that not everyone uses the buckle and rarely let my kids ride with others. Because if *I* occasionally double-buckle my own kids, then it's not OK for others to do that or ignore kids wearing seat-belts.


All that said, and then recently we had a couple of surprises with some friends I was sure took the seat-belt serious. They had their toddler bounce around in the car as he wished>


We once got stopped locally by an officer who saw two kids were double-buckled in the third row and he just asked us to drive carefully.

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I would absolutely not allow my kids in her car. My kids *know* the rules about seat belts, but if they had an adult insisting they do something wildly unsafe, they might be confused or intimidated into doing as that adult told them. I don't want to put them in that position.


It's unsafe, it's (generally) illegal. No way, no how.


And if she asked why my kids couldn't ride with her, I would tell her honestly.

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I never double buckled. The restraints will be in the wrong positions on their bodies which will cause severe internal injuries in an accident. Then add in a side impact possibility and you have heads cracking because they are sooo close to each other.


If it's a child sitting on another's lap...the picture isn't pretty. Child will likely be crushed.


I didn't let others drive the children when they were in infant/toddler seats b/c it is so difficult to train a person on how to buckle correctly, even if our seats did fit their vehicle.


Most accidents are close to home.



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If my kids can't ride both as safely as possible and legally, we have to decline. I also won't transport others' children if I can't do it legally and safely, regardless of the other parent's opinion.


I'm a HUGE stickler for proper carseat and seat belt use. I bet most of y'all would roll your eyes at the lengths I go to in this area, but when it is either kids or my car, I get make the rules. ;)

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I have a friend who frequently has too many kids for her vehicle and she will just double buckle them. What are your thoughts on this? It really bothers me so I try to always avoid my kids ever going with her. Even if she has room for mine, I am afraid she will add more. Am I being extreme on this?


I admit, I have double-buckled my kids with a cousin the same size, with sil's permission. On two occasions.


I would never double-buckle someone else's kid in my car.


On the same note, my dd went to Albuquerque (from Denver) with a friend- they took all the seats out of their van and had the kids spread sleeping bags out on the floor. I didn't even know about this for about a year, when dd told me it was weird.

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:001_huh: wow. I've been living under a rock, I guess. I've never heard of this.


We have mandatory car seat laws & recently new laws for boosters - until kid is 9 yo or 4'9" regardless of weight. And you can't smoke with kids in cars here either.


Libertarians are all bursting blood vessels here in beautiful British Columbia.


I don't let people drive my kids unless I know them very well, have checked their licence for accidents and speeding tickets, done a background police check and they have a current defensive driving course certificate. .>>>kidding! <<<


But that's what I wish I could do. So what I do instead is drive my kids everywhere myself.....

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No offense to friend, but is she got caught in Cali , it would be a big fine.


That is a big whopping no.

:iagree: I think here in Washington we have some of the strictest seat-belt laws in the country. Kids have to be in their own booster seat until they are 8 years old or over 4'9". I have never heard of double seat-belting until this thread, wow!

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I have on occasion allowed adults in the car to double buckle; I won't make the car go without everyone buckled, but if an adult wants to buckle improperly, that's their problem; at least they're strapped down so less likely to become a human projectile and injure me in a wreck.


I won't take kids in my car if they won't all fit. I will put the oldest/biggest child who would otherwise be in a booster in the middle lap belt, though.

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