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It is July, right?

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Our lows for the next couple nights are going to be in the 50's and our highs this weekend will be in the 60's and low 70's. Gotta love this weather! Swimming lessons tomorrow morning are going to kill my kids. My 6 yr old ds has been coming out with blue lips when the temps have been in the lower 70's.



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PLEASE send it down here! It's 102 right now at 8:15 p.m. Our high today (not including heat index) was 106. The last month has been the hottest 30 days on record since they started keeping records in the 1890s...or so they said tonight on the news.


I am with you, I wanna go visit!

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I just heard this has been one of the coolest Julys on record in Iowa. I can believe it. For the first half of June it as in the 60's and low 70's. We then had 2 weeks of hot weather in the 90's. We've been in the mid 70's to upper 80's for the first half of July and now we are back down into the low 70's. It's been nice.


I don't think I'll trade.



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Guest Virginia Dawn

We've been cooler than normal this year too. It was 58 a few days ago in the morning. We are usually having mid-high nineties now with warm nights. There is still time for it to get hotter though.

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Our lows for the next couple nights are going to be in the 50's and our highs this weekend will be in the 60's and low 70's. Gotta love this weather! Swimming lessons tomorrow morning are going to kill my kids. My 6 yr old ds has been coming out with blue lips when the temps have been in the lower 70's.




It's been below average here, too. Actually, I call it kind of cold. It feels like September, not Jully.


Every time we go to take care of the calves, my ds pleads with them... "would you fart more?!? We need all the global warming we can get!"

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Trade you! It is 90 here at midnight, and the high for tomorrow is supposed to be 102 with a much higher heat index.


Ok, I won't trade, but maybe we could share and make it more pleasant for all of us. :D


I'm sure come January I'm going to begging some of the southern states to share their warmth :001_smile:

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We're in Southern PA and have had absolutely the best spring/summer in the 14 years we've been here. We haven't needed the AC at all - and I'm not even sure we've hit 90 so far. It might have gotten there yesterday... but our house stays cool for the first couple days of a heat wave. Pretty much every day has had highs from 70 - 82 or so. Nights have been 50's or 60's.


If this is global climate change, bring it on!!! We're loving it...

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Up until yesterday (crazy humid and hot) we have been having a wonderful summer with low humidity and highs in the 70's! :w00t:


What is making it so pleasant is Canada is sending us their cool air, usually we get the stream from Canada in the winter making winter miserable and snowy here and I always wondered why we couldn't get the Southern wind in the winter and the Canadian wind in the summer. (I know, it has something to do with the spin of the earth... yada, yada, yada but it doesn't seem fair!!):tongue_smilie:

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Um, actually, no. The "science" behind the global warming idea is flawed at best. Were you aware that the earth naturally goes through cycles of being warmer and cooler, that in the 60's they were freaking over "global cooling", that the greenhouse effect is at best missnamed (block the sun's rays on a greenhouse and it gets cooler, not warmer), that the temperature of the earth is directly related to activity on the sun AND that we are coming out of (one of many) mini ice ages?

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In my little patch of the sun, basically every day from mid-June until Halloween is over 90F, and most days in July and August are around (or over) 100F. It would be unusual to get a drop of rain during this long summer.


I am determined to eventually move away from here (and the entire Southwest) and live somewhere that is cooler, greener, and not so desert-like.

Michelle T

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We're in Northwest Missouri here. I actually had to get up and grab anther blanket last night. I'm loving the low 70's. We have relatives visiting from Washington and they are trying to take credit for bringing the temperate weather with them.:001_smile:

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I am moving to Iowa. You wanna trade. Gotta nice lil ranch.


Our temps have been nineties going on two wks. Pre meni and heat dont mix.


We're having a cold front for the next week--highs in the 90s, lol. Lows stay in the upper 70s, though, so I guess there's no point in groc shopping at midnight.

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Um, actually, no. Were you aware that the earth naturally goes through cycles of being warmer and cooler, that in the 60's they were freaking over "global cooling",


The ones "freaking" about global cooling weren't climate scientists. It was the media.

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Um, actually, no. The "science" behind the global warming idea is flawed at best. Were you aware that the earth naturally goes through cycles of being warmer and cooler, that in the 60's they were freaking over "global cooling", that the greenhouse effect is at best missnamed (block the sun's rays on a greenhouse and it gets cooler, not warmer), that the temperature of the earth is directly related to activity on the sun AND that we are coming out of (one of many) mini ice ages?


My point was that either way, a cool month does not indicate that, overall, our planet is not in a warming trend and it does not indicate that it in a cooling trend! Just as a really warm January day/wk/mo does not mean we are warming.

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