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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. We'll start K this summer I think. We start Class. Conv. this fall, so he will do that as well as tag along with big sis to flesh out bible, history, science, geog, latin, spanish, etc. My main focus with him will be learning to read with SSRW and math with Miquon and MM. I'll prob also start HWOT and add something at the end of SSRW but not sure what yet. Also lots of books and play time.
  2. I started more CM and now am a die-hard WTM groupie!
  3. I can't wait to tell my husband! He's going to crack up! I hope it doesn't give him ideas... :lol::lol: :grouphug:
  4. It's a tough job waiting to be a mama of quints!:D I am so in love with her. Glued to her every move! And Scarlett, I'm glad you mentioned that the comments were off cuz I thought it was me somehow. Happy Birthday Baby #1!!!
  5. Why does it make me think of "Big Papa"? Is that a rap song or something?:lol: Here's another vote for Big Penguin! I will say that if it sticks it WILL embarrass them when they are teenagers, so that's a bonus too!:tongue_smilie:
  6. :iagree: I think placement is more critical than saving $.10/LU.
  7. Yep, Rainbow has all of it. Anxiously awaiting my Miquon any day now. C'mon UPS!!!:)
  8. My dd was told this as well, but he opted for a cap (silver) since it was a baby tooth. He said it would preserve the space and keep her from having the ordeal of the RC. It was still expensive.:glare: I'd get a second opinion too.
  9. Wow! That's a really scary experience! It sounds to me like he was oversedated and I would certainly never take him there again. Can you find a pediatric dentist near you? It sounds to me like this practice is just not familiar enough with kids to have sedated him properly. You also said "when they called you back"...is this one of those places that doesn't let mom back with the kid. I don't do those offices. I have to have access to my kids at all times (unless I needed to wrangle a little one or something). Sorry you and he had to go through that!
  10. I did Bigger with my 3rd grader last year and thought it was perfectly on level - skill wise. This year we are in Preparing and it's again been a perfect fit. We've loved HoD. I always trust the book selections and have liked all of them tremendously. My kids do remember what we've covered in science but I haven't been too worried about having that part of our curriculum too rigorous. I LOVE the way Godly character traits are emphasized and how Carrie really fleshes out God's providential hand in History. It is a lot of reading. By now my 4th grader does most of it herself, but be prepared for that. It's very CM in that way. I'd say placing in the right level is key. And with that many kids, and a baby, yikes! It's a lot of work!!! I'm not sure I could bite off that much. You are talking about running 3 separate programs simultaneously and the younger 2 programs are pretty mom-intensive. Our BHFHG days last year were 4 hours and that was pretty much one on one. YMMV of course since I was pulling my dd from school and getting up to speed with homeschooling, but just be aware. GL!:D
  11. Love Molly! I wish you could turn off the comments on the side tho.:glare: We have a Western Screech Owl pair in a dead tree in our back yard. They were here last year also and had 3 babies. We had so much fun watching them!!! Can't wait to see how many they have this year.
  12. :hurray: This seems like good news!! I will keep him in my prayers that he continues to recover fully!!:grouphug:
  13. Thanks so much HappyGrace!!!! This is extremely helpful! Maybe our girls are a lot alike! I've been really thinking about MM for my son as well, so this purchase might be just the thing we need! Off to check it out some more!:auto:
  14. I have no insight or suggestions other than to follow your instincts. Docs can poo-poo a mama all they want but you KNOW when something isn't right. Certainly it could be food or hormone related. It sounds as though it came on quite suddenly which is what would have me most concerned. I'd probably take her back in to check on her cyst and make sure it hasn't grown or otherwise couldn't be causing these problems. :grouphug:
  15. It looks great! *I* like VT but my kids never did. This looks like they'll like it better! Thanks!
  16. HappyGrace, My dd is 9.5 in 4th currently and finishing CLE 3 pretty soon. My hope is to move her into 4 for the rest of spring/summer so we can start 5 when she starts 5th this fall. I think I'm seeing some of the things you mentioned about your dd. I'm wondering if you are using the Blue series topically or the grade level Light Blue? Did you match that with the CLE level? IOW, how'd you know where to start with MM?
  17. My son will be K this fall (he'll be 6). I already have SSRW which has games, songs, pretty teacher heavy - obviously, it's phonics. My head is swimming about math for him:001_huh:. I have NO IDEA yet if he's mathy. I have NO IDEA what his learning style is. I mean, he's wiggly (hence the nick-name Squirrel). I would like to help him become a mathy kid and because of this I am attracted to programs I hear a lot about like Singapore, RS, Miquon, etc. I placed an order today for Miquon (all 6 books) because I felt like I had to decide on SOMETHING. Then of course I read all 12 pages of the thread on c.rods vs abacus. :confused: This put all kinds of doubts in my mind again about math! If you were doing SSRW (and please don't suggest I drop this as it was an investment already made and I think he'll really like it) do you think Miquon is a good 1st math? And if so, should I also combine it with something like Singapore EB or 1A or Math Mammoth or MEP or what? Or what about combining Miquon with just the games from RS? I can't afford the whole RS program (unless I can cancel the Miquon) and even then I wonder if it would just be too much when I am already doing a complicated program like SSRW. Oh, Lord, please let this be making sense. I am so confused. I have been successfully remediating my daughter from her ps math experience with CLE (she HAS to have spiral) and I just want my little guy to start out right!
  18. I'm not sure how I can help. We're doing CLE LA 4 and it's going well. My dd doesn't *love* it, but it's rigorous and challenging for her and she's learning. I needed the independence too, for life circumstance reasons, but we still do some together. That said, I think if I had the chance I would switch to MCT. I keep hearing such great things and I think that excitement factor is something serious to consider. I understand what you mean about wanting her to understand more traditional stuff, but I don't recall actually studying grammar in college, it was already supposed to be a known thing. So ultimately how she gets there and develops a love for LA is more important, IMO. Unfortunately for me we are going to do Classical Conversations this Fall including Essentials, so I'll have all my LA in that. I can't afford to jump into MCT right now and try to do both this fall - it's too much. Seems like you can't go wrong with either but my vote is for MCT for creating and excitement and love of LA. (at least that's what I'm hearing..)
  19. I like "school is life". That seems so *on the money* for our lives. School permeates everything we do it seems. In a good way...mostly!
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