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Your favorite wedding gift to give?

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This is a coworker of my husband- but a little closer because they were deployed together. The future wife is a naval officer too- but she is a surface officer (or as we call them in the sub force, a target:D)


I love weddings. I love giving gifts to start off marriages. I would love some creative ideas.:001_smile:





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My fave shower gift is a brass door knocker with their last name engraved. May not suit if they're always on the go... in that case I like to get them some sort of personal gift. Maybe a leather family bible, or a great book on marriage, or one of those wedding time capsuls. I bought my sister and her new dh a Garmin GPS. They're great because they can take them on their honeymoon and use it wherever they go. :001_smile:

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This has been the subject of much hilarity but...I think a nice set of knives that will last is most useful. It could get expensive though.


Other option may be:


One of those picture frames that have various sizes and shapes for photos in one frame.


A kitchen gadget like the "Magic Bullet" or small food processor, etc.


A beautifully bound photo album for pics from the wedding / honeymoon trip.


Beautiful throw blanket(s) in neutral colors unless you know their interior decorating scheme.


My brain is fizzling out...sorry.



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This has been the subject of much hilarity but...I think a nice set of knives that will last is most useful. It could get expensive though.



We love our German knives. We picked up a whole bunch of sets while we were stationed in Germany and the rates were in favor of buying local! We picked up 6 sets on sale for just over $20!


You can just pick out one or two of your favorite type of knife. The ones I got for our wedding were not appreciated until months afterwards when I started using them and realizing how much better they really were.

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I find out there family room colors and crochet an afghan. Everyone is pleased to get something handmade and most don't think about it getting cold until winter. Being in Hawaii, I don't know how practical it is, but since they are both Navy and will be moving at some point...

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I get the happy couple a good cooler, the kind with wheels if I can find it. I fill it with all the stuff for a picnic - paper plates, plasticware, etc. anything I can think of and wrap it all in a cute fabric tablecloth. If I REALLY like them, we include 2 folding lawn chairs. :D

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Wow, you guys do great gifts. I usually just buy them something off their registry.




That works too! :D


Although... there was one couple I just wouldn't... because I knew a little too well that they (she) was immature and listed things on there with the intention of returning them. :001_huh: She wanted a hot tub... for herself, he didn't want one. Soooo we got them something from a different area and she was never able to figure out where to return it! :lol:

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One of my favorites is a silver frame with our wedding date engraved on it. It's easy to move and has always been kept in our living room.


I do like the stocked picknic cooler. My family gave stocked wicker baskets instead of the cooler, which is more attractive, but less practical. Another personal gift I've seen is the wedding invitation framed.

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We've had fun giving a honeymoon gift basket tailored to the tastes of the couple. One couple received a Cracker Barrel style basket complete with floor sized checkers and bottled orange soda. Another couple received a fancier basket with bubbly, chocolates,etc.


By far one of my favorites was a Radio Flyer wagon loaded with food storage items and a food storage cookbook.

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We usually do a really nice silver or crystal photo frame (something for them to display their wedding photo in.)


One of the neatest gifts we got for our wedding was a crystal champagne glass - etched with our wedding date, and tied around the stem was a poem about forgiveness.

I can't remember the exact words...but it said something about when you and your new love have an argument - be the first one to offer forgiveness - and to use the glass - (filled with water/wine/etc.) to remind you of your wedding day/your vows and how you toasted one another.

To offer an apology... take the glass to your spouse, apologize and 'toast one another to reaffirm your love and commitment.


It was really sweet. (Unfortunately the glass got broken during a move.) :(

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I really like finding a nice book on "date night ideas", and wrapping that up with a bit of money. Sometimes, if my dh has something else in mind, I'll give what he wants to give, but I still give my gift labeled: "Open this package on your one-year anniversary". :)

It's been fun, a bit unique, and I love the comments I get when I give this.

We have tons of nieces and nephews marrying in the next 6 months, and I know they're looking forward to that particular gift. Kinda spoils the surprise though, if you give it to very many couples the word gets around! :glare:

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I get the happy couple a good cooler, the kind with wheels if I can find it. I fill it with all the stuff for a picnic - paper plates, plasticware, etc. anything I can think of and wrap it all in a cute fabric tablecloth. If I REALLY like them, we include 2 folding lawn chairs. :D


I gave something similar to my sister and her husband when they married. They still use the cooler. They've been married for 22(?) years.



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At our wedding, a friend from college gave us our gift and said (with his wry sense of humor) "I give everyone the exact same gift. It isn't creative, but everyone seems to like it."


Sure enough: it was an absolutely LOVELY glass picture frame. It wasn't pricey (think: J.C. Penney's), but it has been indestructible - it has moved EIGHT times with nary a scratch. We have our wedding photo in it; a good reminder of where we came from.


The other "best" present we got was a high quality stainless steel bowl (not a cheesy Wal-Mart one). It is the only kitchen item that has lasted the last 16 years.


All of the little appliances? Dead. I really wish I'd asked for an REI gift card...




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A lot of these ideas are neat, but I think back to when we first got married, we got some stuff similar to this, but we were so poor and really ill-informed, naive & ignorant that we had no idea what we needed, what was useful and what wasn't. We got a picnic basket with napkins, tblclth, and such, but it wasn't big enough for food. We got a cute picture frame for our wedding picture, but it didn't match our couch (REALLY didn't match!) and of course, one can never forget the 5 electric skillets (we didn't register for one, let alone 5) AND the $1,000 worth of revereware pots and pans that we returned (over and above what we registered for). And that is just for beginners. One of the absolute best gifts we received that was NOT on our registry, was a set of stainless mixing bowls.


Now, if they aren't registered, I just get them a gift card to Target. Or a set of CHristmas placemats/napkins & a "Our First Christmas" ornament, dated if possible.

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We go for practical things, especially for those young newly weds. We like things like step stools, good flashlights, multi plug outlets or power strips, extension cords, large trash cans, a fan, or battery charger. We like to get those little things that come up sooner or later that they will need. I especially like the multi plug outlets. That is to prevent the arguments during their morning routines. LOL

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Oooh, we love our Tupperware, too. We received big storage containers for dry baking goods. I love to give give the most functional thing on the registry...an everyday item. Most-recent wedding gift I gave was straight off of registry: 2 big Oxo pop-top dry storage containers. If I been hand-delivering to the wedding, I would have filled one of them with jelly beans, but that would've sent the shipping cost through the roof :)-


If you want memorable or sentimental, I think the digital picture frame is a GREAT idea given they are a military family and subject to times apart.

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One of the funniest gifts we received was a set of darkish grey towels. We registered for pale yellow and a med blue set of towels. I don't know if the giver was confused or what. But do to their color, we have used those towels for every dirty job there is. Spills, clogs, baby vomit, workmen etc. So handy and it saves our nice towels.


I also like to give a really good general cook book sometimes. Mark Bittman's "How to Cook Everything" is my favorite to give away (or his vegetarian one). You can also include it was a pot or cooking utensils.

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We married almost 14 years ago. Besides our china and crystal, there are two items we still use. One is an acrylic salad bowl with servers and the other is a wooden cutting/bread board (obviously purchased from a talented wood worker). I have to say my favorite is the cutting board. I would never have bought a nice one like that for myself, it does not go out of style, and it lasts. That and a nice bread knife (put a penny in the box with the knife for good luck) would make a lovely gift.


When my cousin got married last year (she lives in Belgium), we bought her a nice pottery serving tray and coordinating dip bowl from a local artist.


I try to give practical items, but not too practical, with a bit of a twist.

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What a great idea! I've never heard of that. I'll have to find out what their rotation dates are.


And...um....sorry about that whole "target" comment. Nothing personal. ;)






No offense taken. Especially in my oiler/ammo ship days, torpedo evasion plans seemed highly theoretical. On the other hand, we had steel beach picnics, stars at night, the opportunity to work on my farmer's tan and no one called my ship a floating coffin. ;)


For the wine, we would get an empty case and fill it at the package store. FWIW, I've been impressed with the shop at Kaneohe (they had the best selection of German whites, for example).

Edited by Sebastian (a lady)
wine rec's
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I was invited to a shower for the bride of an airman on the Airforce Honor Guard. To say that they had nothing would be an understatement. Her registry was at Target and it was for basic kitchen stuff, not china and crystal. I bought all the baking stuff on her registry that you would need to make chocolate chip cookies, from measuring cups and spoons to mixing bowls to cookie sheets to cookie scoop. Then I went to the grocery store and also bought all the ingredients needed and included a recipe. It ended up being a great big bag full of goodies. But she could have taken it home and made cookies.


Of course that isn't much help for Battlemaiden, since the couple she's shopping for is probably much more established.

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Favorite to give - a pair of crystal toasting flutes of the pattern for which they are registered. Unfortunately, it's not always something we can afford to give! But we did it many times when dh and I were both out in the career world and did not yet have kids and their associated expenses! I still think we'd give it as a wedding gift when we could, it's just a really neat once-in-a-lifetime kind of gift-giving opportunity, kwim?


Now one of the neatest things we received as a wedding gift was a 55 gallon cooler! That's a gift I never would have thought of giving, but it has lasted us 20 years and has been very well used. It's a much more functional gift, and more economical, too.

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