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I miss you guys..

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But I know I don't really belong here anymore, sniff, sniff. Our life has taken a completely different direction and while you're contemplating curriculum and time management, I'm budgeting for school uniforms and figuring out after-school child care.


I've been extremely busy with college, I have 8 week terms and I'm in the 3rd week- with 3 classes. I've written 8 papers so far and read over 1000 pages of textbooks. All being done after work, after the kids are in bed and during any free time I had previously had like during my hour lunch at work.


I miss the conversations here and your personalities. These boards are such a wonderful place for support and a wonderful way to connect with others who are like-minded. I miss that but I realize I'm not so like-minded anymore.

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I still frequent your blog! And you do still have a place here, y'know. It would be interesting to me, at least, to hear how your kids make the transition to bm school, how your college classes are and what it's like to be a "grown-up" student, and a host of other things, if you'd like to share.

Wishing you the best!

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Nice to "see" you! I know you are busy and all, but I am sure I speak for a whole lot of us who still want you around!


Glad to hear you are doing well, college as an adult is so much harder, IMO. BTDT.


Drop in whenever you can, and let us know how its going.

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I realize I'm not so like-minded anymore.


Oh, I doubt that, Jessica!! You'll probably always stay like-minded, in the sense of wanting to give your kids the best education you can! I could see you popping in on the afterschooling board at times....nice to hear from you again - check in from time to time!

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Jessica, it is good hear an update! You sound as busy as I am! You know, I haven't read the other posts in this thread, but I am sure I will not be the only one to tell you you don't per se have to be homeschooling to post here, especially if you are one of the old guard. Folks want to know what is up with you, and you can still contribute and glean here........................ At least I hope that is the way folks here feel, cuz I am no longer homeschooling (though we still live the hsing lifestyle and do afterschool a bit), and I still like to pop in once a week or so, and make sure everyone is good, check for prayer/good thought requests, and just see what folks are talking about.


As for how busy you are, and the new directions you are off in, congrats and may I acknowledge your commitment, motivation, and hard work? You go girl.


As for me, I am still trying to keep the house from falling down while the Dude continues to travel 5/7 of the week, work in the garden and put up all the harvests, deal with teens, and a blind, cranky Mama, work 2 part time teaching and respite-care job, and still make time to make art daily. Whew! See? You have company in the taking it all on category!


Sending you hugs, and thanking you again for checking in- you are in my thoughts often.

Edited by Needleroozer
spelling error as usual
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You are missed, Jessica!


I wonder if you know how inspiring you are.

You have been is such a difficult situation, and are overcoming obstacles in a spectacular fashion. The single mothers, working mothers and moms of public/private schooled students who post here can all benefit from your experiences.


I would hate to know that you don't feel welcome here. I hope you will have time to continue visiting and contributing.



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