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Now I need help with girl names!

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I just found out this afternoon that we are having our 4th girl. I thought I was having a boy just because I don't have a girl name picked out.


It turns out that is not actually how a baby's sex is determined.


Now I'm looking for a classic but not common girl name. If I can not find anything I like better, I'll name her Adelaide Jackson.


I'm pretty set on the middle name Jackson after my grandfather. Dh is pretty Meh about Adelaide, but it is in my pre-nup that I get to pick all baby names. Since I'm not completely in love with that name, I'm still willing to keep looking.


My other girls are Madeleine Claire, Olivia Ann, and Louisa Maudie.


What would sound good with our other names?

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I had the same realization about sex determination when I was pregnant with the twins... had girl names but I don't think it would help in the socialization department to have the boys answering to Genevieve and Ainsley.


We also wanted non-"weird", but not top-10 names. (The boys are Holden and Quinn)

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Victoria (btw, great with the middle name Evelyn as long as you don't mind us using it if a miracle happens)

Cordelia (Anne of Green Gables)







The first thing I thought of when I saw your post was literature. There is some flair about name choices/post. I don't know. Anyway, so you might try some searches about women's name from literature. I think you might find the right one :)

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I love Miriam, but my cousin already used that name and Abigail too.


Charlotte just might work. I really like it. I hadn't really considered that name because my husband's college room mate already named his daughter that.


We only see them every few years, so that shouldn't really matter. Now I just need so find out what it means. I promised not to use any more names that mean "warrior woman"

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I love Genevieve! I call 'no saving names'!! LOL! My twin girl names I have picked out are Genevieve and Lorelei. (As far as I know, I don't need twin girls' names, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared:)).


Charlotte is nice or Carlotta. Lottie would be a cute nickname for either. I've also recently fallen in love with the name Miranda.


I love the names you've already used. Keep us updated.




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My dd is Margaret and we call her Meg. I absolutely LOVE it!!


Other names we considered: Josephine and Charlotte. Funny how those names are coming back! We joke about our Little Women names - if we had another dd she'd be Josephine. We'd have our Meg and Jo. Don't know if I could use Beth or not given the circumstances!!


I have a friend who has an Eleanor.

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Other names we considered: Josephine and Charlotte. Funny how those names are coming back!


I have a 4yo niece named Charlotte! It's such a classic name!


I have an Elizabeth and a Kathryn (we call her Kate) .... so I have to toss those names into the ring! ;)

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Well, my 10 year old just told me that she is changing her name to Josephine when she turns 18, so that one is out.


I like Margaret too. My sister's name is Gretchen which is a variation of

Margaret so she would like that name.


I'll ask Dh if he likes the name Charlotte when he comes in from doing all my chores for me.

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Lillian. Although you would hit the competition with all the Lily's out there. But it's a good name for the parameters you set forth. I also love Evelyn and I think Evie is a really sweet nickname.


Ohhhh pretty on both counts! Ds3 was going to be Evelyn had he been a girl (of course, he was going to be Jonathon if he was a boy and he ended up a William!!). A woman in our church named her dd Lillian and I just love it!


Let us know what your dh thinks of Charlotte!

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I love Adelaide!!! I wanted that for the girl I thought for sure I was having... his name is Nolan. :D:D


I also love Josephine, Gwendolyn, Charlotte, Abigail, Mary, Camille, and Jocelyn.


Girls names are fun!

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The girls like Coraline better than Caroline. Can you guess what they have been watching.


My oldest is against anything too frilly sounding. She is harder to please than anyone else, but she said she likes both Adelaide and Charlotte.


Miss Bossy said, "I like Wilbur better!"

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I was going to suggest Charlotte, but it appears many beat me to it! :001_smile:


If our upcoming baby is a girl, she'll be Charlotte, so I sort of have that name on my mind. I also like Jessamyn, but Jessamyn Jackson is a bit much, methinks.


Ooooh, I love name threads. Love 'em!


Congratulations on your little sweetie!

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I love beautiful old fashioned names. I really like Charlotte, Katherine, Kathleen, Elizabeth, Emmeline, Hannah, Caroline, and Abigail. There are some very beautiful names for girls.


Congratulations! (Mom of four daughters and one son.) :001_smile:

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Beatrice? The blessed one. She who brings joy


Alice? The wise counselor, or the truthful one


Elise? Consecrated to God


Deborah? The bee, an industrious woman


Patricia? Noble, wellborn


Tabitha? A doe or gazelle


Helena? The light of the sun


Patience? One of the seven virtues


Names are one of my FAVORITE things!

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I like Elnora (after the character in Girl of the Limberlost). I like it because 1. I like that character 2. I like the name Eleanor 3. I like the name Nora. 4. I could also call her Ellie, which I don't mind.

Edited by Janna
forgot to italicize the book title
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I think Charlotte, Lilly, and Sophia/Sophie are quite common. Beautiful, but not unusual (I gave my kids common names, so I have nothing against that, but since you asked for uncommon....)


Theodosia or Theodora (called "Thea" which I think is lovely, feminine, and unusual)




Aurora (means sunrise)









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My dd is Lucy Evelyn.


Your category is what I call "grandma names". :D I love 'em. If we would have had another girl she would have been either Charlotte, Ava, or Stella. I LOVE Stella! Wouldn't sisters named Lucy and Stella have been SO cute?!


Grandma names are very popular. Girls (under age 10) that I know IRL: Lucy, Charlotte, Caroline, Adeline, Annabelle, Ruby, Olivia, Hannah, Emma, Laurie, Julia, Ella, Mary, Elizabeth, Valerie, Jenna, Natalie, Lily, Eleanor, Jemma, Kate


I will also vote for Charlotte. I think it goes very nicely with your other girl names, and has that literary feel too: Charlotte Bronte!

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I agree that Charlotte is common. That is part of why I like Adelaide better.


I like Aurora and Beatrix so much that I already have dogs with those names.


Our last name is not QUITE Bedelia, but close enough.

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I just thought of mine and my dh grandmother's names here goes...


Virgininia (ginny for short)

Barbara (bobbie for short)


and I also like

Chariss(pronounced Kare iss)



Loraine (lori for short)

Josephine (josi for short)

Emmanuela (emma for short)

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