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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. Try Theopedia for this. It's the wiki for theological terms and gives other helpful links.
  2. :grouphug: and prayers. We just lost my FIL last month after many months of illness. I am so sorry for your loss and will be praying for your family.
  3. My husband works in advertising and I can almost guarantee that no one noticed the bowl had more sides than the cereal. They were probably THRILLED to find a bowl that looked even similar to the cereal that they just went with it. My DH on the other hand WOULD have noticed and probably created a fake bowl in Photoshop!:lol:
  4. My vote is for ... wait for it ... Strawberry Girl!!!:ack2: I know, a beloved classic. Yuck on the dialect!!
  5. We lived in one with Louisiana/Cajun names. We lived on Zydeco St. I would constantly have to correct from zuh-decco pronunciations. I would say "zie-deco, you know, like the music?":001_huh: Then there was Kissatchie St, Thibodeaux Trail. It was a nightmare to explain to a poor customer service rep on the phone!
  6. My son will be 6 this summer and going into K SSRW every day (which is reading and handwriting) Miquon every day We are enrolled in CC for this coming year so he will work on his memory work, and both kids will explore science and history based on the CC stuff we do. Lots of snuggly reading, exploring nature, and playing. He might be able to do music lesson with his sister too. That's about it!
  7. Julie, or families must have similar taste buds! I too wish I could get them to eat better so I am resorting to Sneaky Chef tactics!!
  8. Congrats Scarlett!!!! I have white cabs and almost black counters. The white is hard to keep clean in a way because they show every speck. But they are a coating, not paint, so they do wipe off easily. The black counters show a lot of dirt too. I will say I like this combo better than the all white I had before. White cabs, white tile floor:001_huh:, white counters. It showed every.speck.of.dirt. I love the combo of dark chocolate brown cabinets and a natural stone look counter (even if you go with formica). But would dark cabs make your kitchen look too dark? If so, still go with the white cabs but do a warmer stone-look counter instead of the cold gray granite they had in the pic. So happy for you!!!
  9. No, I think she means "go to" when you know you need one that will work, delicious, everyone likes it. Right?
  10. We're reading a whole bunch of library books on ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. I'm hoping to do ancients all summer in prep for starting CC this fall - which starts at 800 AD. I'm hoping to keep if fun, lots of hands on activiites and books, art projects, and museum trips. DH wants to mummify a chicken. I'm reading a book I got from the library called The Balanced Plate in the hopes that it will give me more information on good food choices and some recipes. I just got a message that the library also has Sneaky Chef waiting for me, so my goal is to do some study over the next couple of weeks on what I can feed my family THAT THEY WILL EAT.:glare: I just finished The Thirteenth Tale. Very good and not at all what I expected.
  11. My son is 5, he has an 8/29 b.day. He makes the cutoff by ONE day. But, he was a preemie and ntot supposed to be here until mid-Nov. If he were to have been in ps, there was no way I would have sent him, so we called this his pre-k year. So on 8/29 this year he will turn 6 and be in K. I just went by his maturity level.
  12. One of my earliest memories of my mom is a picture I saw of her and Clint Eastwood from the early 60's. She was a model and got to be at some photo shoot with both him and Jimmy Stewart. I remember thinking how beautiful she was and that I wanted to look just like her. My favorite memories are of her teaching me (trying to) how to sew. She had an old sewing machine and we would head out to the adjacent building on our property that was used as an office/storage/craft room We'd build a big fire in the wood stove and turn on old movies and she would teach me how to sew. She worked full time all my life and dealt with a horribly controlling husband (my dad) but always made me feel important and cared for. She's over 1000 miles away today and I miss her terribly!
  13. No, I don't see how we could do it. Our housing and healthcare costs alone are over 40% of our budget.:glare:
  14. I have very low expectations. I figure my focus should be on celebrating our moms, instead of looking to who will do something for me. Heard a sermon on that once and it hit home. So I will call my mom (1000's of miles away:crying:) and do my best to convey my thoughts. And we will take MIL to church with us (she's been recently widowed) and later out to dinner. DH came home from an errand tonight with flowers. I guess he figured it'd be a bigger surprise tonight than tomorrow. I've been grumpy from days on end with too many kids and no breaks for even a quiet cup of tea. He's a man who recognizes trouble brewing. :tongue_smilie: Tomorrow afternoon he is sending me to IKEA. Alone. With the debit card.:D I think I'll hit Starbucks on the way over there for a treat! Happy Mother's Day friends!!
  15. I am married to a graphic designer with a BFA. He is the son of 2 ps teachers, one of whom had a masters + 30 and was one of the most intelligent men I have ever known. Can you believe I would chose to pass these genes on to my children???:confused:;) Neither of my husbands parents ever surpassed $50k which is very sad to me, but their retirement from the school board FAR surpasses anything we will ever see!!! My husband is doing pretty well as a Creative Director. But I never even graduated and made over $150k in sales...working with some of the biggest morons you'd want to meet. It's all in the choice you make to follow the path. My *almost* psych/business degree was parlayed smartly by me in interviews as great with people and business acumen. Overall I hope there will always be those wonderful people who are willing to make less money in order to work in the arts, or with children, etc.
  16. :thumbdown:I just find this to be an ill-tempered and nasty comment. There is no data to support this to my knowledge and there are many FINE individuals who are dedicated to children who choose this as a career path. I don't think this thread needs to be turned into bashing those with these chosen degrees or paths. I have not taught, nor did I pursue a teaching degree, but I have known many quite intelligent people who have. Along with other professions that take a love for people, helping others, sacrifice, or talent in the arts. This does NOT make them less intelligent!
  17. I really think there's something to that *seeing the problems presented a different way* thing. My dd was doing CLE and doing pretty well with it I thought, but I realized she has NO mental math skills at all. So I gave her the placement test for Math Mammoth and a lot of the problems she immediately said "I have no idea!!!" and "I can't do that one!!!" Then when I showed her how it breaks down or how it's the same as doing it this other way, then the lightbulbs go on. I am still not convinced that I could make it through 2 programs if in one doing 4 pages takes an hour. It seems like it would take us 2 years to do one level! OP I'm glad you have some peace and your dh saw your reasoning!
  18. I also thoroughly enjoyed DP and will use it as a lit guide for the books it recommends specifically, but also for the style of analysis it sets up. Highly recommended!!
  19. This is so true. With my first child I was very trusting of our pediatrician. Why shouldn't I be? I was naive. But with age comes experience, and knowing more moms made me more aware of the issues surrounding vax choices and I was able to research more. Someone has probably said this, but in 2010 you can find way more information in which to do the research than you could in 1999 when I was pg. But, not that I was looking because I didn't know I should look. Both my kids are vax'd and I'd still do it again, albeit on a different schedule.
  20. I've had good luck using Bongotones. It just sends the tone as a multimedia message to your phone and you save it as a ringtone. I've downloaded the Lawrence Welk theme for my MIL's ring. And the funny Geico commercial "ringadee ding ding dingy dong" for my dh's ring. The Darth Vader theme for a few bad people. I've got a bunch of them. All free.
  21. Thanks Valerie! :grouphug: I think this topic has many of us a little hot under the collar. I really think it's like a lot of situations in life where you just have no idea what it's like until you have to do it. Imagine trying to lift your 260lb father in law off the bathroom floor when he is not coherent and incapable of helping himself at all (not to mention his unmentionables!) I just feel for that op's SIL because I know that the stress makes me as mean as a bear to everyone else sometimes. Like "why can't you see how hard this is!!!":mad: and "why do I have to ask for your help, JUST DO IT!!":cursing: She probably has her own family to care for. And she has a job she doesn't want to lose because she is called away so often. It's just so hard for everyone involved.
  22. Glucosamine and condroytin (sp?) is great for that and easily found at the pet store. You can sprinkle it on his food or give it as a chewy treat supplement. I hear it can work wonders for joint pain.
  23. :iagree::iagree: I have been in this exact situation. My husband is an only child. We had to move his parents here so that we could care for them. There is no one else. The day to day needs of the elderly really and truly can be more draining than a child. Mostly because you think they should be able to handle themselves, but they can't. And it's not right to say that they should be parked in rehab for someone else to care for. Who's going to pay for that? Often health insurance sure won't. And Assisted Living facilities around here cost about $4000 a month. My in-laws are retired school teachers and don't make near that. Not an option. In the case of my FIL (who just passed away last month after 2 years of draining illness) he had doctors appointments 3x a week for months - and I had to take him to ALL of them because my MIL couldn't do it. Plus I had to take care of their dog and all other appointments and errands. I shopped for them, and cleaned for them, had to make all their important phone calls, you name it. They become like 150lb infants almost. It's very, very sad, and very, very stressful. I agree that your husband needs to step up. And have more compassion for the stressors that his sister is under. Until you have walked in her shoes on a daily basis, you have NO idea. You wouldn't tell someone with a special needs child to quit whining and acting crazy and just stick the kid in rehab because it's an inconvenience?:confused:
  24. My dd continued in her Girl Scout troop after I pulled her mid-third grade, and this year in 4th. But it was this year that things got a little ugly...cliques, meanies, ignoring, etc. Eh, it's a group of 11 9-year olds! But I don't want to subject her to that anymore, so we are not continuing this next year. But she will continue her friendship with one girl that she's known since K. The mom and I are committed to keeping that relationship going. Her other best friend is one that started as a family friendship and the girls grew together. She's known her since 4 years old. She goes to private school so their schedules are not too compatible in the school year, but will be this summer. That's another one that I will strive to continue with. Other than that she's getting to be friends with a few in our homeschool world, but it's been a little hard. I have found most of the moms to no be as willing to work hard on making sure they show up consistently enough to things to make friendships happen.
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