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Everything posted by NavyWifeandMommy

  1. The age 4.5 has been the handwriting age in my house. Before that it was just lines and curves and attempts with shapes, numbers and letters. I don't use a handwiring curriculum. I just buy the blank lined pages from Walmart, Target and even the dollar store.
  2. I saw it thru a friend and was like WOW and then the $$$ and wasn't so WOW and then after looking over it wsa TOO much for me. Yippie Skippie for those that use it and works for them but thankfully I was able to get a peak and know that it won't work for us.
  3. Figured it was computer or site just not liking me like FB. Kept getting kicked off there so thought it was all somehow linked. Guess not.
  4. Add me to the list. I got rid of all my child hood ones it was like 10 plus garbage bags full and they went up in flames within seconds. Since then hubby and I haven't been to keen on the idea of having stuff animals in our home
  5. I really don't want to have more books. I already have quite a bit aready in references. Just the thought of $500 for history and then $200 for science, only $50 for math and $70 for LA and that is just for my oldest. I just figures math and english would cost more because to me those two are most important and the others are just extras. I dont want to go way deep into history/science because they can always do that on their own time thru the library or in high school/college.
  6. I just relized that I spent less on my math and english this year for my children and more for science and history/social studies. I was looking at next year and it would be the same, spend more on history and science but less on english and math. I would think math and language arts would cost more.
  7. I am trying not to buy too many books because I do have a weight limit on our move. We currenlty have five book shelves in our home and I have to drop it down to like two and then each child have a two shelf one. Trying to do the less is more kind of thing. I would like to read a chapter, then find some books thru the school libraries (if possible), and then activity/activities in the book.
  8. Thanks for the replies. I am just worried about library acess when we move overseas. The thought of shelling out more money for next year isn't thrilling when I still have the books and guides with me. A sign it was ment to use,imo.
  9. I go by my states law. Right now I am offically homeschooling one child. I was suppose to move to VA so I got my letter ready to include the 5 year old so that would have ment I'd offically homeschool two in January. Now the I am moving to a place that don't seem to have any rules I am now just saying I am an offical homeschooling all 3.
  10. Can you get away with just dong SOTW and activity guide w/o extra recommended books. I am not sure what my options are when we move but I know we won't continue on with HOD. My daughter doesn't like the skipping around in books and I have to agree with her. Why didn't I listen to myself when we did Bigger. Oh well lesson learned. She would like to read one book at a time and do extras with it.
  11. New Englanders talk differently from Southern's and they are even different from the Midwesterns' It's all about where you are living on how things are spoken. I always did the 'or' but have heard the 'ar' too.
  12. I have FB and use my married name. Hubby's and mine emails have our names in it, if not family members wouldn't open the emails. I don't use my kids names on my blog or facebook. I have different nicknames and they don't even know their blog or facebook nicknames since they are different from IRL nicknames. Being military it has help keep in contact with other military family friends that have moved on. It's a lazy way to keep in touch, adding little tibits of the day and they can just click on your name and see whats been going on. We are moving to amore computer/internet world. I was just at a sit down where they serve you dinner and on the door was a sign that said WiFi. Okay I see that at rest stops and some fast foods but at a decent sit down place? That's a whole new post there. Now my daughter isn't going to have FB and by the time she is old enough for somethink like that I am sure there will be somethign different for her to use.
  13. My 9 year old has a road travel book with activies and she uses that when we drive here and there and loves it. Now she is looking for different plates on cars which is easy since we live in a military/college/touristy town. The kids and I have enjoyed the Johnathan Parks CDs. Music for kids and me and any other story on tapes. Clipboard and crayons because I have been known to stop on the side of the road and be like look we talked about that lets check it out. Practice math facts and counting. We did have dvd players for the van but they fianlly died on us and we use to use Netfix as part of our learning. There is a book about carschooling. I want to say the title is Carschooling. I found it at the library last year right before our two day car trip to visit family.
  14. I don't know anything about that program but the WTM book one of the recommendations was Rod and Staff. We are currently in FLL4 and will soon be on the look for a new program.
  15. DD-it sounds creepy. I never heard on growl before but have delt with them younger in the dog pen and back porche.
  16. My husband volunteered to go to Iraq last year. When the first round of IAs come about he didn't do it because he just got off of sea duty and wanted to spend time with us (the ahh moment). When it was time to get off shore duty instead of going to a squadron he volunteered to do the IA assignment to Iraq. Now he is going to a ship and he again can do another IA with that command. I will be more worried but hey just like your hubby mine is from a military family. His dad was a Marine and uncles and grandpa were Navy. Just give him all your love and support. If he feels the need to do this (this was hubby with Iraq) then let him do it.
  17. FLL4 is very much like FLL3. It feels like a repeat for me but my dauther is enjoying the fact that she understands it and I have her 'teach' me the subject. I rather have her confident in her work before stoping and jumping to something new. When she finishes this we are going to a lit base english.
  18. We no longer have credit cards but still have some of the dept:glare: from them. Hubby has read the Dave Ramsey book first borrowed from a friend and then I bought it with a 50% Borders coupon. Now he has little notes in the book.:glare: While we do have a debit card, he wants us to use cash on everything and doing that has actually been better than using the cards since recently some of the local places to go to had their machines or computers down. Some are like wow cash. :) It's a dying breed. It's hard to get use to and hard to save up but it's helping with my impulse buying issues.
  19. no mention of preschoolers- to go or not to go to preschool offically teaching 4 and under having some kids go to school and other stay home going from homeschool to public/private school breastfeeding aging parent - to go or not to go to a nursing home military personal and mandatory vacs. stay at home vs. work outside the home overprotecting parents to do what you want parents premarital s-- or younger people having --- same s-- marriages - big one on my area right now being a Christian and how one should act. okay so not all from this forum but have seen these elsewheres I think just about anything can become heated.
  20. I just feel for the poor little boy. I am sure he wasn't feeling all the great. Then again once the meds hit I am sure he was feeling fine but still shouldn't be playing. Shame on the mom for allowing her son to go and shame on the coach to allow him to still play. Just shows that there are good coaches and bad coaches. Last year my oldest had a crap coach and this year she has a good one.
  21. The basics- math phonics handwriting lots of books in my house, 501 science experiments is a hit and so is the blog I found on here about nature studies. I use what ever around the house for math malipitives (sp) but did buy a kids balance. I agree with patience because my son is stubborn half the time.
  22. I have a hard time getting along with other women. Hubby says I just like being the Alpha female. :) I don't have female friends but talk to many women. I am hoping my girls don't follow my lead. Because of them I have started to change my ways but it isn't easy. I am hoping for a new start when we move.
  23. You don't have to follow the local school's schedule or their outline of what is learned (still struggle on this one after three years) It's okay to spent a month just doing story problems if that is where you child needs the extra work. You can do it! You can use the unpopular materials not what everyone else is using (learned that after first year) Every family is different You don't have to be out and about every single day 'socialize'. Trust your first gut instints, and stick to it. Try not to give in to the greener on the other side.
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