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    Southern Oregon

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  1. So what exactly do I tell him, about their bad behavior, they even include the students in this gossiping and naysaying.
  2. I tried to retort to one of their snide remarks and they said isn't is Kindness week? they gang up
  3. So, I will try to keep long story short, moved to small town in Oregon a year ago. Decided to go back to school to become a teacher. In the meantime work as an Instructional Assistant with Sped, just to get in a district and it should be low key. Right?..... WRONG!!!!! I am at second school and I cannot get over how mean, conniving and catty these other IA's are. Especially ones that have worked for a long time in the district. I left one school and trying to survive in second but these two women are giving me cause to quit. I do not want to because I love the kids and want to build my portfolio. They are literally rude and mean to me every day, and I end up crying at home. If I tell the teacher or VP I am afraid that will make things worse and if I stay and they do not like me, I am scared I won't be able to get IA when I start to teach in this district. What should I do? I am to the point of quit and become a nanny until I finish my degree.
  4. So, that was my opinion about public education, it's strange because I am going to a Christian college.
  5. Is that even legal, can you ask for cash? That would make me give them absolutely zero.
  6. E thank you for the article , I think that is what I am looking for. I think one of the big questions is how do you glorify God through teaching with tech. How do you connect faith integration with culture and context for the pedagogy of tech.
  7. Stewardship of technology in education as an educator in a public school. How do we keep God centered. I know how I handled it the last 20 years with my kids, but what about becoming a teacher. I have a paper due and need resources. Yes, I agree modeling is key.
  8. OMG I did the Devils plan I liked it and now doing American Squid game. Give me some good titles I can watch on Netflix. U are my BFF
  9. Stewardship for technology. How do we apply discernment for our children and education. In other words how do we as parents and educators be stewards for our children so they do not abuse or become pawns of the tech world.
  10. Homework for college. Decorate for Christmas Get over horrible flu.
  11. Hey everyone, I am back , it's been 15 years. Now I am back in school finishing my BA in bled. Have an assignment due, and need resources about how to incorporate stewardship and God in tech with students, but I am at a public high school. If you have any articles please post. Thanks my friends, miss y'all.
  12. Aww my old stomping grounds and my fav person in the whole world starting the chat. Haven't done Drama but started watching K game shows.
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