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Everything posted by NavyWifeandMommy

  1. I just ordered A Beka history for my 4th grader.
  2. I have done my fair share of jumping around, my poor DD. but have settled for Modern Curriculum Press. I will be using it with my son next year. For help on remember facts, I did flash cards, timed tests (she loved them) and just math games with cards, dice and dominos. I'd go with MCP because you can write in the student book.
  3. I like the Kumon books and I think there are new ones out that I noticed at Barns and Noble but still like Kumon books. Mine tend to do lot of 'creativeness' on their own without the help of workbooks. :)
  4. I wished I didn't jump around with my oldest, she was our 'test' child into homeschooling. Poor girl but she is surviving. Follow your gut. I forgot to trust my feelings and now I am overwhelmed but doing better now that I have changed things. I learned that I know have to have every preschool/Kinderarten educational toy./game out there to teach them to learn the basics. With all my stuff I could easily open a mini preschool/day care:001_smile: Homeschooling is a job so treat it like one. Get up and get ready for they day, same goes for the kids. Just because you are home don't mean you can be 'lazy'. I tried the relaxed route and I just have to be up and ready for the day, along with the children tomake the day go well.Besides it never fails, it i's 830 and we are in jammies, something come up and we have to leave the house.
  5. I have used FLL since the 1st volume with my DD. This year she seems to be whizzing thru FLL4. She really likes it but it seems easy or her. For the past couple of lessons she has 'taught' me the lessons. We have just finished lesson 19. I am not using the poems in this guide because I am having her memorize other poems and bible verses. I feel at the rate she is going, we will be done much sooner than later. Just curious is anyone else has a childgoint thru FLL4 rather quickly. I am the only one around here that is using FLL. It seems most around here use something different after they have used 1 and 2 of FLL.
  6. I have stuff that I say I am going to use but never do. She likesthis program so why stop kinds of thing. I used three math programs until we settled on MCP. English mostly FLL but there is no choice but to find something new next year. RS is cheaper but A Beka is colorful and she likes colorful. IF they like it, it makes my day a little easier.
  7. We are about done with our week 5 and my daughter really really loves HOD. Personally I am like too much reading but she does a bit on her own, even her math, MCP. She has looked at the little catalog and was excited by seeing a new guide which is this years new guide and she is like will I get to do it? It has Apologia Zoo3 and A Child's Geography 2 in it and in the past I have used these programs and it wansn't totally awsome or bad just wasn't in it for me personally. I am on the fence of saying yes or use something else and just get the readers the HOD recommends for their Ancient year. My daughter loves artsy stuff so Preparing is up her ally right now. My younger two are like what ever and will like whatevel I am all excited about most of the time. I want her to enjoy her works and also be challenged. Right now she is zooming a bit more because so far it's easy for her. Even FLL4 feels like FLL3 again. She is now 'teaching me' because she knows it. She is interested in A Beka over Rod and Staff but it does cost more than RS. It is early in the year but I am trying to clear out the closets before the move. Seriouly do I need to keep something unused in the past 3 1/2 years?
  8. been using it for 4 years now and it's worth the $20 to have itall there ya know. It's great for on the go and traveling when you don't take the books like I do. LOVE IT and so do the kids
  9. Slowly but surley getting thru. It takes 2 sometimes 3 regular days to get thru a guide's day. I am using Preparing and Little Hearts. I have a 4,5 and 9 year old. It takes ALL day because 9 year old likes to hear Reddy Fox and their hands on is more fun than hers, at times. 4 and 5 year old likes her history book, Life in the Great IceAge and want to listen to the stories. When 9 yo paints the 4 yo wants to paint. I do have a schedule but they all want to be in each others business when it comes to history and science. Math is one on one and now the phonics is one on one for the 4 and 5 year old. LA was a struggle with 9 yo and now I am using just First Language Lessons and what ever LA is in Preparing. I just pulled from my 5th grade box a Lit. Guide to use with Island of Blue Dolphins and we are going to start that next week. I want to be the all academic minded and have the smartest kids back when DD was in K I wanted her to know 'it all' before starting. Doing the CM sort of style is a bit stressful for me but the kids enjoy it so I need to change my ways or have a heart attack!
  10. I 'unschooled' during the last deployment. Read a lot and we traveled quite a bit. Spent time with the grandparents. My children were 3,4 and 8 for the last deployment so really didn't do much formal schooling to begin with.
  11. A Beka has something to help with reading. It's their handbook for reading. My frind uses it and she has used 100 EZ lessons. I borrowed it and will use it with our learning to read. Lately I have learned that just reading and going that route has worked, adding the dry erase board (like you), magnets on the fridge and playing letter/phonics games. I liked OPG but sold it and now have it from the library. I look at it and then just do my own thing with it's ideas. I have saved the link for the online phonics (free one) but I haven't checked it out.
  12. Please tell me your experiences? Did you use the DOD schools or homeschool? Have a car or nix the car? Townhouse or towers. Hubby is transferring to the George Washington. There has been talk around here of not buying a car over there and sending the children to the DoD schools. I pack up in three months and it's good bye USA for three years.
  13. my little garden died this year. I so wasn't given the green thumb but then again we had such a rainy season and only like a month of really good growing weather.
  14. I use MCP so I don't have to have those little vereses and questions popped in her and there. I am a Christian but math is math and I don't need no extra during math. When I did have a Christian math I just skipped that part.
  15. I have been there done that and this is our fourth year homescholing. I have been going back and forth with text/workbooks and living books.
  16. If this is how one is living I wouldn't recomment buying a house. For us we will not buy a house until we are debt free so we can enjoy the home.
  17. I would be a little 'hot'. I could think of many things of how wrong it was. It wasn't an emergancy type situation that would cause the mother to have more than her car could hold. Your girls knew the rules and disobeyed so they should get a punishment for that. I would talk to the studio too. Who shuts down totally while there are still people there? Yet I sadly know places do that and it irks me but that is another post. So if I asked if you have room or vise versa. It means do you have enough seats for everyone. I have a mini van and still half the time it isn't big enough:ohmy:.
  18. I never paid attention to how the paper is. I always slanted my paper. I don't think my kids slant. I will have to watch next week when they have to write something.
  19. I have not seen Drawing with Children but I have seen Draw Write Now and am hoping to buy it for my son who is 5. I like the looks of it and he is starting to get interested in drawing. Right now I am using Draw and Write thru History with my 9 year old and she is enjoying it. It's two birds with one stone. You get handwriting and art at the same time:)
  20. I love the colors of the binders. I have the cheapos that are plain white. My kids drew pictures for the fronts but still I like the more colorful ones.
  21. It is alot of work. We just finished Unit 2 in both Little Hearts and Preparing. We are going on week 4 of school next week! (OM! OUR 4TH WEEK!). Anyways I have starting making each day last two days. Next week, Mon and Tue will be Unit 3 Day 1 for both guides. I have children and since I have started doing the 2 for each 1 it's going better. It's mostly the history and english that gets us. My daughter wants to read all of the books so I don't have to read except for the Kers. We started the Bible portion but have cut it out. We had DITHOR and cut it out. She still gets Christian content with everything else along with the Kers. This is the last year for HOD and I am switching to something different after thisyear.
  22. I am having a 'day' and when I have those days, I just think- I could be worse and think of the worse and say what has been positive. Then hubby gives a little cheering pep talk and all is well.
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