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Everything posted by Selkie

  1. Was there a written contract including the price that was signed by both the homeowner and the contractor?
  2. Lands End? ETA: Sorry, didn't see that you need a lot of them. Lands End would be pricey for that many.
  3. I agree. We never take our dogs to dog parks, either, and I was also going to mention the disease risk. A dog park in our area just had to be shut down because of a disease problem.
  4. That sounds amazing. Wish they would deliver to my house!
  5. The Mousery. We loved that one when my kids were little!
  6. Yes, we love those! Kind Nuts and Spices bars have 5 grams or less of sugar, so make sure and look for those. Some of their other ones have higher amounts of sugar.
  7. There are a couple outdoor haunted forests in our area that are very popular. I don't get the appeal myself, especially getting touched - yuck! :ack2: But judging from the huge lines I've seen when driving by, a lot of people seem to love it.
  8. Good morning! There's been a cold making its way through our family for the past week and I was hoping to avoid it, but no such luck. I woke up during the night feeling stuffy and scratchy. •school •run to bank •get groceries •clean coffee maker •check on my horse's progress (hoping he'll be ready to come home by Sunday) •tidy my house •tackle some office work •continue planning our remodeling project (I *think* I got our flooring and cabinets figured out yesterday) •dinner: taquitos
  9. Oh, that is beautiful. :grouphug:
  10. Good morning! I got up early this morning, gave Ollie a bath, and set him free from quarantine. I've never seen a puppy so overjoyed as he was to be back with his sister and buddies after almost two weeks of isolation. :) They've been wrestling and roughhousing for about two hours straight. •school •vacuum and dust •call UW vet hospital and check on horse (yesterday, the vet said he was enjoying soaking in their horse bath, which led to my dh grumbling about why the horse gets to go on a spa vacation and we don't ;) ) •more laundry •office work •repot 3 plants •go through Subscribe and Save •order a few things (tamari, sesame oil, soap, fly spray for horses) •finish picking out new light fixtures for our remodeling project •dinner: ?? maybe salad and baked potatoes
  11. Dh and I have both had allergic reactions to food and your dd's symptoms sound very similar. It's true that food allergies can develop at any time, but I would suspect it was something in the granola since she never had it before.
  12. That is a weird response. I find it frustrating when people aren't straightforward. As a previous poster suggested, have you searched for an obituary?
  13. Lots of good suggestions already. Definitely a generator. Keep your gas tank full. Stock up on lots of non-perishable food and water. Don't let yourself run low on necessities like medication. Check the long range forecast daily so you know when bad weather is coming and can prepare ahead of time If you live far enough out that law enforcement cannot reach you quickly, think about what you need to do to keep your home and family as secure as possible.
  14. Good morning! Yesterday, my horse with the injured leg got significantly worse so I decided to send him up to the UW-Madison vet hospital, which is about two hours away. They are able to do more in-depth diagnostics than our local vets and can also give him round-the-clock care. We are missing him but know he is in excellent hands. There is never a dull moment around here with my animals lately! •everything that didn't get done from yesterday's list •more laundry •plan my week •menu plan •dinner: grilled Baja fish tacos
  15. I'm so sorry. That happened to someone I knew, too. :(
  16. Congratulations and best of luck with your classes!!
  17. I would try filling a bucket with warm water and using a cup to slowly pour it over him. Some dogs don't like it when water gushes out of a faucet or hose. If you're bathing him in a tub, get a rubber mat for him to stand on so he has secure footing.
  18. Why is it in poor taste to talk about corrupt people in power stealing FEMA supplies that were sent to Puerto Rico? Isn't that something that should be talked about? I don't understand your reasoning. If it is happening (and I have read that is and that the FBI is investigating), something needs to be done about it. If we can't even talk about it, then that just leads to more suffering.
  19. Good morning! I'm trying to stop a migraine in its tracks by gulping down loads of coffee. We've had so much rain over the past few days that the ground is absolutely saturated, and now we might get another 3" today and tonight. I'm thankful we live high up on a ridge and don't have to worry about flooding. •horse chores, make sure stalls are clean and extra cozy since horses will be spending a lot of time in them due to the weather •unpack Chewy and Boxed orders •go through Subscribe & Save list for November •work on puppy training •repot 3 new houseplants •refill dog food bins and grain bins •order hay •vacuum upstairs •laundry (My laundry situation is out of control this week. I really don't know where it is all coming from.) •dinner: scallops with potatoes, beets and brussels sprouts •watch hockey tonight
  20. What an ordeal - that sounds horrible! I'm glad you're going to be okay and I hope you find a way to make your property snake-free.
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