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  1. Rivendellmom - Wow! Thanks for posting QSL!!! I have read everything on the site and I am so excited to find this! I can't wait to show my 11 year old daughter this site tomorrow! She is totally an Edison child!! I also have a 14 yr. old son who would love this too. Do you think I should sign them up for Intro to Electronics and skip the Edison project? My husband works with electronics and I'm sure he would love to help with any hands on projects. This is just amazing...seems like an answer to my prayers. I have been looking for alternatives/supplements for Math and Science. Thanks!
  2. Both of my children have been struggling with their grammar lessons. Since this is our first year homeschooling, I am discovering the gaps and it's rather overwhelming at times. Thanks to the excellent reviews about Analytical Grammar, I just ordered it! I went to their website and watched some of the videos and I can't wait to receive the materials and start teaching! This couldn't come at a better time! I have a 6th and 7th grader, so I can teach them together and we will use the seasonal approach. I am sure they will be thrilled to finally learn what they should have been taught years ago! I am so thankful for this forum and all the helpful advice!
  3. Wow! This is so interesting. I am enjoying reading the various schedules you all have. It's helping me understand how to better plan my year! Keep em' coming!
  4. I am wondering if anyone has signed up for the Academy of Home Education (AHE) through BJU. I think it's great that they will keep records for my older children to use for the future, but I am not sure if it's going to be hard to keep up with sending all the grades to them on time. Has anyone joined and if so, what are your thoughts. Thanks!
  5. Well, since this is my first year homeschooling, I'm just wondering when everyone starts their year. I know BJUOnline will be available July 31st, but I don't want to start until mid-late August or maybe even after Labor Day (since that's when we used to start as kids). Do you follow the public school calendar as far as holidays? If not, then what do you use as a guide. Is it something you plan before you begin the school year and then adjust as needed? What do you all think? Just curious. Thanks!
  6. Thanks! Those posts helped guide me A LOT! I am going to go sign up on the yahoo group. I had no idea that existed, so thanks! And I called today to ask about the teacher's manuals and they are on their way to my home! I am thrilled!! What a deal for all those books! Re: space available - we have about 500 sq feet. It's above the garage, so the ceiling height slopes along the sides. I LOVE the idea of cubes. That is really cool. I told my husband and he will start drawing up a plan. Thanks for letting me off the hook about being nite-owls. That was something that really worried me. Funny, but the more I learn, the more it seems like all of you homeschoolers have been keeping a BIG secret from moms like me. I only wish I would have known I could do this sooner. For some reason, I thought I would need a teaching degree, be totally organized and willing to give up friends and life as I know it. I just checked with our local group of homeschoolers and there are 75 FAMILIES!!! I wouldn't have guessed 75 people, much less families. For the very first time in my life, I am excited about starting school! And so are my kids! I always dreaded school starting and would get more and more upset as August approached. All of the other mom's couldn't wait for their kids to go back. I just never understood that. I LOVE being with my family and although it's hard doing it 24/7, I know they are growing up before my eyes and I'll cherish these times forever. :D
  7. Wow! Thanks a million for all of the detailed responses to my questions. You are all such great encouragers. Well, we got our shipments in and tonight we carefully took each book out of the box and opened them just as they described on the leaflet. My 6th grade daughter (the book lover) insisted on carefully opening each book spine. Ya gotta love her! Anyway, we both felt like it was Christmas morning!!! I am so impressed by their books and how interesting they are. We spent hours looking them over and I had to force her to put them away. There have been moments when a little tinge of "I hope I don't mess these kids up" comes upon me, but I quickly feel the peace of God reassuring me that I can do this and I know He is leading me on this new path. I keep hearing my kids talk about how they have felt like they lost out on years of being with the family and how excited they are to focus on the work instead of all of the drama in the classroom. I know you can help me with my next hurdle. How in the world do I set this up? Let me say we have plenty of computers around here so each child can simultaneously view. And I plan to be there 100% of the time. Actually, we are setting up a bonus room above our garage to use as a classroom. I know we all need to be on some sort of schedule or routine. So here's my confession....we love to stay up late and sleep late! And the kids sort of graze all day instead of planned meals like that show on t.v. with the little faces all lined up....lol! I am starting now to fix ONE breakfast at a given time in the morning and snacks and lunch and all eat together. I am wondering about supplies and what I will need in addition to the textbooks, workbooks, etc. I need specific instructions, so is there a book out there that would help. Or maybe another thread with all of this info. How will I divide my time? My 1st grader and 6th grader (both girls) work beautifully together. They even share a room most of the time and help one another. So I plan to teach them together. My son does not work well with them and needs a lot of attention. I agree with ya'll...he will not be in his room on his own. So, how can I accomplish this? We may use the downstairs of the garage for him??? What do ya'll think? I thought if it was separate from the house, then it would create a routine for them of no playing, serious work to be done! And structured. Do you take little breaks or have recess? We will be joining a local group and will have P.E. weekly. But what about the daily routine? Sorry if I'm straying too far from my original post. So, feel free to redirect me if you need to. :) I do have a question about the BJU materials. How do you organize it all? I have no clue if I received what I was supposed to receive of the full grade kit. Is there a teacher's manual that I can purchase for the entire grade level or do I need to buy one for each subject/per grade? I hope not. I am so glad to hear how ya'll feel about he puppets and that you actually enjoy them! I guess it does lighten up some of the intensity of the material. So that's great to hear. And I loved the illustration of lying on the floor building legos while listening. That makes sense to me. I do the same thing. I find it hard to sit still for lecture type things. I have to be moving all the time....so that's good to know. Keep the suggegestions/advice coming! I so appreciate it all!!!
  8. Hi! I am new to all of this. It's my first year and I decided to use BJU Online for all three of my kids. My son is in 7th, my oldest daughter is in 6th and my youngest daughter is in 1st. I chose the online courses over the dvds. I was concerned that my children would misplace or lose the dvds. Someone mentioned something about "new" tapings of the online/dvd courses. Does that mean that some of the "cheesy" aspects of the lessons will be removed?? That was the only thing that concerned me. The other option we considered was ABeka, but I didn't like the camera in the back of the classroom. It seemed cruel to constantly remind my kids they were missing out on being with real people, especially my 1st grader. And I know ABeka lacks in the upper grades. My 7th grader is the one I am nervous about homeschooling. If he is challenged, he does great! However if he is bored, his grades reflect it instantly. Any suggestions?? My middle daughter loves to learn and reads books all the time. I am really not concerned about her learning. She will also help with my youngest. How is the reading program? My 1st grader is able to read Bob books, but my other two kids were reading with ABeka in 4 year old class. I welcome any suggestions. Just pm me or post here. Thanks!!!
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