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How do y'all handle the humidity...

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So here I am in beautiful Interlochen, MI and I love it, but I'm not used to the humidity-I don't mind it really, it's just not what I'm used to. Usually I'd just wear some tank tops and call it a day, but they aren't flattering anymore, so I don't. And my hair...whoa! I just didn't even bother, and it's too short for a pony. What do you do to help with the sticky skin? Is there anything?


Wow it's just so beautiful here. You MI girls are so lucky...

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I whine.


I hate when it's so humid that you step out of an air conditioned building and the water from the air condensates on your person. :ack2:


I keep my hair long specifically so I can keep it up. It's less work than fighting it. Maybe big, wide headbands?

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I keep my hair long specifically so I can keep it up. It's less work than fighting it.


Me too - I just got a hair cut. I TOLD the lady, "Make sure it's long enough to put in a pony tail!" She cut it into a short bob! What was she thinking? And in June no less! I am livid. I don't know what to do with my hair - right now, it is in a ponytail about 1/2 inch long - looks rediculous! And most of it doesn't even go up so I have to plaster it in place with hair spray. UGH! Hidious.


NORMALLY, for me in the humidity, I MUST have my hair off my neck. With hair on my neck, I would simply pass out! I must have tanks. I don't look good in them either - but at this point, 100 degrees and high humidity, looks are imiterial. I can tolerate the humidity much better with my shoulders bare - for me it makes a huge difference. If I'm out with a t-shirt on, I will actuall get so desperate that I role my sleeve up.

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You can come on down here to south florida for a while.....it won't take you long to get used to it then, LOLOLOL~ I wear as little clothes as possible....that is how I cope!



That's about right!! Here in South Louisiana, we try to stay inside as much as possible!! :D

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I stay indoors as much as possible (sad, but true). And I often will splash cold water on my face, neck, chest, wrists, hands, arms...you name it. It really helps cool me down. I once had a cooling bandana...you soak it and it is made of some sort of material that retains the coolness of the water. Tie it around your neck (mine was narrow, not wide) and it helps keep you several degrees cooler. Here's one example http://www.coolbandanas.com/


I think I'll have to get another one! I have a friend who works at an outdoor venue, and her solution is to actually put her clothes in the freezer so they can get supercool before she goes to work. I don't know how long that lasts, but...

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I grew up in Florida, so I guess humidity is what I'm used to. Here in NC I hear people complain and want to say "this is nothing." I do keep my hair long so I can wear it in a pony.


I wouldn't care how I looked in a tank - I would wear it anyway. Being comfortable is more important than looking good in my book.

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It is so hot and humid here that we try to take our school breaks in March and April. By May it is too hot to do anything. The pool is even hot. We try to stay indoors under the air. It has been in the high 90s all week with high humidity and no rain in sight.



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I'm in FL. Mostly, I stay inside :tongue_smilie:. And I wear tanks - often spaghetti strap ones, like right now - year round. And my hair is permanently up. And I mostly go barefoot or wear sandals. Also, I splash water on my face, neck, etc. But it really only bothers me once it gets into the mid-80s or higher. Below that, I don't even notice the humidity.

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I handle humidity by whining and griping and making everyone around me as miserable as me!! Mostly I just stay inside. But our humidity is usually accompanied by really high temps-Texas heat and humidity are enough to make Santa lose his jolliness!! :0)

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Baby powder

Gallons of Iced Tea

Stay inside and pray for hubby and those who have to work outside!

(DH does not have to work outside except if something on the roof goes on the frtz...like today. He lasted 15 minutes on the roof of the plant and then went back inside. )

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Me too - I just got a hair cut. I TOLD the lady, "Make sure it's long enough to put in a pony tail!" She cut it into a short bob! What was she thinking? And in June no less! I am livid. I don't know what to do with my hair - right now, it is in a ponytail about 1/2 inch long - looks rediculous! And most of it doesn't even go up so I have to plaster it in place with hair spray. UGH! Hidious.




You can use the old-fashioned (but still very useful) bobby pins or decorative combs to keep hair up that is too short to twist into a tail.

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I stay inside as much as possible- I'll go out in the early morning (if I'm up:tongue_smilie:)or in the evening, but try not to go out in between. Unfortunately my two boys have other plans for me.:glare:


So if we absolutely must go to the park (as been the case this whole week), I try to stay in the shade. But we can never stay for long, because I start to get pretty cranky:toetap05:


And even though I grew up in Va I don't like iced tea:blush:

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Shower to Shower body powder


lots of antiperspirant


spray bottle of bath & body works scented mist/spray in fridge - light scent & it is so refreshing


cool to cold showers


as few clothes as possible when no guest around.... I don't go sleeveless in public but will at home (for ex)


ceiling fans or fans for every room (even with a/c).. the air has to move


washcloths or bandanas in cooler or fridge... cool face washings!


you just S.W.E.A.T. (I have lived in central Alabama my entire life... you never adapt! You just look like you are melting in July - Sept)

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... It's really hard, though, visiting people who don't use their A/C, and house church is hard this time of year because we're crammed in like Vienna sausages.


Ah, yes. Last Saturday our family attended a homeschool graduation for a lovely young lady at her family's farm. We got there and saw chairs, lots of chairs...OUTSIDE. They were under a big tree, but it hit 90 that day plus terrible humidity. I went in to help with the food, and they had their AC off to keep the bill down. It must have been near 100 in her kitchen. Oh my goodness I was sick, sick, sick by the time we got home. I haven't left my cool house since then! Thankful, very thankful, to have AC and plenty of sweet tea!

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My son is in Interlochen right now!


He thinks that the weather is absolutely heaven compared to Houston, Texas.


When he comes home, he dreams of Interlochen weather.


:001_smile: Oh I love Interlochen. If you don't mind me asking... Is he here visiting family or at the art school? Now if he's at the art school, it's much much cooler because of the lake and the trees.

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Thanks everyone. It's good to know that whining and complaining is appropriate in this situation. My dad promised to go buy me a fan today....Did I mention he doesn't have ac in his house? :glare:


We've stocked up on water and tea, I'm looking at baby powder and refreshing body spray today. We had planned to do a lot of swimming in the lakes, but now I"m not so sure since I saw a warning for swimmers itch-think flatworm larvae...not to sure about that one.


I still prefer the humidity to the dry baking, skin flaking heat of the Sacramento Valley, though and the memories my kids are making are well worth it.

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Ah, yes. Last Saturday our family attended a homeschool graduation for a lovely young lady at her family's farm. We got there and saw chairs, lots of chairs...OUTSIDE. They were under a big tree, but it hit 90 that day plus terrible humidity. I went in to help with the food, and they had their AC off to keep the bill down. It must have been near 100 in her kitchen. Oh my goodness I was sick, sick, sick by the time we got home. I haven't left my cool house since then! Thankful, very thankful, to have AC and plenty of sweet tea!


We have one this weekend, and it's going to be 93 degrees with (as usual) 80-90 % humidity. All outside. It's very hard for me because I sweat so much that I stain what I wear AND my rosacea gets worse.

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