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POLL: Do you consider 80% humidity to be "humid?"

Do you consider 80% humidity to be humid?  

  1. 1. Do you consider 80% humidity to be humid?

    • yes
    • no

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Well, when you're used to less than 15% humidity...80% is soup. I remember visiting NC in high school (my first time away from the southwest) and felt like I was in a shower and could never dry off. I don't know how people do it!

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Well, when you're used to less than 15% humidity...80% is soup. I remember visiting NC in high school (my first time away from the southwest) and felt like I was in a shower and could never dry off. I don't know how people do it!


I'm glad you said that. I live here in NC and have for 30yrs and am not used to or acclimated to this humidity. I've always wondered if visitors really thought it was as bad as I do. I feel validated now! :lol:

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Well, when you're used to less than 15% humidity...80% is soup. I remember visiting NC in high school (my first time away from the southwest) and felt like I was in a shower and could never dry off. I don't know how people do it!



I grew up on the West coast, and went to high school in Tucson, AZ. I remember thinking that 40% was humid. I would have never imagined living in the South, but here I am in FL. When I first moved here, someone told me she was looking forward to the summer and high humidity. I thought she was crazy. But, I guess you just get used to it (sort of). I like not having to put on lotion, at least. When I went back to visit Tucson after being away for years, I felt so dehydrated. I need to move somewhere with a happy medium. Is there such a place? :)

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I've lived in VA for the last 35 years, and I hate the humidity. I don't think it ever gets below 45-50% humidity.


I did have to kind of pace myself, lol, with outdoor activities, but when we moved back to OK...it was like my skin had dried out! I think the humidity was better for my skin, and I also believe it made it easier to maintain a lower weight, lol. (As someone else said...like a steam room. :D)

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VA born and bred - lived here close to, well let's just say more than 45 years, and I still haven't gotten used to it.


I grew up in the "bowl" of No. Va, near the Potomac River, where it really is like soup in the summer. Now that we're out in the Northern Valley it's not as bad, (63% right now) but it's not much better either. Unless of course you go up on Skyline Drive.


One must think positively though, it is good for the complexion. :)

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I didn't answer. Is 80% humidity humid? Well, yes. Of course it would be humid, to me that's like saying is rain wet. But, I don't find 80% humidity uncomfortable. According to Weather.com the humidity is 87% outside my house right now. My dh and I have been sitting outside most the evening and felt it was very comfortable. It's down to 79 degrees right now and it feels much better than the 93 degrees it was most of the day. So, yes it's humid, but very comfortable to me. I should also say, I have psoriasis and the high humidity helps it and that may have something to do with why I like it.


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I live in FL and for the past few weeks I have started sweating immediately upon stepping out the door. I hate humidity. So yes, 80% humidity stinks LOL.



Ug and it's not even August yet!! This is going to be a loooooong summer! :ack2:

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Ug and it's not even August yet!! This is going to be a loooooong summer! :ack2:


I said the same thing a few days ago about the weather here.

We had an unusual cool spell around March/April and I commented to my DH, that I hope that doesn't mean we will have a long,warm ( no, actually,make that hot) summer.


Its when the humidity is over 80% and the temp is hovering over 50 deg (122F) that I really, really struggle. :svengo:

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I said the same thing a few days ago about the weather here.

We had an unusual cool spell around March/April and I commented to my DH, that I hope that doesn't mean we will have a long,warm ( no, actually,make that hot) summer.


Its when the humidity is over 80% and the temp is hovering over 50 deg (122F) that I really, really struggle. :svengo:



Oh my gosh!! Those temps must make you just want to lay down in die!! :eek: That is so funny what you said about the cooler weather bringing on the hot. I said the EXACT same thing just this morning!! We had a longer winter (well winter for Florida) this year with cooler temps than we've had in many years and June just started with the heat. It usually doesn't get into the 90's here until closer to August. Oh well, it's only 4 months to October! hehe It should start to get a little cooler by then. :)

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Oh my gosh!! Those temps must make you just want to lay down in die!! :eek: That is so funny what you said about the cooler weather bringing on the hot. I said the EXACT same thing just this morning!! We had a longer winter (well winter for Florida) this year with cooler temps than we've had in many years and June just started with the heat. It usually doesn't get into the 90's here until closer to August. Oh well, it's only 4 months to October! hehe It should start to get a little cooler by then. :)


Our winter this year also seemed longer ( and I had to buy a space heater....still I cant believe I bought a heater!:D)

The weather started to warm up again early March ( which is normal), then we had 2 or so weeks of cooler weather AND rain and storms. It was very bizarre, and I did worry at the time that the summer would be warmer than usual.


It suddenly felt really warm ( ie: no warm"ish" days leading up to summer- it just became hot!)


On Wed morning, when I was taking DD horse riding, it was already 42 deg (107 F) at 9am!


Its going to be a loooooooong summer!

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Our winter this year also seemed longer ( and I had to buy a space heater....still I cant believe I bought a heater!:D)

The weather started to warm up again early March ( which is normal), then we had 2 or so weeks of cooler weather AND rain and storms. It was very bizarre, and I did worry at the time that the summer would be warmer than usual.


It suddenly felt really warm ( ie: no warm"ish" days leading up to summer- it just became hot!)


On Wed morning, when I was taking DD horse riding, it was already 42 deg (107 F) at 9am!


Its going to be a loooooooong summer!



We had the EXACT same thing happen here. Cold for a lot longer and then BAM HEAT!! No in between. Weird! But for me, as long as the hurricanes stay away I'll take the heat. :) Ay you poor thing! It's is miserable when it's that hot. I cannot even imagine anything over 100 with humidity too. AWFUL!! :grouphug:

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I don't mind the heat, if its a dry heat, its the humidity thats the killer.

I don't like the feeling that I haven't dried dried myself properly after showering-sweat dribbling everywhere is soooooooo unladylike....lol


At least the beach resort where we swim chills the pools ( all the major hotels have to chill/refrigerate the pools over summer!!)

The family pool is kept "chilled" to 30 deg (86F)


I look for to (hopefully) early October, when the weather should become nicer, and the humidity will be much, much more bearable.


I'd hug you back, but we'd probably stick together due to sweat!! :D

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It depends which hat I'm wearing. With my 'I used to live in Hong Kong' hat on, the answer is 'No, that's normal'. With my 'I live in Fife' hat on the answer is 'That's damp, not humid, because it never gets warm enough here to feel sticky and 'humid''.



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I don't mind the heat, if its a dry heat, its the humidity thats the killer.

I don't like the feeling that I haven't dried dried myself properly after showering-sweat dribbling everywhere is soooooooo unladylike....lol


At least the beach resort where we swim chills the pools ( all the major hotels have to chill/refrigerate the pools over summer!!)

The family pool is kept "chilled" to 30 deg (86F)


I look for to (hopefully) early October, when the weather should become nicer, and the humidity will be much, much more bearable.


I'd hug you back, but we'd probably stick together due to sweat!! :D


:lol::lol::lol::lol: Actually more likely we'd be all slippery and then one of us would probably fall down and get hurt. hehehehe


Ugh. Our pool here is already hot as well but we don't have a chiller for it. I haven't been to the beach lately, but I know that typically by August it is like a bathtub it's so warm. If this heat persists then it will probably warm up a lot earlier this year. That won't bode well for hurricanes either. :(

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It depends which hat I'm wearing. With my 'I used to live in Hong Kong' hat on, the answer is 'No, that's normal'. With my 'I live in Fife' hat on the answer is 'That's damp, not humid, because it never gets warm enough here to feel sticky and 'humid''.





Ah thank you so much for mentioning hats. You just reminded me that I need to go out and find a light colored one. My hair is dark brown almost black and the sun is already so strong it makes my head so hot. :glare:

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I did have to kind of pace myself, lol, with outdoor activities, but when we moved back to OK...it was like my skin had dried out! I think the humidity was better for my skin, and I also believe it made it easier to maintain a lower weight, lol. (As someone else said...like a steam room. :D)


I go home to my parent's where the humidity is generally around 10% and think I might dry up and blow away. My skin cracks, my nose bleeds - I hate it.


But 80% is way too high too. When you step outside and sweat instantly, it's bad.

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Here's an interesting link:



It's 87% humidity here. And temps in the 80s when the humidity is that high is HOTTER than 107 F in Utah where the humidity is low. Our AC went out in our car one summer in Utah and we had no idea it was above 90 degrees out until we saw signs. 107 in the midwest and we would have collapsed in minutes. LOL

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The saying about heat and humidity is only true to a point. I had thought that after being in Central Valley California and Laughlin NV where temperatures hit 114 in the shade. Up to a certain point, which I can't quite remember since it has been at least 10 years when I read the exhibit sign at the Living Desert museum in Palm Springs, heat and humidity is worse. Somewhere around 107 or something like that, it doesn't matter.


Now my worse problem with humidity was when I moved from Belgium to FL. WE had had a 9 hour flight to NY, a 6 hour delay in NY, and eventually landed in Orlando at 2 am. At around 3am, I went outside to go to our rental car. I had such a hard time breathing since the air was so heavy. Then there was the time in 2007 when we decided to travel from FL to vacation in Jamestown, Williamsburg, James River area in July. I thought Florida was bad but it was hotter there and more humid. (I had lived on an island in Florida and our humidity rarely rose above 70).

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Jamestown, Williamsburg, James River area in July. I thought Florida was bad but it was hotter there and more humid.


We're not far from there- summer dew points in the mid-70s are very common. Apparently (according to this nifty calculator) that's "only" about 60% humidity at 90 degrees but 80% humidity at 80 degrees. Miserable, either way!

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Now my worse problem with humidity was when I moved from Belgium to FL. WE had had a 9 hour flight to NY, a 6 hour delay in NY, and eventually landed in Orlando at 2 am. At around 3am, I went outside to go to our rental car. I had such a hard time breathing since the air was so heavy.



I noticed the same thing when I went to Europe. I've lived in South Florida my whole life and back in 1995 I had the opportunity to go to Europe for 3 weeks. It was a direct flight from Miami International to Schiphol airport in Amsterdam. We arrived at around 6am local time. The very first thing I noticed when I got off of the plane was how different the air was there. It was nice. I also realized that September is COLD in Europe. It's still part of summer here. hehe ;)

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