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Who does the grilling in your family?

Please select each family member who grills sometimes.  

  1. 1. Please select each family member who grills sometimes.

    • DH
    • DW
    • DS
    • DD
    • Other family member
    • No one. We do not grill.

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I am the griller. Have been for a long time. I don't think most people know how to grill. My dh will grill if I am late coming home late or something.


I like my heat a certain way, I like the meat cooked a certain way, and ime, most people know dank about searing properly.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

Me. Soon after we were married, my husband found out that I am much happier if I do the grilling. He willingly gave it up rather than put up with me as a backseat griller. I do let him light the fire. :-)

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DH does all the grilling, I do all the other cooking.


He also washes all the dishes. We made a deal when we got married that I would do all the cooking and he would do all the dish washing. He has tried to renegotiate several times in the last 27 years.

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Wow, the poll is surprising me. I love to grill! It's like science and intuition all rolled into one food celebration. I love it. Dh will, and maybe he would like to more...


Yet grilling on a summer eve, a cold chardonnay in one hand and my grilling tongs in another, babying my perfectly seared meat ($8/lb grass fed lol There is no margin for error!) is one of the highlights of summer for me.

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Dh of course because I have to do everything else! What kind of a wife would I be if I didn't let him seemly get all the credit for slapping that meat down on the table in true cave man style that resounds his entire focus in life "to provide".


I am kidding, sort of...

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I do MOST of the grilling, but MomsintheGarden fills in when I am not available or up to it. She does ALL the indoor cooking. DC do all the dishes.


Tonight I grilled boneless, skinless chicken thighs marinated with lime and garlic for fajitas. Awesome! I also grilled one pound of aidells Chili Seasoned with Cheddar Cheese Smoked Chicken Sausage and one pound of MSG-free hot dogs for lunch tomorrow since I won't be around to make the fire before then.


(Sorry, I forgot to put an option in the poll for "Our Personal Chef"! :D )

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OK- Here's something my brother sent to me a few weeks ago. It's not fair to my dh because he cooks as much as I do, but it did give me a laugh. My dh does all the grilling. I only learned how to work the grill last year when the Cincinnati hurricane put us out of power for 8 days.






Subject: BBQ Rules


We are about to enter the BBQ season. Therefore it is important torefresh your memory on the etiquette of this sublime outdoor cookingactivity.

When a man volunteers to do the BBQ the following chain of eventsare put into motion:


(1) The woman buys the food.

(2) The woman makes the salad, prepares the vegetables, and makes dessert.

(3) The woman prepares the meat for cooking, places it on a tray along withthe necessary cooking utensils and sauces, and takes it to the man who islounging beside the grill - beer in hand.

(4) The woman remains outside the compulsory three meter exclusion zonewhere the exuberance of testosterone and other manly bonding activities can

take place without the interference of the woman.


Here comes the important part:


(6) The woman goes inside to organize the plates and cutlery.

(7) The woman comes out to tell the man that the meat is looking great. Hethanks her and asks if she will bring another beer while he flips the meat

(7.5) The woman returns to tell the man to pay attention and check the meat to see if it needs turned.


Important again:



(9) The woman prepares the plates, salad, bread, utensils, napkins, sauces,and brings them to the table.

(10) After eating, the woman clears the table and does the dishes.


And most important of all:

(11) Everyone PRAISES the MAN and THANKS HIM for his cooking efforts.

(12) The man asks the woman how she enjoyed ' her night off ', and, uponseeing her annoyed reaction, concludes that there's just no pleasing somewomen.

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OK- Here's something my brother sent to me a few weeks ago. It's not fair to my dh because he cooks as much as I do, but it did give me a laugh. My dh does all the grilling. I only learned how to work the grill last year when the Cincinnati hurricane put us out of power for 8 days.






Subject: BBQ Rules




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We don't celebrate the 4th of July, and we don't have a barbecue - but if we were Americans this weekend, and if we had a barbecue..


Definitely dh. I'm kinda scared of the whole propane tank/flames/hissing noises. :scared:


Now, give me a campfire and I can toast marshmallows for ya. Lots and lots of marshmallows, all toasty brown. :D


(You get those ones cuz I like my own burnt to a crisp)

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Whoever is so inclined grills. My husband is the only one who uses the smoker, but that's because smoking requires a certain level of OCD that I just do not possess when it comes to meat. Plus, there are multiple gadgets involved and lots of fiddling.


When we are camping, however, I do the cooking, whether it's on the camp stove or over the fire. I don't eat yucky food. "Beany weenies" are verboten.

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Dh is a purist. He will only grill with charcoal, and he has it down beyond mere science.


It is an ART form.

It is his passion.

It is what he was born to do!!




The rest of us just hand over the tongs and the meat and stand back because we know we aren't going to be disappointed when Dad grills dinner.




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Well for a long time it was just me. I found out about a 3 weeks after we got married that my dh's father never let him near the grill. He was never taught how to start a charcoal grill. So I had to teach him.


Now 12 years later we both take on both the grilling and indoor cooking. My dh wanted to know how to make all the things I do so that if I'm ever ill or hospitalized they won't have to live off of take out or pizza.:tongue_smilie:

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My husband, lucky guy, got a Traeger. He's been wanting one forever!! SO, soon...we'll be eating smoked stuff. I love smoked turkey... My favorite ever was in Michigan at the Henry Ford place... Yum!!




Ooooo, we have a Traeger and it is amazing! We absolutely love smoking meat on that thing. You will love it.

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I grill most of the time, since dh is usually working until bedtime. Occasionally, he'll be here in time and do the grilling. Sometimes we go to my parents where my dad grills since no one is allowed to touch his baby. We are teaching ds13 how to grill, slowly.

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Dh is a purist. He will only grill with charcoal, ...
Me, too. To me, there are three main differences:


1) With charcoal, you have full control of air to the combustion chamber. (I still have vivid memories of the out-of-control barbecue ribs fire I once had with a gas grill. What a conflagration!)

2) With charcoal, you are cooking without an open flame.

3) With charcoal, you get the toxic combustion products from wood rather than the toxic combustion products from propane. :D


The other religious belief I have about grilling is that I NEVER clean the grating on the grill. To me, the blackened goop on the grating is an important key to the flavor. It is the same idea as seasoning an iron skillet. Without it, you have all of your food touching the steel and rust of the grating. :ack2:

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...The other religious belief I have about grilling is that I NEVER clean the grating on the grill. To me, the blackened goop on the grating is an important key to the flavor. It is the same idea as seasoning an iron skillet. Without it, you have all of your food touching the steel and rust of the grating. :ack2:


Yes, DH has says the very same same thing!! But he did ask me to find a natural bristle brush to get some of the bigger stuff now and then, but so far I haven't been able to find the right type. (Everything is either metal or plastic) The best solution I think is to just burn the big chunks off.


Happy grilling!


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Sigh!!! I do all of the grilling and am completely overwhelmed with work (and Autistic kids) this weekend!! I've got burgers, ribs and hot dogs... Does anyone want to come grill for me?? I'll make the rice, corn and salad.:tongue_smilie::)

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