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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. :iagree: And Mara, Daughter of the Nile Fountain of Life Ides of April Triumph for Flavius
  2. 21 Balloons - San Francisco and Krakatoa Twenty and Ten - France This list is not really for historical fiction that happens to be set in a certain country? Do you mostly want more modern?
  3. One of our favs: Meatball Stroganoff: 1 pkg premade meatballs (I can find organic turkey ones) 1 jar brown gravy or about 1 1/4 c of leftover homemade brown gravy 1 small tub sour cream mix gravy and sour cream and meatballs and heat through serve over pasta and with a salad
  4. Well, I've shared this with my daughter and she was thrilled! Her remark was "that's genius"! She has relatively low standards for excellence.:rolleyes:
  5. I know, right? She hasn't taught an intro level course in 15 years, so she is used to students who study and read the material and show up to class. Shows how out of touch she was! On a serious note though, as a respected professor there of 30 years, she should have been advised by her dean that she was being too tough and worked on more appropriate methods of motivating the students. At least she didn't lose her job, just the one course.
  6. Our songs are about Barney the Purple dinosaur. Joy to the world, Oh Barney's dead, We barbequed his head! We flushed him down the potty! Forget about his toes we stuffed them up his nose Round and round and round he goes! and ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy Stuck a rifle up his nose Pulled the trigger, there he goes ABCDEFG Barney is my enemy Yes, TOP of the lungs in unison. When I asked my children where they heard these lovely diddies they happily replied that it was at the homeschool Valentines Party.:001_huh::lol:
  7. :lurk5: I've suffered with this problem for my whole life and will be listening here for helps. Often for me the do-it-anyways plan makes me feel used and resentful (even though DH is grateful and satisfied:confused:). It's a big problem for so many women.
  8. My dd was 7. I was planning to wait until she was 10 or 11, kind of a rite of passage thing. But then we had major issues with her still being wet at night through age 6 and decided to get a bedwetting alarm. She was so precious, trying so hard to work with the alarm, not complaining for weeks as we worked it all out. We decided a big reward after she achieved dryness was due, and she chose to get her ears pierced. She has always taken excellent care of them and never chooses inappropriate earrings, so I am glad we did it. Had it not been a big reward thing and just something she wanted because she wanted it, I probably would have waited until age 10. ETA: I was 10 I think.
  9. I hope you will keep her. I hope you can turn all this around to focus on the positive. Like a pp said, you can be happy that you had a great dog in your life, and smile because it happened. I really think dogs are a very special part of God's creation. Instead of focusing on the life you *could* lose someday, and will lose eventually of course, focus on the life you can give her NOW. Focus on the great family you have that can love her and care for her like no one else can. She needs you. If it weren't for you, for all you know she could wind up in a shelter and who knows what then. Just go right now and look at her sweet face, in her sweet eyes, and know that she can help you heal and that you need each other. :grouphug:
  10. So (my ignorance is showing here) with a Touch all you need is iTunes, right? It doesn't have any kind of monthly access fees? You can get your apps through iTunes or access the web at WiFi sites or at home if you have WiFi? My dd (only 9) is saving up for one and we are letting her save considering how long it will take her, but still wondering if this would be an appropriate thing for her. Actually our whole family would use it some. I'm thinking she'd love the capabilities of music, audio books, movies, games, etc.
  11. Excellent article! I had no idea you are a contributor to Heart of the Matter! It was a neat surprise. Thanks for sharing.:)
  12. We really have liked the Ticonderoga TriWrites (found at several school supply places like Mardel). And now Crayola makes triangle shaped crayons (found recently at Michaels). It's worked wonders even for my dd (who is 9) in preventing fatigue. They make the TriWrites in the fat size for preschoolers but they are heavy for my small guy so we stick with the reg #2.
  13. Is that why I sometimes get the message that a book "similar" to one I am wishing for has been entered in to the system. It's because I have all the ISBNs wished for? Cuz that sucks if so. I think you can only wish for 200 books at a time and when I reached my limit I went through my wish list and deleted the duplicates thinking I'd get them anyways.:confused:
  14. Don't forget to set your DVR or you can also watch it on PBS starting 4/12.
  15. I totally see your point. I don't think I really meant that you'd *want* gray hair in your 60's but more that it's then that it seems more appropriate somehow. One of my best friend's mom is GORGEOUS with her gray/white hair. She always looks pulled together and it goes with her so nicely. But I have seen PLENTY of women - like you! - who go gray a lot earlier and look great with it. I think if I had hair like yours, and probably if my kids were still so young, I might do it. I have fine, stick-straight, limp hair. So the gray ones look like those tinsel icicles that you put on Christmas trees. All wild and kinky like. I think if the rest of my hair had any body or wave to it it would make sense. BTW, Doran, I love your hair! I have always had a kind of Bohemian/hippie/crunch side secretly and would love to have that kind of naturally curly and gray hair. I think it's sexy!!:tongue_smilie: The whole thing goes back to whatever makes you feel good and confident. Gray, white, blonde, black with pink streaks. Whatever makes you feel good and is *you*. I like this idea of color stripping. Is that like the opposite of dying? I wonder how badly it damages your hair?
  16. Perry, are you worried at all about it making you look a lot older? I just feel like at 42 I have so much gray that it will be too pronounced for my age and make me look older. Instead of having a pretty color to enhance my skin tone, it'll be steely and washed out and sort of...yuck. Even if I thought I'd have that gorgeous white hair that some ladies get, it seems you wouldn't want that until you are in your 60s, right? Maybe I'm vain... I'd sure love to be able to quick coloring, but I just don't think I can yet.
  17. I've got a 5.5 year old who I have not done much school with at all. He's just not ready. He's learning his letter sounds and numbers, but to sit and do reading lessons...No way. And I don't think he has any learning delays at all. He's fine. He's just a squirrel. They don't sit still much and have a short attention span!
  18. I got a good deal I think on mine from Rainbow and got the First Grade Diary and whatever else was offered. After I ordered it I wondered if I should have just invested in the Orange book. But no, I dove into the whole set. I'm like that. I know the panic feeling when opening it. I was like "wha..?" and then I was like "who...?" and then I was like "whoa...!" :confused::D;) Anyways, I am wrapping my brain around it a little more. What I really need is a weekend away with no family so I can pour over stuff. Please keep the questions out in the open if you don't mind!!! No PMies. I need to be able to read your questions for Bill or other experienced peeps because at this point I don't know what I don't know...ya know? :lurk5:
  19. PLEASE do report back when you get it what your thoughts are!!! I am very curious if you find you need the TM. ETA: Also meant to say thanks Bill for the link, I didn't see the options at the bottom were linkies. Need to move the ol' mouse around a bit more I guess!
  20. Dancer, Where did you order it? I looked through the whole product and think this might be something that will work for my dd. I don't think she's fully 2 grade levels behind, but never learned some of these concepts quite this way and I'd like for her to. But I can't see how much it costs or where to order it.:confused: It's probably right in front of me and I don't see it!;)
  21. :grouphug: I will be interested to hear others thoughts. My dh's dad is going to pass away very soon and he will be devastated. I am not sure how I can best help him. Wish I could help you. :grouphug:
  22. Gee, that was nice of you to post Brett! Hope you're feeling better. Looking forward to getting my CD soon. Anyone feel like Big Brother is watching?:tongue_smilie: :D
  23. This is me too! Terrible at journalling or any kind of photo organization. And most family is out of state. So I blog mostly our "happenings" or things about school (mostly) that you'd normally want to share with grandmas and aunts, etc. I just started late last year so I don't have too much on there, but I will eventually and it'll be a great way for us to remember our homeschool journey.
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