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In one sentence or less . . .

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EAT EAT EAT MORE... pump that metabolism by eating waaaay more fresh fruits and fresh veggies!


That's mine too! Recently I have jumped way up in veggies and I am amazed at how full I am, and how little room for crud throughout the day my stomach has!


Veggies, veggies, veggies! And skip the dressings and dips...fat calories!

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For weight loss - food log and accountability.




I've come to the realization that sadly, this is the ONLY thing that's worked for me in the past few years, in the form of being on Weight Watchers and counting Points.


I've lost 7.2 pounds in the past two weeks!


I usually sort of cringe at the cutesy things WW leaders say to motivate people but I really like this saying: "Do you want to eat whatever you want, or wear whatever you want?" That helps keep me on track.

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I don't eat anything after 6:00 in the evening. If I stick with this rule I maintain my weight prettily easily. It's when I break it that I yo-yo up and down despite walking daily and watching what I eat.




Don't eat anyting after dinner.


And here in the midwest, :D, that's over by 6pm.


It's ok to go to bed hungry. Really. You'll still fall asleep. (Why oh why didn't anyone EVER tell me that before?!)


I've lost 50 pounds so far this year. WOOO HOOO! Just 25 left. The BIGGEST thing I've done is not eat after dinner. I've done a lot of other stuff, too, but I think this is the biggest.

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No refined sugar (it just makes me crave sugar even more) and log everything I eat. I couldn't figure out why I wasn't losing weight when I was doing all the right things, but when I looked up the calories of the "healthy salad" at the local restaurant, I discovered it was waaaaayyyy more calories than I had estimated. I was eating a couple of items like this that were frustrating my efforts, without my even realizing it.



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Eat when you're hungry; stop when you're full.


This would be tied for my top tip with drinking more water.


Nurse your babies for over a year :) (or in my case, over 3:lol:)


This worked soooo sell for me. I lost 15lbs. compared to my pre-pregnancy weight with dd very quickly after she was born. With ds I mainted that weight, but now I've put it back on. If I follow my own advice above, I just might lose it some day.

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Extra weight is hard.

Exercising and moderating food is hard.

Choose your hard.


Other popular hints (some were posted more than once) & some people had problems with the "in one sentence or less" instruction:D:

Subscribe to "Clean Eating" magazine and follow their menus.


Run a lot & eat high protein low carb


Stop eating refined sugar.


I think about how I want to feel as I get older.


Balanced diet



EAT EAT EAT MORE... pump that metabolism by eating waaaay more fresh fruits and fresh veggies!


Exercise 6 out of 7 days each week.



think of a food pyramid with the fruits and veggies on the low level (most consumed), lean protein on middle level and fats (only GOOD fats) on the high level, which is consumed least.


and exercise.


bump into an old flame...or better yet, your husband's hot ex-girlfriend!

(nothing makes you feel more disciplined to do what it takes to lose weight!)


Calories in equals calories out, so watch what you are eating in addition to watching the amount of exercise you do.


I'd like to phrase my answer in the form of a haiku:


Eat just what you need

Then exercise everyday

And add chocolate



Keep any tempting foods out of the house completely.


Glimpses of myself in the mirror.


Exercise and don't skip meals.



I limit what I eat so that I don't have to brush more than three times a day.


Nothing tastes as good as thin feels.


Drink loads of water!


Eliminate processed foods and all non-foods (even "zero calorie" non-foods).


Decide that daily exercise is never optional.


Eat when you're hungry; stop when you're full.


Eat fewer calories than you do now.



I keep a picture of myself in a swimsuit from high school on the fridge.


Eat less, move more.


Take up a hobby like cross-stitch or tapestry.


Exercise 5-6 x week (strength and aerobics), eat about5 small meals daily (each having a protein, complex carb, vergie).


Do not drink ANY calories.


Get into the habit of *not* getting second helpings at meals. This does not, however, give permission to take double-sized first portions.


Exchange pop for water, exchange sittin' around for movement (everyday activity and exercise, of course!), exchange your comfort foods for healthier versions, and exchange eating willy nilly for purposeful eating--in content, calories, and timing!


Do an activity that makes you physically tired each day.


Nurse your babies for over a year (or in my case, over 3)


Eat 1200 calories or less/day




Do not fear hunger.


Figure out the emotional reasons why you overeat, and depend on a higher power to help you change.


Keep your blood sugar level by eating smaller meals more frequently, thereby keeping you from skipping meals and over-eating later when you're "starving."


Only have healthy foods at home - no pantry full of chips and cookies - I would eat them all.


For weight loss - food log and accountability.


Portion control.



Don't eat anyting after dinner.

It's ok to go to bed hungry. Really. You'll still fall asleep. (Why oh why didn't anyone EVER tell me that before?!).


Exercise more, eliminate packaged convenience foods, cook/eat according to the low glycemic index, low glycemic load approach, and do not obsess over weight loss !


Read "Eat to Live" and live by it!!



Quit eating.


"You die if you don't et."


- An old New England saying.


^I might add that that is good advice to live by^


Mainly shop the perimeter of the grocery store and avoid buying processed food with more than 5 ingredients on the label.


Find out you are married to a cheating dog.



thanks for all the great ideas! I will try 'many' of them (hopefully not all) I am pretty sure 1200 calories a day would kill me.;)

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I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm no longer nursing. :001_huh:


See for me it would be "don't even bother trying until your last baby weans." Which is unfortunate since I went 8 straight years nursing, pregnant, or both. I could eat everything or nothing and I'd stay pretty much exactly the same. But I dropped the first 15 pounds with very little effort once the little one finally did wean! Now for the rest of it...


Gum + cans of seltzer water. And vitatops. I love vitatops.

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> > > THREE sentences! :D


Seriously, this was a great post idea, Jennifer! The responses were very interesting to me. Thanks for posting, everyone! :thumbup1:


I know. I couldn't just go by following directions - ;)even though this is a homesc . . well, you know what I mean.;)


and how many sentences was the haiku? my next favorite

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