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Everything posted by gstharr

  1. Since you are working a 4 year plan, and not doing catch up, I would look at the requirement for the most selective schools that he could possibly want to attend. For a top 20 school it is 3-4 years, with the exception of MIT (2 years). As to programming, it is plus to have some on the app.
  2. It was a golf polo. But, I must add that he listed 3 year varsity golf, and captain on his app. He is not trying to be recruited and will not be playing in college. He said that still golf talk was 30 minutes of a 45 minute interview.
  3. I hope we are not blowing it. Mine wore khakis and a golf shirt to his only EA with highly selective school. Interview went very well.
  4. UCLA's hospital is just "reputable". Wow, tough crowd.
  5. i haven't calculated the hourly breakdown yet, but, for clients who can pay, I typically charge $500,000 for guaranteed admission to USC, and $1,000,000 for the ivies. Verified references available. . Rick Singer
  6. Here is a link If you are interested in getting a pallet from amazon, target, lowes and more: https://www.liquidation.com/c/Amazon?msclkid=b74eb7c2e6cd10501e4dd4afc7febd5e&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=1search - Amazon&utm_term=pallet of amazon returns&utm_content=Amazon Return Pallets
  7. Scroll down your student"s css profile. You will see a new IDOC section. IDOC will list the school's requesting documentation and what documents to be uploaded. All are uploaded through IDOC portal.
  8. I wanted zero, but I have one and i.am very happy with that number. He is not like me. But, he has grown up very privileged. I think he is what I would have been if I had the resources and support that he has had. I am the oldest of four. P
  9. My kid was a June baby so I had 6 months before his 1st Chritmas. I bought every really nice decoration that I found at yard sales and thrifts. We had inflatables, nutcrackers, electric trains, and mechanicals and musical things all set up around the tree. 17 years later, he still looks forward to setting them up.
  10. My now 12th grader took last year's December exam as his one and done (well, he took it in 7th and 8th, but none since). He was always outstanding on math, but weaker on reading and grammar. For prep, we allocated about 25% math and 75% rading and grammar. We realized after doing about half of the College Board's official practice test that his reading results were out of his control. Too dependent on the passages and type of questions. But, SAT grammar is a game that you must the know the common test trick and traps. Use Panda Grammar for a good explanation of the most common grammar test tricks. Then, follow wiith Erica Meltzer's Ulitimate Guide to SAT Grammar. Meltzer's materials are better at demonstrating the grammar traps with test like quesitions. Also, get the companion workbook because it has 8 or 10 very good practice tests. We went from missing 6-8 grammar questions to 0-1. Mastery of the grammar portion, gave him breathing room on the readings sections on the actual SAT exam. good luck.
  11. Most of the time when we travel, everybody has their own rolling carry on and a medium sized backpack. We wear the heaviest/bulkiest clothing items on the flight. We can get these onboard for free even with the discount airlines. When we need more space, we share a single large duffle like bag. Our bag has wheels. The empty bag weighs no more than than a couple of pounds. Sharing a large bag for check-in saves us more than $100 per flight (each way) because most airlines charge per bag.
  12. Believe we are done with CSS Profile (and FAFSA). So, now we wait for the colleges to tell us what verification documents to upload to IDOC??? I cant find anywhere a list of documents to be submitted at same time as profile. thanks
  13. From the college tours, and college fairs that we have been to, most things are not truly optional if you are optimizing your chance for admission. eta unless its test scores that clearly fall short.
  14. Wow Ting, two days at this. What in the devil has gotten into you?
  15. You can give it yourself. (sat and ap) Just download a past test from College Board, and answer key. Have him take it somewhere out of his comfort zone. Time each section. When the 12 grader need practice tests, we would do them in a library, park or even food court.
  16. I' researched all night. Went through all my batteries. Here are my comments: morse-3.wav A free morse code translator is at morsecode.world. Note translation is not obscene.
  17. You probably were the subject of a pretext stop. An officer can pull you over for any real or imagined minor traffic infraction allowing the officer to search for evidence of a crime (typically drugs). The 10 minute delay in reviewing your license is so that a k-9 unit can get there when the cops start questioning you. The pretext stop is common on most famous drug corridor: I-95. I-40 id s another well known drug corridor. The cop let you go because he either felt you weren't dealing after seeing you, or the k-9 unit couldn't get there in a timely manner. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/pretext-traffic-stops-whren-v-united-states
  18. I wouldn't consider you 'gifted". Your friend gave you a lot of work. https://www.wikihow.com/Tan-a-Deer-Hide .
  19. FYI, NMSF notifications were mailed to schools last week. Some local schools have received the package. Seems 221 is cut-off for Califonria.
  20. Mine would place his a clear baggie along with pencils, erasers,,bottle if water and a snack. Phone must be shut off. If the proctors can hear it ring or vibrate, his test would be invalidated.
  21. Don't allow the essay to stress you. It seems daunting. But, if your daughter has the classes, grades and TEST scores, and the scores fall at or above the school's 50th percentile, the essay is just another, and slightly lower factor, in the admission process. 70% of admissions is grades, gpa and test scores. While it will be nice to have one of those knock out essays, a reasonably competent one is all that is required if you are at the 50+ percentile. Having strongly met the admission requirement, acceptance is more about what a school is looking for to round out its class. Think something that is not otherwise shown in the rest of the application package. otoh, essays are extemely important for no testers, reaches, and marginally quallified applicants,
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