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Everything posted by NavyWifeandMommy

  1. My children NEED schedules and dont do the go with the flow like mom does. I can teach my children to read, my biggest fear was that I'd have a 7 year and still not reading. He's 5 and reading simple words/sentences.
  2. When I started up I thought I HAD to have a bible curriculum in our 'school'. oh and to have a christian based materials. We are a Chrisitan family and while I no longer have a bible curriculum most of my materials are from christan authors.
  3. I will get a book or a print something out to add to our schooling about the day. If hubby has the day off, we have the day off. If he still has to work, so do we. We follow his schedule instead of the school system. Our time with him is limited because he is going back to sea really soon.
  4. I hope it works out for you, when we return to the state hubby and I plan to adopt a sibling group. I don't see an issue about birth order. I personally will not adopt a child older than my oldest. I have gone to the MOPS forums and read the posts about adoption and just googled online, read a bunch a books from the library and mostly talked to famlies that adopted. I have two friends that adopted domestically and internationally. I also got to a church that has quite a few adoption families. It can be a rocky road but so worth it.
  5. I am. Our move is just around the corner so I am weeding thru what I have and what I will acutally use and not use. I already know what I am using, I just now have to get it all priced and prepared to show husband and and tax return I will buy for next year.
  6. Everyone writes their names on everything. The younger because they do similar work together and sometimes it looks alike and I cannot tell whose is whose. My oldest will write her name on all worksheets and date them. We will title and date on her written papers. This helps me with filing also.
  7. has anyone used these books for science? They have Chemistry, Biology, and Earth & Space. Just curious about using it for next year instead of Real Science For Kids. Next years goals are rocks/minerals, simple machines and human body.
  8. I don't like it. I have looked at the program and knew right from the start I didn't even want to do that in our homeschool.
  9. on those really hard days, I wished I was just the mom and let teachers at the PS be the bad one and me the good one. Like another poster said, tomorrow is another day.
  10. I still have 'babies' in my home so grades are not an issue here. I have started doing a percentage with my oldest. She corrects what she gets wrong but I don't change the percentage.
  11. I use to try to set up playdates and field trips with more than one family and they hardly panned out. If I was in your shoes, I'd stop going and find a new way to get out and play. I take the kids the playground at a certain time throught the week because I know when the school kids will be there. I have even started going to the library in the afternoons closer to when school is out because my oldest has found girls there to talk with.
  12. I would ask to see because we had a princess party for my 4 year old and we just had everyone dress up nicely. Mostly because I buy just about every princess custome after halloween every year so I have plenty for all girls to dress up at our house.
  13. I have Karen Andreola'a Pocketful of Pinecones and Lessons at Blackberry Inn, that is as close as I got to fiction books with homeschoolers
  14. I have done american history since Kindergarten and my daughter is now a 4th grader. I am happy to be moving onto Story of World series next year. (5th-8th)
  15. We don't have credit cards and if we buy online we use our debit card because of the visa/mastercard logo one the card. We have to just save up until we have the cash for what we want purchased. Once we save up the amount needed we buy with the credit option. The key is to save up for the expense so you are not surprised.
  16. just proves that the books are SOOO MUCH BETTER THAN THE MOVIES. My daughter learned this a few years ago with disney movies and now has she gets older, if there is a movie she wants to watch I will get the book first. Usually there is a book behind the movies.
  17. wow a lot of deleted posts. Just wanted to say sorry for the bad luck with the PS. With the school being part of a christian college then I could see the part about doing a prayer at the beginning. Everyt funtion we go to with hubby has prayer before what ever it is we are attending. For the other part I don't think it should be part of the meeting. After reading the guideline and more about what to expect at meetings, maybe a letter of complaint to the principle or whoever in charge. If they continue with religious part, express that you prefer not to partake in the meetings because of that content? I hope it works out for ya
  18. I am currently using 100 EZ Lessons with the pre Explode the code books with my son. I also use a dry erase board and letter magnets that I add to our day. I also have flash cards and other phonics based games.
  19. You could just go onto the next level if you feel the child is ready or you could just slow down. My son is whizzing thru his math so I slowed him down to three days a week so it will be done at the end of the year. He gets it and really enjoys math but I don't want him 'ahead' of his grade. I fill in with math games on the other two days.
  20. I liked the Chemistry of RS4K. Good luck with finding a new curriculum. If you cannot find anything soon you can just do your own thru books at library and bios of people in the scientific world.
  21. For a preschool curriculum I'd pick Little Hands To Heaven and Before Five In A Row. I have done both.
  22. I have family in so the only thing getting done is the work for co-op. It's getting colder out so we are no longer getting up early.
  23. If you live by one it's worth it. We had BJs and Sams and both were on the way home from hubby's work. Now both are a hour away so not worth it to us. We use to go to the big town monthly but not no more.
  24. I have never really feared of running out of anything. The only time would be when there's a bad storm and the power goes out and I am like darn, I should have more stuff to eat for the stuff goes out. Just about everything has to be cooked and the housing has electric stoves. So now with winter coming I have stuff that get cooked on the grill on hand and a few gallons of water.
  25. My children attend Sunday school, Awana, and my oldest is using the Kay Author studies. I am using a Christian curriculum so that helps with our daily walk. My daughter was three years old and we were not attending any church (just moved) and I found her talking to herself and I asked who she was talking to and she said Jesus. She knew him before we really talked to her about Him. She has a better relationship with Him then the rest of us.
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