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Have you seen this great wedding video?

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I watched it this morning when my cousin sent it to me and I watched it again just now with my oldest. I get teary every time. I love the words,"I waited my whole life....for this one night....":001_smile:

I got teary too! I guess it's just the sheer joy they all have and that they are this great big group of friends celebrating 2 getting married. Awesome!

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I got teary too! I guess it's just the sheer joy they all have and that they are this great big group of friends celebrating 2 getting married. Awesome!


I am so glad to read that others got teary! I thought something must be wrong with for getting emotional. Whew!

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It's obvious they had a great time doing it but I guess I'm too old school.


Honestly, I didn't think it was all that funny (cute and creative...yes). I see a wedding as a sacred event and there is reverence to it. I'm sure Jesus loves a good party and seeing His kids having fun. I just can't wrap my head around entering a church in that way where you will be making a covenant with Him, becoming One Flesh. I know not everyone views it as such, perhaps this couple included, but believing what I do about marriage I just don't find it humorous.

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I was so filled with joy when watching this!


Yes, I think there should be reverence, and I, too, believe in the sacredness of marriage. There is something to be said, tho, for such joy at finding the One God Blessed You With--and having friends that are as thrilled as you are, and willing to show that to the world in a unique and celebratory way.

I wonder how the rest of the ceremony went. I'm sure there were serious parts.


I know my favorite part of my own wedding, and the ones my husband does, is when the priest takes off his stole and wraps the couples' joined hands with it (it's where "tying the knot" comes from)--and I think of the verse that says a cord of 3 strands is not quickly broken.


I love weddings.

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I watched this a few days ago on Facebook.


At first, I thought it was really cool - very creative (I still do think it was creative) and I was smiling and all that...


But then, I don't know - it got kinda old. It was too long - too much of the same thing. But then, I saw that the wedding party had come back around and all together they were dancing down and I thought, "Ok, this is a little different...what are they going to do?" and then I got excited because I thought they were going to something really neat to usher in the bride. But they didn't. They just danced the same way, only all together and then took the traditional places at the front. Then, all of a sudden, the bride was there dancing the same way down the aisle. At that point, I was turned off.


I guess I think that it would have been better to have the bride stand out more. Yes, she stood out because of the white dress, but the audience had no idea this was going to happen, so being able to stand for her wasn't done until she was already half way down the aisle it seemed. And even then, the audience was just in so much shock. That in itself could be neat, but I guess I just think the bride should have had more individualized attention. Maybe if the song had changed to something else, or maybe if when the whole wedding party danced down the aisle she was in the middle and they were fanning her or something, LOL :lol:.


I dunno. It just got old and after the first 2 dancers I no longer liked the song.


I understand what the posters are saying about reverence, and I'm sure there was reverence during the ceremony. But it would have been nice to honor the bride a little more. The focus became on the wedding party, rather than the bride and ultimately the joining of two people, which is a shame.


But again, kudos to them for creativity! It's nice to see a wedding with so much celebration!

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Yes, I think there should be reverence, and I, too, believe in the sacredness of marriage. There is something to be said, tho, for such joy at finding the One God Blessed You With--and having friends that are as thrilled as you are, and willing to show that to the world in a unique and celebratory way.



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Ithe wedding party had come back around and all together they were dancing down and I thought, "Ok, this is a little different...what are they going to do?" and then I got excited because I thought they were going to something really neat to usher in the bride. But they didn't. They just danced the same way, only all together and then took the traditional places at the front. Then, all of a sudden, the bride was there dancing the same way down the aisle. At that point, I was turned off.


I thought she was going to be hiding in the middle, too.

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I loved it! (although I had trouble getting that song out of my head when I first watched the video!)


I was a wedding coordinator for years and have seen so much of the same old, same old (including much of my own wedding - I was afraid to be "too different"). I didn't see this as being disrespectful to the marriage ceremony at all - the song had non-offensive, celebratory lyrics and the group was dancing with pure joy and excitement and love!


I bet the rest of the ceremony had its moments of tradition...



But then, I saw that the wedding party had come back around and all together they were dancing down and I thought, "Ok, this is a little different...what are they going to do?" and then I got excited because I thought they were going to something really neat to usher in the bride. But they didn't. They just danced the same way, only all together and then took the traditional places at the front. Then, all of a sudden, the bride was there dancing the same way down the aisle. At that point, I was turned off.


I understand what the posters are saying about reverence, and I'm sure there was reverence during the ceremony. But it would have been nice to honor the bride a little more. The focus became on the wedding party, rather than the bride and ultimately the joining of two people, which is a shame.


But again, kudos to them for creativity! It's nice to see a wedding with so much celebration!



When the group re-grouped and formed the "line," the GROOM did a somersault and came out in the front of the line - so the group was gathered around the groom for his grand entrance. If they'd done that with the bride, no one would've seen her (and we all know that everyone's there to see the bride! LOL)

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I would have loved it as an entrance to the reception!


It's obvious they had a great time doing it but I guess I'm too old school.


Honestly, I didn't think it was all that funny (cute and creative...yes). I see a wedding as a sacred event and there is reverence to it. I'm sure Jesus loves a good party and seeing His kids having fun. I just can't wrap my head around entering a church in that way where you will be making a covenant with Him, becoming One Flesh. I know not everyone views it as such, perhaps this couple included, but believing what I do about marriage I just don't find it humorous.

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BTW, how do I post a youtube video that looks like the pic you click on, and not the url?
I've tried to do this also but have not been successfull. I don't think you can do it unless a small script is added by the system administrator into the bulletin board installation to allow such a link with a graphic.
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I would have loved it as an entrance to the reception!


That's just it. Receptions with this type of entertainment is a dime a dozen. However, they were trying to be original. How many wedding ceremonies do you see with this type of energy?:001_smile:

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I love the idea as a wedding entrance, but i kinda expected more from the bride. ;)


I'm not "old school" but i do think that God can certainly be honored in a joyful way. David was great about that. I probably would have picked [or will recommend :D] something more Christian-y but still upbeat.

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My sister is getting married next summer, and sure enough, she was wondering if I'd dance down the aisle! I wasn't so sure, but after watching the video, I think I could! I am genuinely happy for my sister and my future-bro-in-law!


On the other hand, I'm wondering what Mom would say :scared::D

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