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Everything posted by Selkie

  1. Good morning! I've been up since before 5 because I had extra chores this morning. One of our horses injured tendons in his leg yesterday and needs special care, so I wanted to get him taken care of early. He's my most favorite riding horse but can't be ridden for at least a month now so his leg can heal. (I really need to get some hobbies that don't involve huge vet bills.) •get ds17 out of bed because he has an early golf lesson •clean out stalls since that didn't get done yet this morning •school •office work (financial stuff, get bank deposits and mail ready, file my pile) •repair people are supposedly coming to attempt to fix internet again •errands: bank, post office, stop at grocery store for a few things, maybe book store •pick up takeout for dinner
  2. Wow, these are some amazing projects! It's sad that my kids, who went to public school through 8th, 7th, and 5th grades, never did any projects even remotely like these. They spent a lot of time cutting pictures out of magazines and making posters. :glare: Makes me wish I would have started homeschooling earlier.
  3. Mothballs can be toxic to pets and wildlife, so I wouldn't scatter them anywhere that they could be consumed.
  4. The one that sticks out in my memory is the mock murder trial that we did in 8th grade. I got to be the prosecuting attorney and loved it so much that I thought I wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up - until I found out what being a lawyer was really like, and then I dropped that idea!
  5. Good morning! I'm feeling like a real slacker after reading SKL's to-do list! :ohmy: •school •run to post office •office work (continue working on my bill pile, file, go over investment info) •mop again (it's been raining and muddy for days) •clean bathrooms •dd Book Club •order a few needed things •refill dog food bins and grain bins •dinner: salmon fried rice/cauliflower rice •watch hockey
  6. I like Tidy Cat. We used to use Special Kitty (Walmart brand). It is super cheap but also very dusty and doesn't control odors well, so we switched to Tidy Cat.
  7. I know two girls who had the surgery, my niece and the daughter of a family friend. The surgery and recovery are pretty grueling, but they are both doing well now.
  8. Ugh. Just realized that the kids have Model UN late this afternoon and then ds has a golf lesson at the same time as dd's violin lesson, so the evening will be more hectic than I anticipated. One kid is being a grouch and our internet is not working right again, despite supposedly being fixed by two repair guys the other day. It's now actually worse than it was before they "fixed" it.
  9. I wouldn't take the chance and would throw it away.
  10. Good morning! •school •my washer and dryer ran almost continuously yesterday, so how do I still have laundry to do today? :glare: •office work, at least a few hours of it •try to keep Oliver from chewing up everything in dh's office (he has 6 more days in isolation and is very bored, despite a huge array of puppy toys and constant attention) •dd violin lesson •dinner: homemade pizza ETA: Jean, I hope you get some rest today to make up for your sleepless night. Liz, I hope your loved ones stay safe from the fires.
  11. Our security system has door and window sensors as well as motion detectors. It works well - any time the alarm goes off, the monitoring company calls us immediately to make sure all is well. We also have outside security cameras and a pack of large dogs that do not like strangers. :)
  12. I hope you get it! Sending many good thoughts your way!
  13. Good morning! Today is the day I attempt to get caught up on everything that fell through the cracks last week. We've eaten so much restaurant food over the past several days and I am feeling :ack2: . Gotta get back on track with healthy eating! •school •get caught up on laundry •get caught up on bills •mop kitchen, mudroom, sunroom, entryway and main floor bathroom •clean upstairs bathrooms •make a bowl of salad •clean kitchen (it's a mess after last night's birthday cake extravaganza) •dinner: Buddha bowls •watch hockey
  14. Selkie


    I would never let my kids around either the husband or wife. The wife is choosing to stay with him and therefore I would never trust her judgment on anything. Let the girl come to your house but absolutely no contact between your dd and the girl's family.
  15. :grouphug: About 10-15 years ago, one of my male relatives had concerning symptoms and an elevated PSA. It turned out to be completely benign and he has remained healthy ever since.
  16. Aww, that's so cool! I'm glad everything turned out okay!
  17. Whoa, that is incredible! What a shock! I hope she was okay and able to raise the baby.
  18. Yikes. Between your Mil doing that and then her reaction, the whole thing sounds creepy!
  19. Good morning! Happy Leif Erikson Day! (fan of Viking history here :) ) Oldest turns 19 today, so we will be celebrating! •school •open presents •run to grocery store for a few things •pick up a thank you gift for the staff at vet clinic •drop off gift and pick up more food for Ollie •make carrot cake •ride horses •dinner: ?? birthday boy hasn't told me what he would like yet •watch hockey
  20. That's awful behavior from both of them. It sounds like there are some weird boundary issues in your family.
  21. Love this post. I know of several troubled kids whose lives were absolutely turned around by having a horse to care for and love.
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