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Everything posted by NavyWifeandMommy

  1. ya I am sort of rearranging what I had planned, mostly to do with hubby not liking the choices and prefers I switch it up a bit. I am too also suppose to start in about a week.
  2. Thanks for the link. I haven't been to that site in awhile. I should check a bit more often. :)
  3. Is there a book list for this book? What books have you used along with this book?
  4. Every year is different and this year I am doing 20 to 25 (if I am lucky to get that far) and we will stop. We are moving and don't have a house yet so the kids will go off to the grandparents. They will do school there but not formally like with me. Then when they come back to us we will finish up the year until I have 180 days or whatever the new state laws say. I think all my stuff will go for 36 wks for book learning this year.
  5. Can you see if the library has the FIAR guides? I am able to borrow from my library thru their interloan program. A few years ago I did BFIAR and FAIR with my children. It's nice to be able to use the library when $$ is tight.
  6. Right now I use what ever is around the house at the moment they feel like writing. It's either one the notebooks that my oldest uses, the Kinderpaper that you can get at Walmart, the standard blank paper with crayons, markers and paint. With the nice weather, we been using chalk. Now I do have A Reason For Handwriting K and there will be times where I am just gonna have them do a section to keep them busy. I have two Kers.
  7. Yeah for your for standing your ground. Me, I will say yes because I cannot say no when it comes to kids. More than once I had children here that I wished weren't. They were like second kids because they end up having lunch/dinner here. Thankfully those families have moved on.
  8. We will be in VA after Christmas. We will be living in one of the military housing unless we can find a house to rent for $1000 and not live 30 plus miles away from hubby's ship.
  9. I am behind in the times. I never knew that Micheal Jackson had three children. I thought he just had one child. So if it was me, I would have responded with that. I could see why he kept them home since he hasn't had the best public eye in that past few years. I never liked his music anyways so I had no interest in his passing. Do feel bad for the kids.
  10. We are not labbookers. I tried and I have a bid 4 inch binder of the books about labbooking. I have looked at it and used a bit here and there. I do much better with printing out mini books online for my younger two and my oldest makes her own books and notebooks.
  11. reader books for my son. I have every princess and barbie reader that has ever been printed. my poor son has no readers. I just started buying him star wars readers. there are a few truck readers too that he likes.
  12. we have unoffically started. I was going to summit to the state that we start the first week of august but I haven't gotten my test scores back. Once I get that I will add our offical start date. I am glad that I have until Sept. to send in my notice.
  13. too much to get ready for three children, at least for me. I like my itty bitty bookshelf and six drawer plastic cart on wheels for schooling.
  14. Easy Homeschooling Companion by Lorraine Curry. I mostly skimmed thru it. It did care for it and a waste of $$ IMO. I see it going into the garage sale pile along with What Your ___ grader needs to know series. I have 1-6. I am now rereading bith the WTM 2004 edition along with A Charlotte Mason Companion. I enjoy both of these and have started to mark them. I like the CM style for the younger grades but am looking at classical for the higher up grades.
  15. 4th grade FLL4 - 3x a week LLATL orange - everyday Story Starters - twice a week Spelling - finishing up with Rod and Staff 3 (halfway thru) and dictation. If dictation doesn't work for us I will go with spelling workout or what I find at the local homeschool store. I will give dictation a month or two before I switch.
  16. I use the What Your __ Graders Needs To Know and I buy the Spectrum PrepTest for my daughter's grade. I know that I cannot teach her everything but we do want her to keep up with others in her grade at least in what is covered in the local district.
  17. I have no method but if I had to pick it would be electic. We use a little of this and that. I do buy curriculum but honestly I don't keep to it. We will wonder off with something interest led but then go back to it. The only thing I keep contant is the math/language. I like the classical and charlotte mason ideas. I like the carschooling and do that quite a bit when we travel. We are unschoolers when we do extended stays with family because bringing the books just never works out. Also I personally am not a big fan of lables. It seemed my life was a bit simpler before I started reading more and more about different approaches. I will use what approach that will make my children enjoy learning. Let that be just life, workbooks, textbooks, living books. As long as they are happily learning, I am happy.
  18. I will be using Heart Of Dakota's Preparing Hearts For His Glory. Next year I have to use something else because Apologia and A Child's Geography wasn't great with us. Their newest guide uses them. Modern Curriculum Press - D First Language Lessons - volume 4 Learning Language Arts thru Literature - orange Story Starters science/history - a bunch of different books using the Preparing guide
  19. I think I found a way to make money. I will justopen up a preschool when the younger ones are older.
  20. This November will start our fourth year of schooling at home and the only stuff I have kept has been the test the my oldest takes once a year. All pictures havebeen divided up between grandparents and some other great aunts. I'm a packrat but not my husband. He sees no reason to keep anything except their tests. We are military and move quite a bit. It's just more stuff to move. I do have a personal blog for family and I post our school days on there along with pictures. This year I am going to do a scrapbook type thing for all three children. I do miss not having stuff for the past three years but hubby is okay with one photo album for the next year.
  21. I believe that it's important to memorize the facts. IMO once you have the basic facts memorized it makes the higher math much easier. My 9yo is slow at saying the facts orally (flashcards) but is quick at writing them down (she enjoys timed tests). She does the addition and multiplication but better than subtraction, we haven't started division yet.
  22. Hubby didn't take anything with him except his cell. We was able to use it stateside but not over in the dessert. For a whole year the cell was off until he was stateside again. I did send him his laptop but he didn't use internet. It was slow and $$$ and not worth it to him. He had his own laptop for work and had email so that is how we comunitcated. Plus he was able to call quite a bit using calling cards. He would 'talk' to us on his webcam and save it to a CD and send it to us and the same with us to him. He also used it to watch movies, the laptop has a much bigger screen than our portable players.
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