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Everything posted by MarkT

  1. 1) Suggest take Calc 1 and 2 during HS years. Start at Calc 2 for college. (our current plan) - assuming strong in math 2) Don't assume that your student can pad the GPA with gen eds in college - they are harder than you think - I would go for the transfer credit
  2. for those not taking AP Macro class warning several reviews mention this edition is 10 years old before the crash
  3. the Wikipedia is somewhat historical - Khan is expanding his mission https://www.khanacademy.org/about
  4. this seems like affordable option: http://academy.brightideaspress.com/classes/self-paced-classes/
  5. that would not work they would have to create multiple copies of the exam - cheating is too easy these days everyone takes it the same day is the best
  6. Has anyone gone here? National Youth Science Camp http://www.nysf.com/w/programs/nysc/ Is it free?
  7. https://www.finaid.ucsb.edu/fafsasimplification/
  8. The 2nd to 3rd editions were minor changes when the changed publishers. I think they re-arranged some chapters. I would look for the solutions manual and maybe base it on that. We used 3rd because I found a solutions manual.
  9. Do they ever give merit aid to OOS? I need below 30K / year. DS likes small.
  10. These CA posts have been helpful to others as well. My DS wanted to look at CA UC or SLO but at $60K / year for out of state it ain't happening. I learned that by the many links posted here.
  11. I totally disagree with skipping conceptual physics. You should look at a "conceptual physics plus" course such as Jetta's for 9th grade or take a regular conceptual physics in 8th . You could borrow material from the AP Physics 1 and 2. Too many students learn Physics as give me the equations and I will bang out the answer without really understanding it. Take the AP Physics C Senior year after the Calculus AB AP (or equivalent) taken Junior year. ================================== My DS is taking AP Physics 1 this year as a Junior concurrent with Chemistry and AP Physics 2 next year as a Senior only because that is all the AP Physics his B&M school offers, We are skipping those AP exams.He took the conceptual physics course in 9th. We may also look into self-study for the AP Physics C Mechanics exam for his Senior year.
  12. I would just wait until 9th grade for AP. Maybe do "honors" level before then.
  13. http://blog.prepscholar.com/schools-that-require-the-sat-essay Do these schools require the ACT essay as well if you go that route? ==================================================== My feeling is get rid of it - the students write enough essays in AP classes, DE, etc.
  14. Looks good! Suggestion have folks PM you with additional providers so the thread is less messy. The reviews could then naturally follow the first post and just could be links to previous WTM posts. I would not try to link the review posts in the main post - it will become unwieldy over time. On the the High School and Middle School forums, a pinned link pointing to the General Ed thread would be useful (after the dust settles). Maybe add a "$", "$$", "$$$" , etc notation on the Master list to show relative cost (like restaurants).
  15. In this particular case, the CC route sounds like the better plan. High AP scores are helpful in getting admitted to competitive colleges or getting merit aid at state U.
  16. that's discussed here quite often http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/forum/17-the-college-board/
  17. Kendall Hunt https://k12.kendallhunt.com/subject/high-school-math see https://mathwithoutborders.com/precalculus always up to date on Foerster
  18. this blog mentions a few FLVS APs http://blog.prepscholar.com/best-online-ap-courses-reviewed
  19. 408C "Calculators of any kind will not be allowed on exams" - my DS would not like that looks good for TX folks
  20. 1) Being from NZ should help with the "lottery" schools - I doubt they get many applicants from there 2) Try doing virtual tours on the internet to help down-select - you could Google Earth their campus to see them 3) Since you have a specific major in mind, Math - rank the schools by that (not the easiest task)
  21. there is a statement of the differences here: http://www.physics-prep.com/
  22. Is this the Steven Tomlinson course? (appears to be produced around 2000) Does your student enjoy the lectures?
  23. Since your student is quite accelerated I would also visit: http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/forum/7-accelerated-learner-board/
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