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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. From a previous thread I learned that you can download the Explorer's Bible study weekly for free. We've been doing this for a couple of weeks and really love it! At the link above (or you might have to go to the homepage) and click on "Study the bible with us" and then you click on whichever study is appropriate for their age. You can then download the file each week. It's great!
  2. If you have a campfire available there are all kind of websites devoted to recipes for use when camping. On favorite we made recently on a girl scout camping trip was to pre-make mexican rice, and then have ingredients like grilled chicken (we premade but you could grill there), fajita meat, corn, tomatoes, blk olives, onions, salsa, cheese, etc and made "packets" out of foil. Each kid got to pick what they wanted in their packet. It was fun and yummy. You can also do fish like salmon or tilapia very nicely in packets with whatever veg and spices you like. Serve with pan fried potatoes or rice. I also premake chili and freeze since it heats up nicely over the fire or on a hot plate. Bring fritos and cheese and you have Frito Pie! Quesadillas is a great option as someone mentioned. Just about anything you can premake, freeze, and then heat up in a pan is doable. Jambalaya or gumbo, stir fry, taco meat for tacos or taco salads, roasted chicken you can dice for a fresher chicken salad or chicken n' rice. This is a great site for recipes. Have fun!! We don't head to our cabin until August but I am really looking forward to it this year as the drought here has ended and the river ought to have some water!
  3. Our favorites were chicken corn chowder/salad/french bread; meatballs in bbq sauce/mashed potatoes/green beans; baked ziti/salad/fr bread; tortilla soup w/toppings like avocado and sr cream; chicken and rice casserole; egg "strata" = eggs/cheese/ham/spinach/milk either in quiche form or poured over bread and baked/served with fruit salad. When my son was born as a preemie we got food for a long time. One of the best ideas was when someone loaded us with sandwich fixings. Bread/turkey/cheese/lettuce/tomato/mayo/mustard/chips/fruit. It was a great idea and lasted several meals and lunches.
  4. I absolutely agree with this! Since when are we to set our family and children up as an idol? Since when are we called to serve them first and *only* to the detriment of others in our lives? Why wouldn't the calling of ministry (or military or public service, etc) not be an excellent example to our children of "living for others"?
  5. Thanks so much for all your replies. I too have been a part of the GS organization for several years and never had seen anything like this on a local level which is why I was confused. And the very fact that we have this back and forth about the validity of the statements in the article is why I asked in the first place. If I'm going to make a decision about organizations we are involved in and support, it's important to me to know what's going on with those organizations (as best I can). I appreciate everyone's thoughtful responses!
  6. My grandparents (maternal) were a huge part of my life as a child, esp my grandmother. My dad's parents had died before he became an adult and both my parents were only children, so my grandparents represented ALL family for me. The memories are just too much to list. I think the theme we hear in this thread is TIME. They gave us the time and space to be who we wanted, gave us what we wanted, and loved us for it all, in spite of it all. It's a very dear and precious gift and I hope my kids are getting that from their grandparents. Very nice thread!
  7. But I'm not sure how to substantiate it. This is the article. It's all over my Facebook, friends forwarding to friends and making me feel like a terrible mom for having my dd involved with such a terrible organization. But I don't want to blindly believe it if it has questionable sources or is a flat out lie. I've Googled, etc, and have found that the article appears true. If this article is in fact true, I have a very big problem with an organization like this disseminating this kind of information to young girls and would absolutely NOT support it any longer. I have heard about their support of/involvement with Planned Parenthood for a long time, and based on *my* belief system, I shouldn't be supporting GS. But, I've turned a blind eye because we've never seen anything like this at our level. But I have a hard time believing it because of the parents and other sponsors (our largest Catholic church in our area hosts many meetings). I'm not sure what I'm asking. Maybe...have you heard about this? What's the best way to determine if it's true?
  8. Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading. Written by Jessie Wise. It's great I've heard. I agree that if she has internet access I'd just spend some time with the kids initially using starfall.com. Can she get the LeapFrog DVDs? Her kids are pretty young and I'd just go slow. What do I know, I am just about to teach my first kid to read! I am just going slow with phonics and making sure to keep it light and fun.
  9. I relate to a lot of this. My husband is an only child and we are now caring for his aging parents a lot, so I don't have issues on that side. But my mom is remarried to someone with 4 kids of his own and I feel a lot of tension with them having to try to make enough time for everyone. And there's the single parent and drug/alcohol abuse issues with my brother and his kids (and some of my step-relations), so they try so hard to make a "normal" loving family home when those grandkids are there. And the fact that we can't visit without my brothers kids there is largely because my mom wants so bad for us all to have a strong relationship. She doesn't feel like she needs to provide a loving and secure home for my kids, so she doesn't try to. But she does for my brother's kids and that leaves mine out sometimes. I'm just trying to be as understanding as I can be and let it go. :grouphug:
  10. We're going to have my MIL go to church with us and then come back here for lunch. She likes to have the large meal of the day at noon, so I am trying to figure out how I can keep it all warming while we are at church. I'm thinking I will make a ham and some maple sweet potatoes that I can keep warming in the oven while we are gone, and use the crock pot to keep some fresh green beans warm too. Then I will make a nice chilled pear/pineapple salad to go with it. Not sure but a Lemon Merangue pie sounds good for dessert. Mmmmmmmm...love ham leftovers!!
  11. Bethany, I'm so sorry. We are facing this soon with my FiL and it's just so tough for everyone. I'll be praying for your family.:grouphug:
  12. :iagree:Yep, us too. And I'm hoping this will be the "part 2" on our math journey to even greater understanding and joy in math. Don't have it yet but it'll be here soon!!:D
  13. Wow. What a legacy, really for both. In one case a triumph of life and family, and in the other a tragic waste.:grouphug:
  14. I'd bring a quick bread all wrapped up. That way if there are allergies or they don't want it, she doesn't have to serve it and can set it on the counter and move on. But if it's welcome she can open it up and serve everyone some. That way you aren't showing up empty handed. Or, if you want to avoid food, the lillies at the grocery store are so gorgeous, I'd love to get one this time of year!
  15. We recently had our WORST trip to the library ever when I tried to implement this. It was one of those *pull-out-your-hair-because-you-otherwise-would-throttle-your-children* days. Here I go skipping into the library thinking about how much fun it will be to find books in these catagories that interest us and all I got was whining "do we haaaaavvvvvvveee toooooooooooo:crying:" :banghead: We got them but I just did not understand the resistance. It's not like I said they couldn't have their normal choices IN ADDITION to these selctions.:confused: It just doesn't always go smoothly, does it!:tongue_smilie:
  16. :iagree:I'm planning to use this next year with my 5th grader. I looks fabulous and has lots of good reviews!
  17. Me too! I think I knew that new ones were coming. Ah well, it's good for everyone that they are out! Would love to hear about a comparison!!
  18. :bigear: My dd is finishing up 4th grade and I am concerned I am losing her with LA. I thought CLE was a great fit but she is not really retaining, finds it too hard or tedious or boring, has absolutely no diagramming knowledge (not her fault - gaps from ps and changing currics), and really does no writing. She *mostly* knows the parts of speech, but even then I think it's pretty basic. I am getting scared I'm losing her. We are planning to do CC next year and I'll have her in Essentials with IEW. But now I'm thinking maybe I should start at level 3 with MCT and either move along with it at the same time, or save the money from Essentials and do LA at home (was mostly doing it for the IEW). I want to fill in those gaps and ignite some excitement. I love the idea of snuggling on the couch 3x a week and doing a program like this, and I'm willing to spend the money. Just don't know where to begin. At the beginning?
  19. How scary and sad!!! How "new" is this house? I'm sure there will be an investigation by the insurance but I am wondering if there was some poor construction to have a newer chimney catch on fire. I'm glad everyone is okay!
  20. I'm married to a car guy too. In fact he recently sold his 66 Mustang GT Fastback so that he could buy me a nice safe mini-van. :001_wub: He still got a little hard-top out of the deal.:D Currently w/o interior as it's being restored in my living room. I've lived w/o a garage to park in my entire marriage and that's okay with me. I've also lived with various car parts around my house and even found a carburator in my dishwasher once.:lol: Love those car guys! I'd much rather lose him to the garage here at home than the golf course or to hunting or something!
  21. Well, I'm in trouble if not! I don't wear shorts (ugly fat legs) so I need to be able to wear capris in the heat. I have seen TONS of capris for Spring/Summer at Old Navy and Gap, so I would assume if they were "out" they wouldn't have them there.
  22. Why do I open threads like this when the check is already in the mail?:glare: I think I'm confused by Lynn, why you'd say that if you do CC you can't have the snuggle time with great books?:confused: I sure hope that's not the case cuz I sure plan to. I am craving the accountability and community and I hope I find it there...without sacrificing snuggle time!!
  23. Yay!!!! :thumbup: i think you absolutely did the right thing! Now they aren't going to charge you for that appt are they?
  24. We're new to our church and I'd say there are a bunch of us. I just found out the pastor's family hs, and my dd's SS teacher, and many of the kids in her class. It's not a huge church, but seems like a bunch of us. But we didn't pick it for that reason. It's just kinda been a perk as we get to know more people, especially for my kids.
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