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Everything posted by i.love.lucy

  1. :iagree: Yes, FB is weird. I ran into a friend that I haven't seen for a year. But it didn't strike me that I hadn't seen or talked to her in so long because I have been getting FB updates so it seems we are still in touch, in eachother's lives. But we aren't. We aren't talking at all. It's very strange.
  2. Who knew this thread would create great spam???:confused::D
  3. This is very funny! Sorry if it's been posted already. I just had a great laugh at it!
  4. We have Verizon and I've always been very happy with coverage. I almost never, ever drop a call. We have 4 lines on ours and I think 1000 minutes, but no data plan. We do have unlimited texting tho. We pay $140/month. But we have no land line at all. I just don't think there is any way you will avoid the data plan, and I'd drop the idea of a land line altogether. I've read articles and opinions (and can see for myself with the iPhone popularity) that cell phone technology is only going to explode even more. The phones will just get more sophisticated and do more for us as time goes on, they have become mini-computers. Land lines are dead. I do wish there was a better way without a contract. We are locked into Verizon. We all want iPhones, but to dump our Verizon contract would cost a fortune, not to mention all new phones, and data plans, and no more family share (which saves a bundle!):glare:
  5. The Tooth Fairy The Game Plan both with the Rock and both very cute I'll agree with Nim's Island, Enchanted, and Princess Bride. We also like G Force, Spy Kids, Sky High, Cheaper by the Dozen, Herbie Fully Loaded, Hotel for Dogs, Lemony Snicket, Nanny McPhee, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Wizard of Oz, 5 Children and It, Water Horse, Ice Princess, The Sound of Music. I wouldn't do Pirates or LOTR either. My dd is just too sensitive for those.
  6. I've had great experiences too and have done tons of transactions. But I just last week received a small paperback that I wish I hadn't requested. It was very yellowed, that was okay, but the minute I opened it I could see how dried out the spine was and that it would be just about impossible for me to really read, use and absorb this book without it completely coming apart (we are using it for a book group). As soon as I tried to crack it open it began to come apart at the spine. I went out and bought myself the same book new at B&N. :glare: But I didn't complain because technically it was in fine condition, just old enough so that it will fall apart too easily. I think that responsibility is on me because it's the one I requested. Caveat emptor I guess.
  7. You didn't have a c.sect did you? I think you didn't. I would have guessed air from the surgery. Not sure. Could you just have a pulled muscle?
  8. I will concur. No supplementing needed. I switched to MM from CLE and have been very, very pleased. Many priceless "lightbulb" moments for my dd! I will admit that I have LoF but I only have it because I think it's so neat that I wanted dd to have a little fun with it. I don't know yet if she will think it's fun.;) We are finishing some remediation in MM and will plug in the LoF later in the year or maybe next, but I am not doing it because I think MM needs the supplementation.
  9. That is fortunate for those few, but what has played out in the recent studies done by the SBC is that most are NOT still faithful attenders and it was most likely a false conversion to begin with. Our church is very careful with children. We just got done with VBS and had a very, very strong gospel presentation, but no asking of the group of kids to "ask Jesus in to their hearts". We want to plant the seed and let the Holy Spirit do his work. And be sure to try to continue to be in those children's lives to help answer any questions they might have. But I think we are seeing it as a longer term commitment to learning and growing before wanting children to fully accept and then be baptized. I am actually going to a parenting meeting on Saturday night about this very thing because I have not yet seen a child baptized in our church and we have been attending for almost a year. I am wondering how this is handled and why. I am in no rush for my dd to get baptized, as it's a profession of faith and not necessary for her salvation, but she will want to do it eventually.
  10. Thanks for this thread. I am seeing myself in many of these posts and feel like this morning it is spurring me on to make some positive changes. I need more sleep. I need a plan for keeping my house together (and training my kids in the process). I think I need progesterone cream...need to do more research on that. And I bought 5-HTP and haven't used it yet and will get started on that today. I also want to change my diet for the better...for weight loss and increased energy and overall health. I need exercise. Not too many changes, eh?:lol: At least they are ones I can slowly work on to see how it makes me feel. I'll probably have to do one at a time. Hopefully I can keep from taking anyone's head off while I work to see what helps!:tongue_smilie:
  11. Just an FYI, you can get some "play" glasses at Claire's. They are cute and have clear glass in them. My dd got some as an accessory. I think they were only about $8 and might work in the couple of days you are still waiting for her glasses to come in. :grouphug:
  12. :grouphug: This is serious and I hope you get some serious relief soon, or call the doc. There is no need for you to be alone and suffering like this!:grouphug::grouphug:
  13. OHHHHH!!!! My family would D.I.E. over that guy! My husband is still an 8yo boy when it comes to turtles and frogs!!! How big is it?? I would have relocated him too. It's just so dangerous on the road and a nice pond sounds lovely. Maybe he'll think it's his lucky day!:D
  14. I've heard it has something to do with your potassium levels. Don't know if that's true. They are more attracted to people with higher potassium levels. My son is like a magnet for them and he will get huge welts that will itch him for days. I hate to douse him in bug spray but I have yet to find a better remedy.:glare:
  15. ME! But I can't. I had major health probs with my last one resulting in him being 11 weeks premature and me almost having a stroke. So, no. It ain't gonna happen. And I think dh is done. But I keep thinking about adoption. The problem is I really want a little and it's too hard/expensive to adopt a baby. And there are so many big kids that need homes. Not sure if it will ever pan out, dh is not on board. *sigh*
  16. I collected some resources just to flush the science topic out a bit. I picked up most of them at 1/2 Price Books. DK Children's Night Sky Atlas Find the Constellations Night Science for Kids and other misc astronomy books and a good telescope A Beka Matter and Motion biography of Newton to use as a read aloud I have the 201 Science Experiments book that I can maybe use for more than just tutoring. And I have a great science encyclopedia and dictionary. Finally I found a GORGEOUS Ecology book that I will use during that time. I hope it's enough.:001_huh::D
  17. Julie, Strange that this old thread was revived. And then I found it by searching a weird word that popped in one reply. But anyhoo...I actually teared up reading your update on your trip. I dream of doing that someday. The experiences you posted about are just so priceless...you and your son will remember it forever.:grouphug:
  18. Lara, it's Ephesians 6:4 "Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord." My father was a very angry person. And he took most of that out on my brother, but also me sometimes. Now that I look back on it all, it was a very abusive household. Very controlling. Scary even. He died of a massive heart attack when I was 19 and I never really got to reconcile it all. My brother was only 17 at the time and it turned him into a very, very unhappy and reckless person. He has had a very, very bad life. My mom tried to help him but that was a pretty co-dependent relationship. Now I have no idea where my brother is and have not spoken to him at all in about 8 years. I blame his problems on my father. My mom remarried and I am not very fond of my step-father either. His family is the poster-child for dysfunction. But I'm an adult and don't have to deal with him too much. He's the grandad for my kids though.:glare: So yeah, Father's Day is tough.
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